Tilly & Josh

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Informações do perfil

  • Informações de viagem

    Nós estamos


  • Descrição

    We are currently travelling across Europe to Turkey in a campervan.

    Tilly:I am a qualified nurse and yoga teacher. I enjoy spending time outdoors and in nature, whether that's through hiking, rock climbing, camping, or wild swimming. I have spent the last 5 years travelling worldwide in India, Asia, Central and South America, and the USA, with my partner Josh. We have experienced many different cultures, foods and ways of life. We have spent extended periods of time volunteering in the USA on organic farms, learning about permaculture, biodynamic farming, and all processes of plant growth. I am a fast learner and hard worker, and am enthusiastic and passionate about expanding my knowledge and gaining further experience in the farming environment, in the hopes of one day owning my own land.

    Josh:I have been travelling and working over the past 10 years, during my time at home I have worked in agriculture, arboriculture and in education. I feel very passionate about a world where food isn’t an issue and everyone can eat well. In my opinion organic farming and small scale production is the way to make this dream a reality. Whilst travelling I have been very lucky to have participated in the Workaway programme in India on a farm run by 2 scientists, one, a published doctor of botany and the other a published doctor of microbiology. During my time here I learnt about inoculating soil with fungi and bacteria cultured on site, this inspired me to delve deeper into the microbiological world. This past year I volunteered on a farm in the U.S and learnt about good irrigation practices for optimal microbial growth, harvesting by the biodynamic calendar and implementing an organic pest management programme. In my spare time myself and Tilly are rock climbers, we have done this all over the world and love the freedom it gives us to explore quiet, nature centric areas. I love flavours and creating different dishes based on the fresh ingredients available at hand. I'm currently looking to become more experienced in the day to day running and organisation of a farm, as well as expanding my knowledge of soil regeneration.

  • Interesses

    Trabalho beneficente
    Esportes aquáticos
    Criação de vídeos
    Vida na estrada
    Cuidar de plantas
    Atividades ao ar livre
    Culinária e comida
    Esportes de aventura
  • Idiomas

    Espanhol: Intermediário

    Mais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
    We have been travelling in central/south America and have knowledge of Spanish but would love to improve more through practice! We have taught English in the past whilst living in Vietnam,

    Encontre um parceiro de estudo

  • Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender

    Temos interesse em:  

    Projetos ambientais
    Trabalho beneficente
    Vida na fazenda

    Conhecimento de:  

    Projetos de construção/faça você mesmo
    Cuidar de animais
    Ajuda a cuidar da casa
    Manutenção geral

    Podemos ensinar:  

    Fazer companhia para idosos
    Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
  • Quais são suas habilidades?

    I am a nurse, and Josh has worked as a life guard so we are both first aid trained. I am also a yoga teacher and love teaching classes! We have experience in the following: farm labour, knowledge of compost tea brewing, soil microbiology, installing irrigation systems, knowledge of organic pest management, knowledge of planting and harvesting using the biodynamic calendar. We are hard working, fast learners and good fun!

  • Idade

    30 & 31

  • Algo mais...

    We are both very adventurous, we love spending time outdoors and discovering new activities. We love hiking, rock climbing and wild swimming. We also love team sports and have both played in football teams in England. We both enjoy cooking and preparing meals using local, fresh and organic ingredients.

  • Mais algumas informações

    • Fumante

    • Carteira de motorista

    • Alergias

    • Dietas especiais
      vegan/ vegetarian


