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Informações de viagem
Nós estamos
We are Christina and Stefan(28 and 34 years old) from Germany and currently on a big journey around the world. We will be in Canada from August to November or even longer.
We are…
• outgoing
• people-oriented
• motivated
• quick learner
• punctual and reliable
• patient
We love…
• travelling
• meeting new people
• outdoor activities
• action
• adventure
• sport
We are an active couple who love both physical and creative work. In the 5 years that we have known each other, we have already mastered several projects together. Especially in the field of real estate renovation and interior design, we have a lot of experience. Our experience lies in several craft areas (carpenter work, painting work, masonry work) We have also carried out a number of projects for our family in the garden area (chicken coop, canopy, wall cladding) We shine with our good teamwork, creative nature and very good basic knowledge of craftsmanship and construction.Interesses
Esportes aquáticosEsportes de invernoEsportes de equipeCuidar de plantasNaturalezaAtividades ao ar livreMontanhasCaminhadaFitnessJardinagemDesenho e pinturaFazendaCulinária e comidaCiclismoCampingCarpintariaPraiaArte e designArquiteturaEsportes de aventuraIdiomas
Alemão: Fluente
Inglês: Fluente
Espanhol: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
Esta pessoa indicou ser um workawayer com interesse em compartilhar seu(s) idioma(s) ou em aprender um novo. Entre em contato diretamente para discutir o assunto.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Temos interesse em:
Cuidar de animaisHotelaria/turismoTrabalho beneficenteIdiomasProjetos artísticosAjuda com computadores/internetProjetos ambientaisConhecimento de:
JardinagemProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoManutenção geralVida na fazendaAjuda a cuidar da casaPodemos ensinar:
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseirasQuais são suas habilidades?
• 2 years of work experience as a fitter for floor laying and door assembly. Skilled in craftsmanship.
• 10 years experience in the field machine rental for garden and renovation work, supervision of construction projects as well as advice and sale of building materials in the hardware store.
• I worked part-time in gastronomy in the kitchen area. To this day, this is a great hobby that I cook fresh every day.
• 6 years of work experience as a service technican(worldwide) in the beverage industry. Installation and commissioning of production lines. A lot of self-responsible work.
• 9 years of work experience as a industrial mechanic in Germany. I have a good understanding of practical and technical work.
• 7 years experience as a bartender in a mexican restaurant/bar in Germany.
• 3 months working in removals, in Sydney, Australia. Hardworking but good workout:)Idade
35 & 30
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I hope that our profile will fit to your expectations and we can work together. We are looking forward to having a new and challenging experience. We are ready to give 110%!
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais