Experience different types of religion and help on a farm project in Uttarakhand, India

  • Favorito 359 vezes
  • Última atividade : 12 out. 2024



 Hospedagem min. solicitada: mínimo 3 semanas



  • Descrição


    Hello to volunteers planning to come!

    The project is an upcoming organic farm, a creative platform for learning by experience, a center for ecological awareness, and a space for cherishing Mother Earth. It is an attempt to demonstrate sustainable living in practice, to develop a way of growing food with a combination of ecological understanding and indigenous knowledge, and to bring people together for an exchange of ideas and practices that ensure sustainability and well-being.
    We believe in a holistic mode of learning that promotes understanding and cherishing our place as a part of the greater Earth Community of soil, water, air, plants, animals, forests, and all life forms and peoples.

    Only to be in nature helps in getting new ideas, to go out of stress, unwanted emotions and heal mind and body in a natural way.

    We love to see new smiling faces at the farm and everyone interested in farming, living off-grid and community based is more than welcome here. We thank you for your cooperation in helping us make the farm the lovely place that it is.

    Volunteers Contribution.

    The contribution given by volunteer is 5$ per night. We prefer that everyone who is coming to farm, at-least stay for a month. So that it will be beneficial for both sides. If one month is not possible minimum stay is 3 weeks.

    Daily visitors or group tour will be charged per decision of Farm Steward by day of interesting, contribution depends about reason of coming.

    LOCATION: The farm is about four kilometers away from the nearest road head in Dogaon, a small settlement with a few roadside shops and tea-stalls, located on the Haldwani-Nainital road. Our nearest rail head is Kathgodam and Haldwani is our nearest city, 15 km away.

    With love & hugs from all of us, hope to see you here soon!

  • Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado

    Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado

    Trabalho beneficente
    Projetos artísticos
    Prática de idiomas
    Ajuda em projetos ambientais
    Construção/faça você mesmo
    Cuidar de animais
    Ajuda em fazenda
    Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
    Ajuda a cuidar da casa
    Manutenção geral
    Ajuda com computadores/internet
  • Objetivos de sustentabilidade da ONU que este anfitrião quer atingir

    Objetivos de sustentabilidade da ONU que este anfitrião quer atingir

    Objetivos da ONU
    Erradicar a pobreza
    Erradicar a fome
    Saúde de qualidade
    Educação de qualidade
    Igualdade de género
    Água potável e saneamento
    Energias renováveis e acessíveis
    Trabalho digno e crescimento económico
    Indústria, inovação e infraestruturas
    Reduzir as desigualdades
    Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis
    Produção e consumo sustentáveis
    Ação climática
    Proteger a vida marinha
    Proteger a vida terrestre
    Paz, justiça et instituições eficazes
    Parcerias para a implementação dos objetivos
  • Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado

    Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado

    To gain and experience different type of religion in one country.
    Life of people who lives in village by using natural resources. ( Specially in Uttarakhand)

  • Ajuda


    Dear volunteers, our project is looking for long time volunteers (4-6 months). If you meet the daily requirements of farm we are more than happy to give you free stay which includes food and accommodation. Interested people feel free to contact.

    Farm was not active for almost one year.
    Me (Pankaj) and Vlatka joined the farm at November 2017 till now as Long Time Volunteer.
    And we are giving our best to this place to create a small heaven here. And to make it happen we need volunteers. Looking forward to meet you wonderful souls soon.
    Vlatka is practicing different type of meditation and different healing practices from last 15 years.

    Announcement: We are welcoming long term volunteers. To do couple of projects on natural building. Though everyone is most welcome.

    ONGOING PROJECT : Bringing mulch, composting small fruit plants which we planted last year, watering, seeding.

    Happy to announce we finished our 2nd Permaculture Design Course. And now we are ready implement Permaculture principles on our land. Help from volunteer is much needed as it will be lot of physical work like doing Earth works in farm which includes making trenches, water harvesting by making ponds and channels at correct place. Volunteers who have done PDC are most welcome to do some practical work on our farm. It will benefit both farm and you.

    Each volunteer is welcome to choose work that suits their skills and interests as long as the work is of benefit to the farm.Farm steward will decide which work is priority on farm that moment.

    Farm related chores include weeding, planting, taking care of plants, preparing compost, watering, spreading compost, mulching, trench digging for water management,digging, making small gardens with healing herbs,collecting wood and pine cone and much more! We also have a lot of tasks around the living area that can be done. We are taking care of fire protection around farm like making fire lines and collecting pine cones.

    We work hard but the work comes from our hearts and enjoy the effort.

    We would like every volunteer bring a plant or seeds as their blueprint on farm for long time.
    ( volunteer choice )

    Every volunteer should cook on farm, we are cooking on open fire with wood, also simple food,
    so volunteers can experience that type of cooking, especially Indian food and at the same time to be creative.

    We would like volunteers have practice speak with tress and plants, or they can learn this here on farm.

    Volunteers should follow daily tasks as cooking, cleaning, taking care of there room, kitchen, hall and most importantly toilet after their use.

  • Idiomas

    Inglês: Fluente
    Hindi: Fluente
    Croatian: Fluente

    Este anfitrião oferece intercâmbio de idiomas
    Este anfitrião indicou que tem interesse em compartilhar seu idioma ou em aprender um novo.
    Entre em contato com ele para obter mais informações.

  • Acomodação


    The accommodation consists of a 100 year old traditional farm house which now has new floors and roofing - it is fairly basic, consisting of two dorms where we sleep on mattresses on the floor. Additionally we have one common room and a kitchen.

  • Algo mais...

    Algo mais...

    We are particularly keen on long term volunteers who have experience of working on a farm/ permaculture or low impact building or have carpentry experience and alternative sustainable technology knowledge.

    In free time volunteers read books in our library, do spiritual own or group practice,meditation, yoga, massage, energy healing and just be in nature to use forest healing and enjoining.
    Playing music and instruments most welcome.
    Also we do trekking around farm, to small and big waterfall and water pool.
    We prefer volunteer use their free time on farm or around farm.

    Also in free time, we are offering small workshops of energy awareness, healing, information's and practical knowledge from school of transnational psychology by Joshua Stone" I Am University" and early morning yoga practice. Contribution for this type of workshop will based on free will donation.

    An interest in farming and willingness to work in a community with cheer is more than enough for us to welcome you with open arms.

    Our philosophy is to spread love, love and love and share the bounties from the garden / farm with one and all. Happy plants, healthy food, healthy and fun filled volunteers.

  • Mais alguns detalhes

    Mais alguns detalhes

    • Acesso à internet

    • Acesso à internet limitado

      Acesso à internet limitado

    • Temos mascotes

    • Somos fumantes

    • Pode hospedar famílias

  • Pode hospedar nômades digitais

    Pode hospedar nômades digitais

    Este anfitrião indicou que adora hospedar nômades digitais.

  • Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?

    Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?

    Mais de 2

  • ...

    Horas previstas

    Depending on ongoing projects and seasonal farm work, and your enthusiasm max25 hours a week

  • ...

    Este anfitrião cobra uma taxa

    Saiba mais
    US$5 per day
Nº de ref. de anfitrião: 3688665114e2

Comentário (46)


Essas classificações são opcionais e foram dadas junto com os comentários dos membros.A classificação média deixada por cada opção é exibida.

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Intercâmbio cultural:


Come and share our love for wildlife, adventure and organic farming in Bandhavgarh, India
Looking for some extra hands on our organic farm and food forest near Papanasam, Tirunelveli, India