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Nosso próximo destino:
Canada - desde Jun 2023 até Jun 2025 Ver tudoDescrição
Bonjour, nous sommes Clara et Alexandre !
Après 7 ans de vie commune, et après avoir travaillé en France et pas mal voyagé en Europe, nous avons décidé de partir à l'aventure au Canada en PVT. Nous recherchons principalement des expériences en pleine nature et/ou nous permettant de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et de nouvelles cultures. C’est un petit plus s’il y a des animaux, dont nous adorons nous occuper.
On espère vous rencontrer bientôt et faire un bout de chemin avec vous :)
Hello, we're Clara and Alexandre!
After 7 years together, having worked in France and traveled extensively in Europe, we've decided to embark on a WHV adventure in Canada. We're mainly looking for experiences in the great outdoors and/or opportunities to meet new people and cultures. It's a little extra if there are animals, which we love taking care of.
We hope to meet you soon :)Interesses
CaminhadaIdiomasCulturaModa e belezaEventos e socialAutodesenvolvimentoTecnologiaPraiaNaturalezaAtividades ao ar livreMascotesCuidar de plantasFotografiaFilmes e TVMúsicaMontanhasFitnessJardinagemFaça você mesmoCiclismoAnimaisEsportes de aventuraIdiomas
Francês: Fluente
Inglês: IntermediárioMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
Esta pessoa indicou ser um workawayer com interesse em compartilhar seu(s) idioma(s) ou em aprender um novo. Entre em contato diretamente para discutir o assunto.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Temos interesse em:
Cuidar de animais
Vida na fazenda
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmo
Conhecimento de:
Manutenção geral
Projetos ambientais
Ajuda a cuidar da casa
Quais são suas habilidades?
En France Clara est juriste d'entreprise, dans la vie de tous les jours elle revoit et négocie des contrats dans une entreprise spécialisée dans les télécommunications et s’occupe des contentieux.
Elle est très organisée, volontaire et adore les animaux et planifier des voyages.
Elle a fait pas mal de jobs différents pendant ses études en France et en Angleterre :
- En service à la clientèle : hôtesse animatrice dans un parc de loisirs pour enfants, conseillère en banque, serveuse dans un stade de football
- En restauration : mise en place de nourriture/ boissons dans des salles de conférences, service aux conférenciers
- En entretien/ménage : ménage dans un camping et réhabilitation d’anciens mobiles homes
En France Alexandre est ingénieur en informatique dans le domaine spatial.
Il s'intéresse à la photographie de nature et aime mener des projets personnels dans divers domaines :
- Travaux manuels : réparation de composants électroniques (télévision, sèche serviette, chauffe eau, …) et mécaniques (vélo, automobile, …), création d’une allée de garage pavée
- Projets électroniques : fabrication d’une porte de poulailler automatique (ouverture et fermeture de la porte en fonction de la luminosité), fabrication d’un drone et d’une imprimante 3D
- Projets informatiques : mise en place d’un serveur web pour stocker des photos et pour partager des fichiers avec des amis
Il aime également le sport en plein air comme la course à pied ou le vélo.
In France Clara is an in-house lawyer, and in everyday life she reviews and negotiates contracts for a company specializing in telecommunications, as well as handling litigation.
She's very organized, strong-willed and loves animals and planning trips.
She did a lot of different jobs during her studies in France and England:
- Customer service: hostess at a children's amusement park, bank advisor, waitress at a soccer stadium
- Catering: setting up food/drinks in conference rooms, serving speakers
- Maintenance/cleaning: cleaning in a campsite and refurbishing old mobile homes
In France Alexandre is a software engineer in the space industry.
He is interested in nature photography and likes to carry out personal projects in various fields:
- Manual work: repair of electronic components (television, towel dryer, water heater, etc.) and mechanical components (bicycle, car, etc.), creation of a paved driveway.
- Electronic projects: manufacture of an automatic henhouse door (door opens and closes according to light conditions), manufacture of a drone and a 3D printer
- Computer projects: setting up a web server to store photos and share files with friends.
He also enjoys outdoor sports like running and cycling.Idade
31 & 30
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
The tasks were easy and it was very fun to take care of the dogs, which were so lovely 🥰
The communication was perfect and they were very helpful regarding the things to do in Calgary. Plus, the flat is located in a great neighbourhood which is very convenient
It was the perfect opportunity for us to… read more
Kelly and Dave were the best hosts, we felt very welcomed in this beautiful house right next to Lake Ontario with an amazing view.
We mainly did gardening during our 10 days stay here, which was fun and rewarding. Kelly was always making sure that the work trade was fair, which was really appreciated!
The area is… read more
The tasks were easy and it was very fun to take care of the dogs, which were so lovely 🥰
The communication was perfect and they were very helpful regarding the things to do in Calgary. Plus, the flat is located in a great neighbourhood which is very convenient
It was the perfect opportunity for us to… read more
Kelly and Dave were the best hosts, we felt very welcomed in this beautiful house right next to Lake Ontario with an amazing view.
We mainly did gardening during our 10 days stay here, which was fun and rewarding. Kelly was always making sure that the work trade was fair, which was really appreciated!
The area is… read more
La Gaspésie est une magnifique région qui vaut le détour et l’auberge ainsi que le staff sont formidables !
Concernant le travail, nous sommes restés 3 mois et les taches étaient diverses, nous avons travaillé dans la partie… read more