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Good Workawayer
Dê Workaway de presente
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Informações do perfil

  • Informações de viagem

    Eu estou

    em casa

    Meu próximo destino:

    Italy - desde Nov 2024
    Ver tudo
  • Descrição

    Dear people, i travelled around because i love to see other country's and cultures but also because i never completely settle down to earth in The Netherlands: to growded and i have some difficulties with the western behaviour.
    Moreover i miss the sun, wild nature and animals. At the moment i am in The Netherlands working as a gardener, house and pet sitter and events employee.

    I like to tell you my abroad working experience; I workted in Tulum Jucatan, Mexico, in a restaurant.
    Twice i was managing a dive shop in Dahab, Egypt.
    Helping in the kitchen and teaching yoga i did in France.
    In Sicilië i did maintenance and painted houses, managed some houses and in one off them i was also the housesitter.
    In a detox centre in Turkey i was the hiking guide, gave massages and reiki, teached yoga and gave and coached different kinds of treatments that helps detoxing and loosing weigth.
    I workted in veggie gardens in Portugal, Italie, France, Spain and The Netherlands.

    My hospitality experience is allround: cooking on festivals, cook in a lunch cafe, serving, bartending and manager in a concert place.

    I dare to say i have valuable hands.

    I'm free minded, spontanious, love humor, hard worker, social, reliable, make easy contact with animals and people but am also good on my own, responsible, and independent. I am at my best in the nature surrounded by sun, silence, animals, veggie garden, easy going people, yoga and dans. I like to develope myself. I like to learn from other people.
    When i am happy i shine.

    My latest passion is communication with animals. Learning a lot on this fascinating area.

    Looking forward to meet you!

  • Interesses

    Vida na estrada
    Culinária e comida
    Eventos e social
    Cuidar de plantas
    Filmes e TV
    Trabalho beneficente
    Arte e design
    Atividades ao ar livre
    Esportes de aventura
  • Idiomas

    Inglês: Fluente
    Holandês: Fluente
    Espanhol: Iniciante
    Francês: Iniciante

    Mais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
    Esta pessoa indicou ser um workawayer com interesse em compartilhar seu(s) idioma(s) ou em aprender um novo. Entre em contato diretamente para discutir o assunto.

    Encontre um parceiro de estudo

  • Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender

    Tenho interesse em:  

    Trabalho beneficente
    Projetos artísticos

    Conhecimento de:  

    Projetos de construção/faça você mesmo
    Fazer companhia para idosos
    Manutenção geral
    Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
    Vida na fazenda
    Projetos ambientais
    Cuidar de animais

    Poso ensinar:  

    Ajuda a cuidar da casa
  • Quais são suas habilidades?

    Caretaker(taking care of people, houses and gardens) house and petsitter, farming, all-round hospitality, housepainter, yoga teacher in vinyasa and yin. I am masseur and reiki master.
    I have PADI openwater dive license. Beginner in communication with animals.
    My skills are very diverse!

  • Idade


  • Algo mais...

    Workawayers work max 5 hours a day in change of food and accommodation but not one day is the same so if one day takes for example 8 hours a day work and the other day is for example 3 hours work a day i don't have any problem with that.
    You don't have to be afraid i don't work hard enough, it's the other way around; one of me life lessons is to slow down. Take care of my body and soul.
    Although i'm very good with people i need some time and space for my own.
    I'm interested in travelling to more countries than my profile says but the site doesn't allowe me to fill in :).
    Hope to see you soon.

  • Mais algumas informações

    • Fumante

    • Carteira de motorista

    • Alergias

    • Dietas especiais



