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Eu estou
em casa
Meu próximo destino:
France - desde Jul 2024 até Set 2024 Ver tudoDescrição
As a botanist I am passionate about plants, and love learning about them, walking through the woods, gardening, and hiking just about anywhere. I am happy to be standing on top of a mountain or small hill. Being outdoors is the best.I love travelling and expanding my world view by meeting new people from different cultures.
MascotesDesenho e pinturaCulturaLivrosCulinária e comidaHistóriaCuidar de plantasAtividades ao ar livreMontanhasModa e belezaNaturalezaFazendaCaminhadaMúsicaJardinagemYoga/bem-estarFitnessCampingIdiomas
Inglês: Fluente
Estonian: Intermediário
Francês: InicianteHabilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Conhecimento de:
JardinagemVida na fazendaAjuda a cuidar da casaProjetos artísticosQuais são suas habilidades?
I am very fit and can help tasks that need to be finished in a garden, farmstay, or general home maintenance. I can help with housekeeping in hospitality situations. I am also an accomplished pianist and love to share my Chopin and Debussy pieces.
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I am early to bed and early to rise kind of a gal. I am perfectly content to be alone in the country side and away from big cities.
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