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Eu estou
Hello! I'm Lee Neul-bom in Korea. I think and study to make the world better. I want to travel around the world and meet more people, interact with them, and exchange happiness.
I have lived in Berlin for the past year. I have fallen into traveling around the world, meeting more people, and listening to people's lives. That is why I came to Europe again. Although I am Asian, I was also able to learn a lot of European lifestyles and manners. I don't have a big problem communicating in English.
Graduated from an agricultural high school. In addition to agriculture, he has abundant experience in various labor necessary for daily life. He has experience in both rural and urban life.
I have experienced diverse and creative education within Korean society. I want to share it with others and learn more through others.
I am constantly taking pictures and writing. I am also interested in flowers and cooking. I also had meetings where I constantly wrote and talked with my friends. I worked as a staff at various youth camps and have experience planning them. I also have experience in welcoming foreign guests in Korea. Based on my various education, I have planning skills to give creative experiences.
Please allow me to visit.
I sent you a message because I'm not just staying, but because I'm positively interested in you. I think it will be a good memory to spend time together.Interesses
NaturalezaArtes performáticasFotografiaPolítica/justiça socialAutodesenvolvimentoEsportes de equipeEscreverCriação de vídeosIdiomasHistóriaMochilãoJardinagemFazendaDesenho e pinturaEventos e socialDançaCulturaCarpintariaLivrosPraiaArte e designArquiteturaIdiomas
Inglês: Intermediário
Alemão: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
Basically, I want to improve my English ability. I am also interested in German and non-Korean. If you are interested, I can teach you Korean.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Trabalho beneficenteProjetos artísticosJardinagemProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoProjetos ambientaisConhecimento de:
Vida na fazendaManutenção geralPoso ensinar:
Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativasCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasQuais são suas habilidades?
I studied sociology, law, and business administration for a short time. I have both experience in planning and conducting programs and in manual labor.
As for physical work, he has experience in construction sites, vegetable farms, and flower farms. He has experience using a lawn mower or a cultivator. He installed ceilings in construction sites. In Berlin, he briefly worked in a skate park and worked in a restaurant.
He was also an assistant teacher at a school for youth travel in Korea, a Berlin skate camp. You can take pictures and cook. You can also clean well. Churches deal with children.
I'm very sociable!Idade
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I know very well the various games that friends play together in Korea. Adults and children all liked it.
I like to talk, and I like to go somewhere and draw and take pictures. I'm not good at it, but I also like to play the guitar. I used to be in a Brazilian percussion group, so I can do a little percussion.
I can help you if you want social media marketing!
In August, I will work in a space called Absalon in Denmark. Before that, I will stay in Europe. This is a new space created by the founder of Flying Tiger Copenhagen. If you are curious about the story there or in Berlin, I can tell you. Also about Korea.Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
The time spent here has been truly amazing. Beyond the physical experiences we had there, meeting him, someone I can respect as a person, was a great fortune for me.
He has tremendous experience and is also a person of great character. I was able to learn a lot during the time spent together, so much so… read more
The time spent here has been truly amazing. Beyond the physical experiences we had there, meeting him, someone I can respect as a person, was a great fortune for me.
He has tremendous experience and is also a person of great character. I was able to learn a lot during the time spent together, so much so… read more