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80 %
Last replied
12 set. 2024
Taxa de resposta
100.0 %
Usually responds dentro 7 dias
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Anfitrião oferece remuneração
Medalhas (2)
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Hospedagem min. solicitada: mínimo 1 semana
Need help with leaf removal. This year is very difficult because we lost 90% of the harvest due to spring frost. We need all the goodwill.
I need help with grape picking in October and other things. Thank you.
In the vineyard, for maintenance and other work in the organic vineyard
I need help with the upkeep of the estate and other things. Thank you for your help. In the vineyard, for maintenance and other tasks in the organic vineyard
In the vineyard, for planting and other work in the organic vineyard.
At home, we do organic farming. It is located in the Lot Valley 150 kilometers from Toulouse and 120 kilometers from Bordeaux. We produce organic wine and others like grape juice, cereals, garden and small farms.
Besoin d'aide pour l'effeuillage pour le 10 septembre.Cette année est très difficile car on à perdu 90% de la récolte due au gel de printemps. Nous avons besoin de toutes les bonnes volontés.
J'ai besoin d'aide pour le ramassage des raisins au mois d'octobre et autre. Merci.
Dans la vigne,pour l"entretien et autres travaux dans le vignoble biologiqueTipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado
Trabalho beneficentePrática de idiomasJardinagemConstrução/faça você mesmoCuidar de animaisAjuda em fazendaCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasAjuda a cuidar da casaManutenção geralAjuda com computadores/internetObjetivos de sustentabilidade da ONU que este anfitrião quer atingir
Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado
Finally, I welcome people who are interested and already working in the field of organic farming, organic, biodynamic and natural wines. Please take this into account when making your requests. The farm is near the village of Puy l 'Bishop 2 kilometers and 30 kilometers from Cahors, in the heart of a very touristic region very close to sports facilities swimming pool, tennis and other rivers for swimming, yoga and kayaking ....
Enfin, j'accueille des personnes qui sont intéressées et évoluant déjà dans le milieu de l"agriculture biologique, des vins bio, biodynamiques et naturels. Merci d'en tenir compte lors de vos demandes.
La ferme est à coté du village Puy l'Evêque à 2 kilomètres et 30 kilomètres de Cahors, au coeur d'une région très touristique tout prés des installations sportive piscine,tennis et autres rivières pour baignade,yoga et kayak....Anfitriões que oferecem uma remuneração de acordo com o salário mínimo do país.
Este anfitrião oferece acomodação e remuneração.
O anfitrião indicou que vai pagar um valor equivalente ao menos ao salário mínimo do país por hora trabalhada e a acomodação também vai ser fornecida. Está buscando ajuda com um estabelecimento ou atividade comercial. Entre em contato com o anfitrião pelo sistema de mensagens para obter mais informações sobre o pagamento oferecido. Qualquer acordo deve ser combinado com antecedência com o anfitrião.
Help in the vineyard, according to the season in the cellar making wine without sulfites organic, Maintain our garden, participation in our family daily life
Francês: FluenteEste anfitrião oferece intercâmbio de idiomas
Este anfitrião indicou que tem interesse em compartilhar seu idioma ou em aprender um novo.
Entre em contato com ele para obter mais informações.Acomodação
Separate room .
Algo mais...
The farm is near the village, 2 kilometers and 30 kilometers from Cahors, in the heart 's all a very tourist area near sports facilities swimming pool, tennis and swimming and kayak.
Mais alguns detalhes
Acesso à internet
Acesso à internet limitado
Temos mascotes
Somos fumantes
Pode hospedar famílias
Espaço para estacionar campervans
Este anfitrião pode fornecer espaço para vans.
Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?
Horas previstas
Maximum 5 hours a day 5 days a week
Comentário (44)
Nous la recommandons vivement et la remercions chaleureusement.
Bonne route Ula.
Essas classificações são opcionais e foram dadas junto com os comentários dos membros.A classificação média deixada por cada opção é exibida.
Precisão do perfil:
Intercâmbio cultural:
Nous la recommandons vivement et la remercions chaleureusement.
Bonne route Ula.
C'était vraiment un plaisir de rester avec Philippe et Maryline! J'ai passé environ un mois entre 6 janvier et 1er février.
Il ne faut pas que tu as peur - même si c'est parfois difficile de communiquer si on n'est pas un expert de français, Maryline est Philippe sont absolumment capable à te faire sentir comme chez toi. Aussi, le… read more
On peut apprendre beaucoup d’eux surtout le français et ils sont très patients.
J’y étais juste 11 jours mais j’ai déjà appris beaucoup de nouvelles choses.
Et quand on a une question tous les deux y répondent avec plaisir.
C’était très intéressant de voir et expérience la vie chez une Domaine… read more
Philippe and Maryline are professionals at hosting volunteers. They were incredibly warm, caring and generous from the minute I arrived on the property. They are a super-energetic, happy duo, who are truly living a sustainable, organic, minimal… read more
Très agréable séjour.
Il a été mon premier work away et très contente avec mes hôtes qui ont fait que je me sentais comme chez moi, très heureuse d’avoir toute une chambre pour moi et de partager le quotidien.
Attiré pour vivre et travailler à la campagne et a la vigne car ils travaillent biologiquement et essaient de transformer les moins… read more
The rewards were for me related to four aspecs. In the order importance (to me) they were :
1) the… read more
At first it seemed a little overwhelming to be alone somewhere new with a different language, but Philippe and… read more
It is always very challenging to be dropped from nowhere into someone’s household, for… read more
Ils étaient des hôtes très genéreux est patients originaires de la région qui m'ont appris beaucoup sur la culture locale. Je n'oublierai jamais le chabrot.
Ils ont un rythme de travail agréable et rendent du support et des conseils toujours. J'étais offert une chambre que j'adorais… read more
Marilyn and Philippe, merci beaucoup pour votre patience et amour!!… read more
I feel super lucky to do my first work away at this place.
Phillipe and Mary-line are funny and very very warm-hearted,
I totally felt like home!
The work in the wine yard was sometimes hard but was always fun. the wine yard is beautiful.
and after the work, I always… read more
They only spoke French with me which was a great way to begin my trip around France. They also gave me a lovely introduction… read more
Par moments la langue était… read more
I hope to see you again!
Merci Alberte et bonne… read more
Philippe and Mariline are very nice persons. I was the whole time a part of he family and enjoyed the work with Philippe an Maryline. Maryline ist a very good cook. Both of hem are very hard worker.
The work is hard, but it was very interesting and I enjoyed it very… read more
Tu t'es tout de suite impliquée de façon très positive dans tous les travaux du domaine: vigne, cave, vente sur les marchés, jardin, maison...
Tu as mis à profit tes nombreuses connaissances sur la vigne et le vin. Tu m'as… read more
There was also good access to the internet, so I was able to contact my family regularly.
the work was very interesting and… read more
J'ai… read more