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Eu estou
em casa
Atividades em que tenho interesse:
Hiking, sports, adventures, cooking, being creative, good food and good conversation, nightlife
Good vibes :)Descrição
I'm Lotte, 24, and I have my bachelor's degree in psychology.
What does a good day for me look like? When I moved my body, ate something delicious and didn't look at my phone that much, it's already a good day for me. But if I could choose, I would prefer to go for a nice hike and eat strawberries every day. :)
My friends describe me as a positive, open-minded and down to earth person. I am pragmatic but still lose myself in daydreams sometimes.
I am seeking new experiences and an escape from long days at my work desk before I go back to university. I have had the pleasure of visiting several countries around the world and I am already experienced with doing workaways. I started doing workaway because I was looking for a way to travel more sustainably in terms of giving back. Six workaways later I can say that I loved gaining so many new impressions and learning something new every day. I am extremly grateful for this opportunity and can't wait for what my next workaways hold for me!Interesses
Yoga/bem-estarVegetariano/veganoAutodesenvolvimentoSustentabilidadeEsportes de invernoEsportes de equipeNaturalezaMontanhasJardinagemFitnessModa e belezaCulturaFaça você mesmoDesenho e pinturaCulinária e comidaLivrosPraiaArte e designIdiomas
Alemão: Fluente
Inglês: Fluente
Francês: FluenteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I am always happy when I can learn or teach a new language.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Trabalho beneficenteProjetos ambientaisHotelaria/turismoConhecimento de:
IdiomasProjetos artísticosJardinagemProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoVida na fazendaCuidar de crianças/atividades criativasCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasAjuda a cuidar da casaCuidar de animaisQuais são suas habilidades?
I have farmwork, office, factory, childcare and community living experience and can adapt quickly to new activities and people.
My previous workaways provided me with skills regarding farmwork, gardening (mulching, weeding, planting), taking care of plants, chickens, ducks and other animals aswell as small crafting projects. I also did childcare and worked in a commercial kitchen last summer. I love working on the outside and I don't mind getting dirty. My father taught me some basic craft skills (sewing, screwing, drilling, hammering, simple repairs and simple gardening) and I renovated my home during the pandemic. On the other hand I enjoy being creative and have taken various painting classes, so I have a small art project going on the side all the time (right now: learning knitting!). To share my creativity with others, I teach a creative class once a week at my local prison to help resocialize offenders.
I have a strong work ethic, I am reliable and I can work independently. I place a lot of value on good communication, whether at work or in everyday life. If there's something I've never done before, I'm always willing to try it out and happy to be taught new things! :)
In my free time I love to cook and have tried many recipes in my college years (especially asian and turkish food, vegetarian/ vegan dishes). Also, I like to exercise in a variety of ways, athletically I played field hockey for many years and I also tried kickboxing, fencing and some other sports in college. When the surroundings allow it, I like to go on hikes in beautiful nature!
I have experience with solo-traveling and I can spend time by myself. Through my studies and my travelling I have come into contact with all sorts of people in different life situations. I like getting in touch with new people and the typical getting-to-know-you questions have never annoyed me. :) Thanks to many years of team sports, I can work well with others and communicate well.
Wherever I can teach other people some of my skills, I am happy to do so.Idade
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Thanks for opening up your home to people from all over the world and giving us the possiblity for this exchange! It's appreciated :)
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
no! :)Dietas especiais
I don't eat meat that often.
On her first day of work, she identified several projects that put her organizational skills to good use: She created a broom closet, building and painting shelves to… read more
I had my own room with a cozy bed and a private bathroom. With this level of comfort, I could start each day full of energy. After briefly enjoying my view of the pool and the garden, I went down the large staircase to the breakfast room. Here, a large breakfast with fresh croissants and freshly squeezed orange juice awaited… read more
On her first day of work, she identified several projects that put her organizational skills to good use: She created a broom closet, building and painting shelves to… read more
I had my own room with a cozy bed and a private bathroom. With this level of comfort, I could start each day full of energy. After briefly enjoying my view of the pool and the garden, I went down the large staircase to the breakfast room. Here, a large breakfast with fresh croissants and freshly squeezed orange juice awaited… read more
- work, that is enjoyable because the tasks make sense, e.g.: you rake the rabbit poo and put it on the high beds afterwards because it's a good manure. then you… read more