Medalhas (2)

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Eu estou
Hello, my name is Maya, I am 20 years old and just got out of school with no real idea of what I want my future to look like. Since I can remember I enjoy traveling and seeing new places, so now after school I want to take a year to work and travel, to find out what I like and dislike.
I am an adventurous person, and I am curious to see new cultures as well as meet likeminded people. This year in August my sister and I were visiting London. Last year I went to a surf camp in Spain with a friend and the year before I went to a surf camp in France with two of my friends. While being there I connected with people my age and learned a little about how to surf. Some of my fondest memories are from traveling. In the surf camp in Spain we went to cliffs near the ocean and while watching the sunset we talked and sang while someone played guitar.
The first thing that comes to mind when others try to describe me is that I stand up for minorities and that I am empathetic.
I want to visit Australia, because it is so diverse, from big cities to open land. I love the beach, but I also adore mountains and forests.
Australia is a save country for solo female travellers, and as it is my first time traveling alone, it is a great first country to start traveling to.
I like to learn new skills, recently I experimented with cooking and baking.
I believe in equal rights for all, I care for the environment and animals, which is why I am a vegetarian.
I love all animals, even if I am a little freaked out by some of them. When I see a spider in the house instead of killing it I catch it and bring it outside.
I was raised in a small town, where I got bored pretty quickly, so I always wanted to travel to see new places.
In my free time I like to go jogging, read and I like to spend my time outdoors in nature. I also love to get together with my friends and play cards or board games
I have been in Australia since September, and I started working and living with a family, who I found on Workaway. I helped them renovate their house and build their pool.Interesses
DançaYoga/bem-estarVida na estradaMúsicaDesenho e pinturaCampingFaça você mesmoCaminhadaNaturalezaAtividades ao ar livreMascotesCuidar de plantasAutodesenvolvimentoSustentabilidadeVegetariano/veganoPolítica/justiça socialVelejar/navegarFilmes e TVMontanhasLGBTQHistóriaJardinagemFazendaCulturaCulinária e comidaTrabalho beneficenteLivrosAstronomiaArte e designAnimaisIdiomas
Alemão: Fluente
Inglês: Intermediário
Holandês: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I am interested in getting better in English and I am willing to teach German. In Germany we are taught English since 4th grade, which is why I can already understand a lot in English and speak pretty fluently. I am also interested in learning a completely new language.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Trabalho beneficente
Projetos ambientais
Vida na fazenda
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
Ajuda a cuidar da casa
Conhecimento de:
Projetos artísticos
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmo
Cuidar de animais
Manutenção geral
Quais são suas habilidades?
I recently graduated school after grade 13. In school my advanced courses were Biology, English, German and Philosophy. I did a Cambridge exam, where I received a Grade B.
My native language is German and I am willing to teach some of the basics.
My family has a garden, two fields and a workshop, where me and my father build a new cover for our well. Sometimes I mow the lawn. In the past I painted a wall outside, as well as my bedroom wall and I painted the wooden floor of our terrace. My family has a vacation home where we worked on building a new terrace, we had to dig up all the old stones and sand from the old terrace and then we laid out the new stones.
I have helped my father with trimming the hedge, with cleaning our solar panels and with chopping firewood. I have waited tables at my aunt's birthday party. Recently I experimented with baking and cooking, and some of my favorite baking recipes are banana muffins and brownies.
While doing a workaway in the Narara Ecovillage, I learned a lot, such as using a sander to sand wood, using a router to round the edges of the wood, and how to lay bricks with mortar.Idade
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I have been working as a workawayer since the 15th of September, and I will be finished on the 27th of December. I did some renovating on their house and learned a lot about different power tools.
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
I eat vegetarian