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Eu estou
em casa
Atividades em que tenho interesse:
I am interested in creating a crime-free city.
I go to Iceland, Ireland, New Zealand, Denmark, Portugal, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Singapore.
The city of longevity, Okinawa,,,,Descrição
I want to experience the culture, life and history of the city.
I would be happy if you could teach me while helping you.
I want to know the characteristics and environment of the area.
I want to record the daily life in the area where I stay with videos and photos.Interesses
Moda e belezaCaminhadaDançaMúsicaFaça você mesmoCiclismoCriação de vídeosAtividades ao ar livreCuidar de plantasSustentabilidadeYoga/bem-estarMascotesFotografiaNaturalezaIdiomasHistóriaFitnessDesenho e pinturaEventos e socialJardinagemFazendaCulturaCampingTrabalho beneficenteCulinária e comidaLivrosBlogsEsportes de aventuraAnimaisArte e designIdiomas
Japonês: Fluente
Inglês: Iniciante
Icelandic: Iniciante
Italiano: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I want to know the characteristics and environment of the area. So, I want to study the local language as well.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Vida na fazendaHotelaria/turismoProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoJardinagemTrabalho beneficenteIdiomasProjetos ambientaisProjetos artísticosConhecimento de:
Cuidar de animaisManutenção geralAjuda a cuidar da casaAjuda com computadores/internetCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasCuidar de crianças/atividades criativasQuais são suas habilidades?
I have 6 years of experience working in a nursery school.
I have a cat (The cat will stay at home) .
I like cook ingredients in fridge.
I like cook and eat. I like watching people cook and eat too.
I want to know the characteristics and environment of the area.
I want to record the daily life in the area where I stay with videos and photos.Idade
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I am looking for what I can do to bring peace to the world.
I'm looking for tips on how to create a crime-free environment.
I am interested in permaculture and organic farming.
I am interested in living in harmony with nature.Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
tick, house dustDietas especiais
Working in the fields, basking in the sun and enjoying delicious meals with them, I had the experience of having many positive thoughts and inspirations come to my mind.
After working in the fields, I would climb mountains, go to the village and neighboring towns, and keep… read more
Thank you so much for teaching me so much about Iceland and letting me experience it!
Thank you for not discriminating against me, accepting all of me, and treating me kindly.
Every day I went out during my stay, other Icelanders treated me the same… read more
Working in the fields, basking in the sun and enjoying delicious meals with them, I had the experience of having many positive thoughts and inspirations come to my mind.
After working in the fields, I would climb mountains, go to the village and neighboring towns, and keep… read more
Thank you so much for teaching me so much about Iceland and letting me experience it!
Thank you for not discriminating against me, accepting all of me, and treating me kindly.
Every day I went out during my stay, other Icelanders treated me the same… read more