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Eu estou
Meu próximo destino:
France - desde Dez 2024 até Fev 2025 Ver tudoDescrição
Hello, my name is Fynn Ruben and I am 22 years old :)
I graduated from high school in 2022 and after that, I did an apprenticeship as a design assistant. Besides that I earned my money working in an ice cream shop, in a flower shop and I babysitted for the neighbors and family.
I got workaway experience with animals, working with chicken, sheep, (foster) dogs, goats, donkeys and many more. I also did quite a lot of gardening and helped with renovation jobs and of course house chores.
I enjoy physical work and I love to learn more about gardening and crafts.
I'm also good with kids and animals and I love being outside in the nature. In my free time I enjoy yoga and hiking, as well as reading and creative activities like drawing, painting and doing embroidery.
I hope that I will meet kind people to learn from while being a workawayer. I am really eager to put myself out of my comfort zone to improve my social skills and make new experiences to learn about things, that school or life at home would never teach me like that.Interesses
AstronomiaPraiaArtes performáticasEventos e socialCarpintariaMontanhasDesenho e pinturaCaminhadaVegetariano/veganoDançaCiclismoEscreverAnimaisYoga/bem-estarAutodesenvolvimentoAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaSustentabilidadeCulinária e comidaCulturaArte e designLGBTQFaça você mesmoCuidar de plantasMascotesJardinagemFazendaFitnessCampingLivrosIdiomas
Alemão: Fluente
Inglês: FluenteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I'm definitely interested in improving my language skills and I am also able to introduce others to German and/or English.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
JardinagemProjetos ambientaisEnsinoVida na fazendaManutenção geralProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoConhecimento de:
Cuidar de animaisCuidar de crianças/atividades criativasCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasAjuda a cuidar da casaPoso ensinar:
Projetos artísticosAjuda com computadores/internetIdiomasQuais são suas habilidades?
During my high school graduation and training, I learned how to work with technology, media design and communication. And while the corona virus closed our schools, I taught myself to cook.
I'm a very disciplined person and a fast learner. I'm interested in a lot of different things and that's why I'm eager to learn a lot of new skills while being a workawayer. For example I would like to improve my cooking, baking and also craft skillsIdade
Algo mais...
I'm a big fan of board games and often organize game nights at home.
I enjoy music and dancing, as well as yoga and hiking :)Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
I don't eat meat and fish
He arrived in February for 3 weeks, he left in October and I'm delighted to say he's coming back for New Year.
If you get the opportunity to host Fynn please don't, I need him ;-)
But seriously, Fynn is a hard working, committed, quick to learn and a lot of fun! When he arrived… read more
Simon is one of the most inspiring and caring people I ever met and I'm endlessly grateful to now call him my friend. His home is an absolute safe… read more
He arrived in February for 3 weeks, he left in October and I'm delighted to say he's coming back for New Year.
If you get the opportunity to host Fynn please don't, I need him ;-)
But seriously, Fynn is a hard working, committed, quick to learn and a lot of fun! When he arrived… read more
Simon is one of the most inspiring and caring people I ever met and I'm endlessly grateful to now call him my friend. His home is an absolute safe… read more
Cooking, yoga, corvee, walks with Benni, helping on the column wall in de long barn, jigsaw, flash visit to Bruxelles, reading, and movies, no matter what we threw at him: he said 'okay!'
Fynn is a… read more