& Hadas

  • Israël & Portugal
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Information du profil

  • Information de voyage

    Actuellement, nous sommes

    en voyage

    Notre prochaine destination :

    Germany - du Sep 2024 au Déc 2024
    Voir tout
  • Description

    Hey there, we're a couple in our early 30s, taking a gap year in Europe!
    Arad - I'm 33 year old, with a Master degree in tourisam and hospitality managing. My previous job was a tour operator to New Zealand, and since the Covid-19 pandemic I worked as a book shop manager back home, so it's an understatement to say I enjoy reading. Mostly Sci-fi and fantasy but any good read will be appreciated. I love Hiking and the outdoors, DIY, driving in the outback and to travel to new and exciting places. I used to plan trips to New Zealand and still wish to find my way back to this magical country.
    Hadas - I'm 31 years old, and I just finished my 4 years of Physiotherapy studies (B.PT) and I love everything about the human body and how to make people feel better - that's why I'm also a gym & Pilates instructor. Besides that, snuggling with a good book is my perfect afternoon, and I also enjoy photography, video editing, website developing and anything that has to do with designing stuff.
    Sam (our dog) - I'm 6 years old and I'm very cute, very fluffy, very loveable. My fur is soft and I have the cutest eyes :) I'm well behaved, quiet and mostly spend my days snoring on the couch, getting more fat and sniff everything on my walks. I will bring you joy, comfort and love.

    **During our first workaway we made a video of our time there, you're more than welcome to take a look and get to know us a bit better:
    (the small dog on the video is Sam, the big one is the farm's dog, don't worry ;) )

  • Centres d’intérêt

    Soin des plantes
    Cuisine et alimentation
    Films et télé
    Dev. durable
    Animaux de compagnie
    Bricolage / artisanat
    Activités en plein air
    Yoga / bien-être
    Vie en van
  • Langues parlées

    Anglais: Courant
    Hebrew: Courant

  • Compétences et connaissances que nous aimerions partager ou apprendre

    Ça nous intéresse :  

    Travail associatif
    Projets artistiques
    Bricolage et projets de construction
    S’occuper des animaux
    Aider dans une ferme

    Nous avons des connaissances :  

    Préparer les repas / cuisiner pour la famille
    Entretien général

    Nous pouvons apprendre aux autres:  

    Aider à la maison
    Accueil / tourisme
    Aide informatique / Internet
  • Quelles sont vos compétences ?

    We are both very handy, creative and not afraid of labor. We used to paint a lot our furniture at home and although we didn't build much stuff we learn quickly.
    Our cooking skills are very good, and also cleaning, organizing, moving (we had that a lot), manual work and we're both good with pets.
    Arad has a lot of experience in management, booking, payments, storage, finance and human relations.
    Hadas has a lot of experience with instructing groups, physical therapy, planning/ organizing/ financing, office work and has many computer skills.

  • Âge

    33 & 31

  • Autres infos...

    We are big fans of Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, Marvel, Disney and all the geek stuff.
    Probably our favorite board game will be Code Names or Settlers of Catan. But we really love any board game that comes across our way.
    Arad plays the drums, Ukulele and Kalimba.

  • Informations complémentaires

    • Fumeur

    • Permis de conduire

    • Allergies

    • Régime alimentaire spécial



