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Eu estou
Meu próximo destino:
Dominican Republic - desde Nov 2024 até Fev 2025 Ver tudoDescrição
Hey everyone, my name is Melissa. Right now I am traveling Latin America and I am looking for Workaways in the places I am staying in. I finished my studies in Transcultural Communication at the university in Graz. I love discovering new cultures, meeting new people and making new experiences. I am already looking forward to meeting all of you.
AnimaisFazendaEventos e socialTrabalho beneficenteCaminhadaDançaCarpintariaPraiaEsportes de aventuraVegetariano/veganoEsportes aquáticosVelejar/navegarPolítica/justiça socialAtividades ao ar livreMascotesMontanhasIdiomasLGBTQMochilãoCulturaCampingFaça você mesmoLivrosHistóriaCulinária e comidaIdiomas
Alemão: Fluente
Inglês: Fluente
Francês: Fluente
Espanhol: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
Esta pessoa indicou ser um workawayer com interesse em compartilhar seu(s) idioma(s) ou em aprender um novo. Entre em contato diretamente para discutir o assunto.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
JardinagemFazer companhia para idososVida na fazendaProjetos ambientaisHotelaria/turismoProjetos artísticosConhecimento de:
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmoCuidar de crianças/atividades criativasManutenção geralCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasAjuda a cuidar da casaCuidar de animaisTrabalho beneficenteAjuda com computadores/internetPoso ensinar:
IdiomasEnsinoQuais são suas habilidades?
I have been volunteering for a few years now. I volunteered for eleven months in a French school, where i gained experience in teaching. After that I worked as au pair in Spain for several weeks. I also helped out on a yacht where I did all kinds of different things: from cleaning to being a waitress. And then i volunteered with all hands and hearts in the US. That is an organization that rebuilds houses and schools after natural disasters. I have also done quite a few workaways by now: I helped out with a husky kennel and did some babysitting in Sweden, helped repair a boat in the Netherlands. I also did some gardening in Portugal and learned how to milk goats in Slovakia. I have also volunteered in a Hostel before. So as you can see , I am open to all kinds of new experiences:)
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
NoDietas especiais
I had a really good time during my stay with Maj. I really enjoyed walking the dogs and helping around the garden and the house. Maj helped me over and over again and let me stay longer when I couldn't leave because of the corona virus. I am so very grateful to her for letting me stay and helping me so much. And during all that… read more