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Eu estou
Meu próximo destino:
New Zealand - desde Mai 2024 até Mai 2025 Ver tudoDescrição
I'm a curious wanderer who loves the little things in life (that are not so little), nature, animals and culture, among many other things. I'm open-minded and up for many different kinds of adventures and experiences; professionally and personally. I have lived for years in Ireland, Belgium and France so far, and I love to discover the world and its treasures, including its wonderful people from everywhere! I've been a part of multiple volunteering projects so far; helping, learning and growing my skills set and my personality. I don't see Workaway as a way to travel with free accommodation, and I definitely never apply to join a place without really wanting it badly and having thought about it deeply to be sure it was a fit for the host and for me, so if you've received a message from me, you can be sure that I'm 100% motivated and interested in you and your place!
JardinagemDesenho e pinturaModa e belezaDançaTrabalho beneficenteFaça você mesmoCulinária e comidaMontanhasPraiaIdiomasMascotesEventos e socialVelejar/navegarYoga/bem-estarArte e designAutodesenvolvimentoAtividades ao ar livreCulturaFilmes e TVBlogsSustentabilidadeCaminhadaEscreverVegetariano/veganoNaturalezaMúsicaFotografiaLivrosArtes performáticasAnimaisIdiomas
Inglês: Fluente
Francês: FluenteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I am very interested in languages and would love to learn more in the future. I always try to at least learn Hello, thank you and goodbye in the language of the person I'm interacting with at work and when I travel.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
JardinagemVida na fazendaConhecimento de:
Projetos ambientaisProjetos artísticosProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoCuidar de animaisIdiomasPoso ensinar:
Ajuda com computadores/internetHotelaria/turismoQuais são suas habilidades?
I have years of experience in marketing. My skills include writing content for different platforms, taking pictures, manage social medias, design documents to promote a product/business/project, plan marketing strategies, etc. I love storytelling, among other things, and I am very creative. I also worked for years as a journalist, for radio and writing press. And along the way I gain different experiences, even in the music industry, that helped me learn a lot and be very versatile! Through my multiple volunteering experiences (not only on Workaway), I also got to build, work with wood, set up an entire volunteering program, teach English, help neurodivergent kids, and take care of animals in sanctuaries.
Algo mais...
I love to write (articles, stories, poems, letters, and more). Words may be my best friends (but I still LOVE people too!)
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
I am vegan
It was Mélanie to the rescue from day one. She completely took over care of the animals and took excellent care of me while I was immobile.… read more
Through Workaway my wife and I ask for maintenance help on our island property and when Mélanie contacted me I had never considered seeking anyone who would help me get my design business marketing on track, an… read more
It was Mélanie to the rescue from day one. She completely took over care of the animals and took excellent care of me while I was immobile.… read more
Through Workaway my wife and I ask for maintenance help on our island property and when Mélanie contacted me I had never considered seeking anyone who would help me get my design business marketing on track, an… read more
Melanie built the foundations and organisation of our volunteer program, she reviewed all applications, led video calls and selected future volunteers for the next few months through platforms and emails. She is very good at… read more
I was the first volunteer there and I got to basically do everything related to volunteers: choosing who… read more
As a professional in the field she works diligently and independently (how great is that). She had many good ideas that she implemented, she communicates well… read more
She is a very kind, caring and funny person and didn't hesitate to jump in to help with things often, we didn't have to ask, she just noticed and took initiative.
The work she has done for us is fantastic and went… read more