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Eu estou
Atividades em que tenho interesse:
Climbing, Hiking Music, Arts, Cooking and open for any kind of fun activity or simply having beer together in the evening :)
Hello all you lovely people out there!
I'm Pauline and ever since I turned 18 and was able to discover the world on my own, I've taken every opportunity to do so. I started as an AuPair in America in 2019 and then traveled to Canada. After a few smaller trips in between, I then studied in Sweden for six months in 2022/2023 and completed a three-month internship abroad in Norway in 2024. All these experiences have only made me want to travel even more. I love getting to know new people and cultures, exploring new ways of life and learning and growing from the challenges of and while traveling.
I would describe myself as an incredibly open and social person who is always up for fun and looking for new adventures. At the same time, however, I always have an open ear for my fellow human beings and can keep calm when necessary. In my free time I love to go climbing, spend time in nature, make music, try new recieps in the kitchen or meet up with friends for a beer or two. After all, it's the simple things in life that make me really happy.Interesses
LivrosSustentabilidadeAutodesenvolvimentoEsportes aquáticosFotografiaVegetariano/veganoEsportes de invernoPolítica/justiça socialCuidar de plantasMascotesAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaMúsicaMontanhasIdiomasHistóriaCaminhadaJardinagemFazendaEventos e socialDesenho e pinturaFaça você mesmoCulturaCulinária e comidaTrabalho beneficenteCampingPraiaArte e designAnimaisEsportes de aventuraIdiomas
Alemão: Fluente
Inglês: Fluente
Francês: Iniciante
Swedish: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
The fact that almost everyone in the world speaks English is a great gift. But I believe you never get to know a culture as well as when you speak the language of a country. I am therefore incredibly happy to teach you German, my mother tongue, and I look forward to learn some new language skills from you.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmo
Vida na fazenda
Projetos ambientais
Trabalho beneficente
Conhecimento de:
Manutenção geral
Ajuda a cuidar da casa
Cuidar de animais
Ajuda com computadores/internet
Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativas
Poso ensinar:
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
Projetos artísticos
Quais são suas habilidades?
Since I grew up in the countryside in Germany, I always helped my parents in the garden, with projects on our forest property or with my father's woodwork. I'm not a master builder, but I enjoy learning new things and coming up with creative ideas. Giving free rein to my creativity is one of my great strengths anyway. I also have green thumbs, at least in my apartment, which is almost like a jungle. Apart from that, I just like to be a social mate that helps wherever help is needed and who sometimes sings out loudly when feeling comfortable. :)
Algo mais...
I am really looking forward to seeing life through your eyes and bringing you a little piece of my short life!
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais