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Eu estou
Atividades em que tenho interesse:
Currently working a ski season in Nelson BC. Will be workaway-ing throughout the summer time wherever I end up! Would love to connect with other workawayers along this journey!
Travelling with purpose and connection is my absolute favorite thing about my journey workaway-ing around beautiful BC! Volunteering as I travel is is something I have always dreamt of doing (and it feels pretty surreal that this is now my reality!)
I spent last summer living with various families across BC helping out on their gardens and homes in any way that I could! I learnt and laughed so much and will cherish these memories and people forever. I am hoping to spend this summer revisiting past workaway families as well as meeting new ones!
What brings me happiness are the little things, delicious vegan food, animals, yoga, live music, hiking, camping and swimming and of course sharing stories with wonderful humans from all over the world. I am motivated to bring love and light into people’s lives and learn all the lessons this wonderful world has to teach!Interesses
FazendaEsportes de invernoYoga/bem-estarEsportes de equipeNaturalezaAtividades ao ar livreVegetariano/veganoVida na estradaVelejar/navegarMúsicaCaminhadaFitnessDesenho e pinturaEventos e socialCiclismoDançaCulinária e comidaCampingPraiaAnimaisIdiomas
Inglês: Fluente
Espanhol: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I am fluent in English, can speak a little bit of Spanish and I am excited and open to learn any other languages!Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Fazer companhia para idososProjetos ambientaisJardinagemCuidar de animaisVida na fazendaCuidar de crianças/atividades criativasManutenção geralProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoEnsinoProjetos artísticosConhecimento de:
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseirasAjuda a cuidar da casaHotelaria/turismoPoso ensinar:
Ajuda com computadores/internetQuais são suas habilidades?
I am currently working in guest services at a ski resort. I have a lot of experience in customer service, social media management, content creation and e-commerce management. I also have done a lot of copy writing and have managed a learn to sail programme in Brighton, U.K.
I am open and willing to learn anything and everything. I love cooking, being outside, but I am quite honestly willing to help out with absolutely anything!Idade
Algo mais...
I love playing card games, drinking tea, dancing and quite literally enjoying everything that this little life has to offer :)
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
noDietas especiais
Vegan/plant based
The set up here for workawayers is incredible, the trailer was super cosy and private, I swam in the creek every day and the outdoor shower and tub were blissful. And Axel and Hazel are simply the best doggos in the world! We baked, shared… read more
The set up here for workawayers is very nice, there’s an unbelievably gorgeous washroom and shower facility just for workawayers (feels like a 5-star hotel!), it’s a beautiful property and you are cooked delicious food. We slept in tents in the middle of the… read more
The set up here for workawayers is incredible, the trailer was super cosy and private, I swam in the creek every day and the outdoor shower and tub were blissful. And Axel and Hazel are simply the best doggos in the world! We baked, shared… read more
The set up here for workawayers is very nice, there’s an unbelievably gorgeous washroom and shower facility just for workawayers (feels like a 5-star hotel!), it’s a beautiful property and you are cooked delicious food. We slept in tents in the middle of the… read more
To be honest, when I first arrived at the farm, I didn’t feel 100% comfortable. I appreciate that I arrived at an… read more