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    em casa

  • Descrição

    Dear reader of my text

    Welcome to my profile!

    I hope you're doing fine!
    I am Luisa, almost 27 years old, and curious for my new meaningful little workaway adventure.

    I have just completed my Master's degree in Human Rights in Italy after spending a year volunteering with refugees and doing research in Lebanon, gardening in Spain and working with a youth organisation in The Gambia to carry out some environmental protection projects. I am about to go back to The Gambia in a bit to continue volunteering (anti-plastic initiatives) but will spend my summer in Spain - hoping to meet you there!:)

    Thanks to workaway and many other paid, and mostly non-paid work experience, I am familiar with gardening, house and garden maintenance, cooking, renovating, painting, cleaning, working with children and youths, journalistic as well as NGO work, and others.

    Having changed place many times, I know how to adapt to new places and situations. I love cultural exchange and am able to speak English, French and Italian (although especially if you are a native speaker, you will recognize my maaaany many mistakes ;-)). And I wish to freshen up my Spanish this year (I had it in school for 4 years, understand a lot, but in my replies confuse it too often with Italian, and lack confidence in speaking)!

    I am very curious and open-minded about life, love to listen other people's stories and giving a helping help wherever needed. I spend a lot of time in nature - having long walks/hikes, biking, swimming- ,I like to write, read and meditate a lot, draw and sketch, cook, am learning to play the electric guitar, do analogue photography and enjoy spending time with other people over good food, laughter and good conversations.
    Unfortunately, I don't have any special magic skills, but the willingness to do everything in my power. :)

    I guess this space here is to describe yourself as best you can, but I would prefer to meet you in real life and tell you about me personally. And especially get to know you.

    Hope to see you soon!

  • Idiomas

    Inglês: Fluente
    Francês: Fluente
    Italiano: Fluente
    Espanhol: Iniciante

    Mais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
    Esta pessoa indicou ser um workawayer com interesse em compartilhar seu(s) idioma(s) ou em aprender um novo. Entre em contato diretamente para discutir o assunto.

    Encontre um parceiro de estudo

  • Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender

    Tenho interesse em:  

    Projetos de construção/faça você mesmo
    Fazer companhia para idosos
    Projetos ambientais
    Cuidar de animais
    Projetos artísticos

    Conhecimento de:  

    Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativas
    Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
    Manutenção geral
    Vida na fazenda
    Ajuda a cuidar da casa

    Poso ensinar:  

  • Quais são suas habilidades?

    I am open-minded for different tasks and I am a fast learner. Being a curious person, I would love to do some complete new work.
    This year I did an internship at an environmental organisation in Italy which has been a very pleasant experience for me.
    After finishing school, I did different jobs and internships. For example, I worked as a writer for our local newspaper and had therefore the chance to visit different events, communicate and interview people there and create articles about these experiences. I also volunteered in a sheltered workshop and in a refugee`s camp. I did an internship in the Bundestag, the German parliament in Berlin, worked in different schools and had so far different jobs to earn money: as a waitress, a worker in an ecological food store, and during summer I used to work as a city gardener in Basel, my home town.
    Through my different work experiences, I learned how to adapt to new situations and how to become part of a team with complete new people. And I always like the beginning of a new experience because each job and each team is different and I always feel how much I can learn from different people. In return, I try to give my best to work persistent and try to include the skills I have. I am a very interested and also creative person that loves to be a lot outside in nature and work there.

  • Idade


  • Mais algumas informações

    • Fumante

    • Carteira de motorista

    • Alergias

    • Dietas especiais
      I am vegetarian and mostly eat vegan (bcs of environmental and ethical reasons) but I am also very curious, so for local specialties I am more than willing to make exceptions.;) Since a while, I am unfortunately gluten-intolerant, so I'd prefer to not eat



