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Informações de viagem
Eu estou
em casa
I am a 60 year old with a love of travel and the countryside. My work background is in archaeology, but I'm interested in the natural environment too. I am active and reasonably fit and enjoy cooking, gardening, walking, climbing, fishing, foraging, camping, kayaking, almost anything involving the outdoors.
I am British, but have a German mother and have strong cultural links to Germany. I speak German reasonably well.
I have had a smallholding of my own where we mainly made and sold hay from the flower rich meadows. As a result I am used to operating farm machinery, fencing, walling etc.
I also restored an 18th century house including re-roofing, rebuilding the front walls, and replacing much of the timber. As a result I have some basic building and woodworking skills.
I am interested in experiencing different ways of life, cultures and languages and learning new skills.
I have kept bees for over 20 years and currently keep 2 hives together with my partner Rose
I went on my first Workaway in Norway in 2019 and helped to set up an organic apple farm. I went back in March 2020 for three weeks and ended up staying for three months due to the corona virus epidemic. I helped build drains, deer fences, gates, and helped to plant 2400 apple trees. I have been back almost every year since.
In spring 2022 I volunteered on a smallholding in Albania with Rose where built a dry stone walled revetment for a car parking and turning area, and helped with a wide variety of gardening and domestic tasks.
In spring 2023 we volunteered with a goat dairy and artisan cheesemaker in Montenegro where we built a dry stone wall together (have a look at the photo in my profile) made a nice garden area and learnt a bit about cheese making.
In September we went to a smallholding in Serbia where I mostly helped extract and chop wood for the coming winter and timber for a building project from the woods on the holding, while Rose did gardening work round the house and airbnb accommodation. We returned in May 2024 and helped with beekeeping, gardening and built a dry stone wall.
In December 2023 we went to the Draa Valley in Morocco where we helped to build an adobe house.
The times when I can get away on Workaway are limited because I work part time and am the main carer for my mum who is 91. When I do get away I love to get involved with practical projects and I am not afraid of hard physical work.Interesses
Culinária e comidaSustentabilidadeVelejar/navegarCuidar de plantasAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaMúsicaMontanhasIdiomasHistóriaCaminhadaJardinagemFazendaCampingCarpintariaDançaFaça você mesmoCulturaArquiteturaAnimaisIdiomas
Alemão: Fluente
Inglês: FluenteHabilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Projetos ambientais
Trabalho beneficente
Conhecimento de:
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmo
Vida na fazenda
Cuidar de animais
Fazer companhia para idosos
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
Ajuda a cuidar da casa
Manutenção geral
Quais são suas habilidades?
Building Skills: Building in block work and stone, traditional lime mortars, simple carpentry, scaffolding.
Farming: using tractors and other farm machinery, dry stone walling, fencing, hay making.
Gardening: I am particularly interested in apple growing and am competent in grafting, budding, and pruning fruit trees.Idade
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My opportunities for travel in 2024 due to caring responsibilities will be limited, but I am open to offers I can't refuse.
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais