Informações do perfil
Informações de viagem
Eu estou
My name is Harry, I'm from a small village in the UK - I love travelling to meet new people and explore different places.
I love getting outside on my bike, swimming and anything else that keeps me fit. I also enjoy going to the gym, eating well and staying healthy.
I've done a Workaway before in Perth, Australia at the start of last year and loved every minute of it - hence on the hunt for new places to visit!
Hope to see you soon!Interesses
TecnologiaAutodesenvolvimentoVelejar/navegarMascotesAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaMúsicaIdiomasMochilãoJardinagemFitnessModa e belezaEventos e socialCiclismoCulturaCulinária e comidaTrabalho beneficenteCampingPraiaAnimaisEsportes de aventuraIdiomas
Inglês: FluenteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
After recent visits to France and Morocco I would like to starting speaking French.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Projetos ambientaisEnsinoVida na fazendaConhecimento de:
Fazer companhia para idososProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoCuidar de crianças/atividades criativasCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasAjuda a cuidar da casaHotelaria/turismoPoso ensinar:
Trabalho beneficenteIdiomasJardinagemCuidar de animaisManutenção geralAjuda com computadores/internetQuais são suas habilidades?
I am a physically fit person, I have previously worked at a landscaping company for a few months so have good experience on gardening, outdoor and handyman jobs.
I'm good with technology too - I run a small business online.
Most importantly I pick up skills quickly, I have the mindset that you can learn anything with some hard work.Idade
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
The work I did was enjoyable and we experienced some trips I'll never forget, like taking the horses down to the beach in the morning. 🤩
Couldn't speak more highly of my experience, 10/10 - I would love to come back… read more
The work I did was enjoyable and we experienced some trips I'll never forget, like taking the horses down to the beach in the morning. 🤩
Couldn't speak more highly of my experience, 10/10 - I would love to come back… read more