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Informações de viagem
Eu estou
My name is Mirte Veenstra and I am 25 years old. I just graduated at the Art Academy in Amsterdam. Since I did an exchange program in Sydney last year, I fell in love with Australia. For that reason I decided to come back for at least one year for work and travel and to see more about this beautiful country. I would love to help with any projects in change of an unforgettable experience. I am able to come to any location that is offered to me aswel.
EscreverVida na estradaSustentabilidadeNaturalezaMúsicaIdiomasMochilãoCaminhadaEventos e socialCulturaCiclismoCulinária e comidaCampingPraiaArte e designAnimaisEsportes de aventuraIdiomas
Inglês: Fluente
Holandês: FluenteHabilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
JardinagemProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoManutenção geralVida na fazendaProjetos ambientaisCuidar de animaisIdiomasConhecimento de:
Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativasAjuda a cuidar da casaHotelaria/turismoProjetos artísticosQuais são suas habilidades?
I would describe myself as a social person, a hardworker, flexibel and a go-getter.
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
NoDietas especiais
In the month that Mirte was with us, she undertook a variety of springtime tasks, ranging from mustering sheep on quad bikes, checking on cattle and sheep… read more
In the month that Mirte was with us, she undertook a variety of springtime tasks, ranging from mustering sheep on quad bikes, checking on cattle and sheep… read more