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24 jan. 2025
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I live alone on half a hectare of wooded land and I receive volunteers on two occasions:
1-During the summer, if the person knows about gardening or carpentry, for example, and can help me with a specific project.
2-When I have to travel and the person is left alone in the house taking care of the house, two cats and a dog, maintaining hygiene and watering the plants.
(I often want to travel for the holidays but volunteers are available after the holidays in January).
Looking after the house in winter:
I have possibilities to travel in winter, but I will only do so if I find a person with references, responsible, aware that Patagonia is inhospitable in winter, that it does not resemble summer, that daylight hours are few, that it is very cold, and that it rains frequently. Who has experience with wood heating, knows how to live away from the village, and loves animals.
What I am like:
Very calm, friendly and relaxed, I never try to take advantage, and expect the same. Aware of the balance between giving and receiving.
I am 46 years old.
What the place is like:
-Forested and wooded.
-There is Internet.
-Peaceful, peaceful and quiet.
If you are looking for people and socialising, this is not the place.
If you are looking for peace, quiet, tranquillity and nature, and a break from the hustle and bustle, this is the place for you.
-There is no running water. Most of the year it's enough with what rains, but in summer you have to buy it, they bring it in a truck, it's from the river, there's a thousand litre water tank, a water pump brings it up. That's why they take great care of the water at that time of year.
No, I am not explaining this because I'll make You pay the water, I'm only explaining why it's necesary, in summer, to be very carefull with the use of the water.
There is a condorhuasi type filter that I don't really use but you can filter your water with it if you want.
For irrigation there is the Australian tank.
-There is a washing machine, which is only used in summer because of the water consumption (you can wash one load per week).
-There is a firewood heater, it is rusty so the water comes out quite coloured, but hot and with pressure, there is a bathtub and you bathe well. The water is also looked after on that occasion.
-There is a bread machine.
-Dry bath.
What I ask for:
-Consistency with the agreements, for example, if you want to go on excursions for several days to the shelters, don't commit yourself to stay alone in the house, because taking care of the animals requires you to be on site.
In cases where the volunteer is left alone, it is to live in the place, and not to use it as a base camp and go on excursions. On the other hand, if the owner is there, it is different.
-Maintain hygiene.
I arrived after a month to find that a caretaker hadn't swept once, there was a lot of dust accumulated... Keeping a house clean requires spending at least half an hour a day on cleaning and tidiness.
I once left a caretaker who only had to feed the animals and water the plants.... And he ‘forgot’ to water. Ten dead fruit trees, it was very sad.
If you forget to water a plant, in summer it is very dry and that plant is likely to die.
-Love for the cats and the dog.
It's not just about keeping them alive, making sure they don't lack water, their owner is gone, they don't know what's going on, give them human presence and affection.
The kitten is visually impaired and afraid of strangers, the cats are used to sleeping in the big bed with the owner.... They are cuddly people.
If there are specific indications for feeding an animal, nobody is watching you but please follow them.
-No drinking alcohol or using drugs in the house.
-I met a new friend today in the square. Can I bring him to the house?
You will meet a lot of nice people in the square in the summer, but the truth is that you don't know these people, so you can't take responsibility for their behaviour, so it's better not to, no matter how nice they seem.
Whoever breaks something is responsible for replacing it. Things that have been broken by carers (while they were alone): Minipimer, oven, plates, cups, glasses, locks, electrical sockets, etc. (Actually that was on one occasion when the carer received people in the house, and it was those people who broke all that. And it was people from her own family! She didn't expect them to behave like that).
How to avoid breaking a water pump:
Water pumps break if they are sucking air. And the house pump turns on automatically when the tank upstairs runs out of water. So, if the tank below also has no water, it will suck air and break. Every time the pump turns on, pay attention to whether there is water in the tank below. If there isn't, you have to unplug it and buy water.
Cons: Getting to the village requires an interesting walk, and in summer it is quite hot. I receive only one person at a time, due to lack of space. No, a couple is not a single person. Response to insistence: No.
1- When the person is left alone in the house, I do not offer food but I do not ask for work hours either, only to maintain the hygiene of the place and lovingly care for the 3 animals.
2-When we share the place, we both define the menu, we buy the food between the two of us, we cook, wash and clean the kitchen alternately.
Vivo sola en media hectárea boscosa y recibo voluntarios en dos ocasiones:
1-Durante el verano, si la persona sabe de huerta o carpintería, por ejemplo, y puede ayudarme con algún proyecto concreto.
2-Cuando tengo que viajar y la persona se queda sola en la casa cuidando la casa, dos gatos y un perro, mantiene la higiene y riega las plantas.
(Muchas veces quiero viajar para las fiestas pero los voluntarios están disponibles después de las fiestas, en enero.)
Cuidar la casa en invierno:
Tengo posibilidades de viajar en invierno, pero sólo lo haré si encuentro una persona con referencias, responsable, consciente de que la Patagonia es inhóspita en invierno, que no se parece al verano, que las horas de luz son pocas, que hace mucho frío, y que llueve con frecuencia. Que tenga experiencia con la calefacción a leña, que sepa vivir lejos del pueblo, y que ame a los animales.
Cómo soy:
Muy tranquila, amable y relajada, jamás intento sacar ventaja, y espero lo mismo. Consciente del equilibrio entre dar y recibir.
Tengo 46 años.
Cómo es el lugar:
-Boscoso y arbolado.
-Hay Internet.
-Tranquilo, pacifico y silencioso.
Si lo que buscas es gente y socializar aquí no es.
Si lo que buscas es disfrutar de la paz, el silencio, la tranquilidad y la naturaleza, y descansar del barullo, aquí sí es.
-No hay agua corriente. Gran parte del año alcanza con lo que llueve, pero en verano hay que comprar, la traen en un camión, es del río, hay un tanque de agua de mil litros, una bomba de agua la sube. Por eso en esa época se cuida mucho el agua.
No explico esto porque quiero hacerte pagar el agua, lo hago para que comprendas porqué somos, en verano, tan cuidadosos con su uso.
Hay un filtro tipo condorhuasi que la verdad no lo uso pero puedes filtrar tu agua con él si quieres.
Para riego está el tanque australiano.
-Hay lavarropas, que en verano se usa lo imprescindible por el tema del agua. (Puedes lavar una carga por semana).
-Calefon a leña, está oxidado así que el agua sale bastante colorida, pero caliente y con presión, hay bañadera y te bañas bien. Se cuida el agua también en esa ocasión.
-Hay máquina de hacer pan.
-Baño seco.
Qué pido:
-Coherencia con los acuerdos, por ejemplo, si lo que quieres es hacer excursiones varios días por los refugios, no te comprometas a quedarte solo en la casa, porque cuidar a los animales requiere estar en el lugar.
En los casos en que el voluntario queda solo, es para habitar el lugar, y no para usarlo como campamento base y salir a hacer excursiones. En cambio, si el dueño está, es distinto.
-Mantener la higiene.
He llegado después de un mes para hallar que un cuidador no había barrido una sola vez, había mucho polvo acumulado... Mantener limpia una casa requiere dedicar al menos media hora al día para limpieza y orden.
Una vez dejé a un cuidador que sólo tenía que alimentar a los animales y regar plantas... Y "se olvidó" de regar. Diez frutales muertos, fue muy triste.
Si te olvidas de regar una planta, en verano está muy seco y es probable que esa planta muera.
-Amor por los gatos y el perro.
No sólo se trata de mantenerlos vivos, de cuidar que no les falte el agua, su dueño se fue, no saben qué pasa, dales presencia humana y cariño.
La gatita tiene dificultades de visión y teme a los extraños, los gatos están acostumbrados a dormir en la cama grande con el dueño... Son gente mimada.
Si hay indicaciones específicas para alimentar un animal, nadie te vigila pero, por favor, siguelas.
-No beber alcohol ni usar drogas en la casa.
-Conocí un nuevo amigo hoy en la plaza. Puedo llevarlo a la casa?
Vas a encontrar mucha gente agradable en la plaza en verano, pero la verdad es que no conoces a esas personas, así que no puedes hacerte responsable de su comportamiento, por eso mejor no, por más agradables que parezcan.
El que rompe algo es responsable de reponerlo. Cosas que han roto cuidadores (mientras estaban solos): Minipimer, horno, platos, tazas, vasos, cerraduras, tomas eléctricas, etc. (En realidad eso fue en una ocasión en la que la cuidadora recibió gente en la casa, y fue esa gente la que rompió todo eso. Y era gente de su propia familia! Ella no esperaba que se comportaran así).
Cómo evitar romper una bomba de agua:
Las bombas de agua se rompen si están chupando aire. Y la bomba de la casa se enciende automáticamente cuando el tanque de arriba se queda sin agua. Por eso, si el tanque de abajo tampoco tiene agua, va a chupar aire y se va a romper.
Cada vez que se encienda la bomba, presta atención a si hay agua en el tanque de abajo.
Si no hay, hay que desenchufarla y comprar agua.
Llegar al pueblo requiere una caminata interesante, y en verano hace bastante calor.
Recibo sólo una persona por vez, por falta de lugar.
No, una pareja no es una sola persona.
Respuesta a la insistencia: No.
1- Cuando la persona queda sola en la casa, no ofrezco comida pero tampoco pido horas de trabajo, solo mantener la higiene del lugar y cuidar con cariño a los 3 animales.
2-Cuando compartimos el lugar, definimos ambos el menú, compramos la comida entre los dos, cocinamos, lavamos y limpiamos la cocina alternativamente.Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado
Ajuda em projetos ambientais
Construção/faça você mesmo
Cuidar de animais
Manutenção geral
Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado
I know about gardening and beekeeping, the bees arrive in a month. I have lived simply for 15 years, I studied literature and political science and I am a converted Muslim.
Sé de huerta y apicultura, en un mes llegan las abejas. Vivo simple desde hace 15 años, estudié literatura y ciencias políticas y soy musulmana conversa.Ajuda
Skilled people, who work with their hands, who have experience in carpentry, who have built chicken coops or sheds, who can improve the infrastructure of the place, etc. Who love animals.
Gente habilidosa, que trabaje con las manos, que tenga experiencia en carpintería, que haya construido gallineros o cobertizos, que pueda mejorar la infraestructura del lugar, etc.
Que ame a los animales.Idiomas
Inglês: Fluente
Espanhol: FluenteAcomodação
It depends. If the volunteer is alone in the house, he/she uses the master bedroom, otherwise there is a bed in the kitchen.
Depende. Si se queda solo en la casa el voluntario usa el dormitorio principal, si no, hay una pequeña habitación afuera.Mais alguns detalhes
Acesso à internet
Acesso à internet limitado
Temos mascotes
Somos fumantes
Pode hospedar famílias
Pode hospedar nômades digitais
Conexión de siete megas Supuestamente. Creo que es básica.
Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?
Comentário (2)
Gracias por cuidar a mis mascotas!
Thank you so much.
I asked you for a compost bin and you made a sort of postapocaliptic bunker. You really do your best.
Thanks for help me so much, listening, patience, smile, accept me, this under construction place, my dogs and every person around me.
You don't like other people tell you how you are. Ok. You are kind, a gentleman and a… read more
Kim is an amazing person.
Left this place completely changed and helped me to do all kind of things. She has an incredible amount of energy. I admire her so much.
There was all kind of problems, with the water system, with the car... and she never complained, but repeated «everything is Ok, it's nothing».
She was a… read more
Gracias por cuidar a mis mascotas!
Thank you so much.
I asked you for a compost bin and you made a sort of postapocaliptic bunker. You really do your best.
Thanks for help me so much, listening, patience, smile, accept me, this under construction place, my dogs and every person around me.
You don't like other people tell you how you are. Ok. You are kind, a gentleman and a… read more
Kim is an amazing person.
Left this place completely changed and helped me to do all kind of things. She has an incredible amount of energy. I admire her so much.
There was all kind of problems, with the water system, with the car... and she never complained, but repeated «everything is Ok, it's nothing».
She was a… read more