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Eu estou
Meu próximo destino:
Colombia - desde Jul 2024 até Jan 2025 Ver tudoDescrição
I have worked in the building trade since leaving school but mainly worked as a carpenter. I have undertaken pretty much all aspects of carpentry but prefer bespoke type woodwork were a bit of heart is needed 😊. I have been self employed for the last 5 years and also been involved in buying, renovating and then selling property. I have lived in a caravan for the last 3 years whilst doing up one of my properties and working in-between. I have left England to come and travel and experience as much as possible. I sold nearly everything I own and have no intention or set plan on going home apart from to visit family. I would like to work in different environ
ments. I also want to travel and explore as I go!Interesses
Vida na estradaDesenho e pinturaYoga/bem-estarEsportes de invernoEsportes aquáticosTecnologiaSustentabilidadeAutodesenvolvimentoVelejar/navegarMascotesAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaFilmes e TVMúsicaMontanhasIdiomasJardinagemFitnessFazendaFaça você mesmoCulturaCulinária e comidaCampingCarpintariaPraiaAstronomiaArquiteturaAnimaisEsportes de aventuraIdiomas
Inglês: Fluente
Espanhol: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I would like to learn Spanish properlyHabilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Cuidar de animaisTrabalho beneficenteVida na fazendaConhecimento de:
Projetos ambientaisJardinagemAjuda a cuidar da casaPoso ensinar:
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmoManutenção geralQuais são suas habilidades?
All forms of carpentry undertaken and am pretty handy in most other trades and anything practical. I get my head down, work hard and don't complain.
Algo mais...
I don't have many hobbies to be honest. I love my music and love to keep busy. I can play the guitar but don't have one with me and I haven't played for a while so I am a little rusty
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
Un gran ser humano, laborioso y creativo.
A pesar que entiende poco español no le hace falta para hacerse entender.
Gratitud infinita tom
Thomas is a hard working volunteer who sticks to his values and responsibilities as carpenter, His humor is just right, he is VERY polite and also interested in peoples life's and that everyone feels good. I totally recommand… read more
Un gran ser humano, laborioso y creativo.
A pesar que entiende poco español no le hace falta para hacerse entender.
Gratitud infinita tom
Thomas is a hard working volunteer who sticks to his values and responsibilities as carpenter, His humor is just right, he is VERY polite and also interested in peoples life's and that everyone feels good. I totally recommand… read more
¡Y QUÉ GRAN CARPINTERO ES! Nos hizo unas sillas y mesas que, ufff, nos encantaron. Como él mismo dijo, "le gusta arreglar cosas", y… read more