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Eu estou
em casa
Meu próximo destino:
Puglia, Italy - desde Nov 2024 até Jan 2025 Ver tudoDescrição
I’m Enise, which means sincere friend in Arabic. I’m 23 years old and I recently graduated from university. I'm from Turkey, I've lived there almost my whole life.
I’m here because I’m taking a gap year to fulfill my dream of exploring and experiencing the world and meeting new people in their habitats. Now, I work freelance as a content creator and editor. I’m creative and empathetic. I value sincerity in friendships and prioritize validating one’s feelings, thus, psychological well-being. Having lived in Turkey almost my entire life as a woman, I believe the feminist movement is my biggest cause. Now, I’m pursuing a master’s degree in gender studies. However, first, I’m willing to leave my comfort zone and explore, exchange, and learn for a year. (hopefully to be continued)
I’ve been to several countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia. I’ve always aimed to discover the cities I’ve been to by letting myself wander around and walk, walk, walk. It also concerns my street photography hobby, where I walk without a route or plan to capture the moment. In any case, I enjoy long walks and trekking. I’ve tried different ways of traveling, exploring, and experiencing, such as solo hitchhiking and camping. So, I can say I’m an adventurous person.
My goal is to experience staying with a local, helping them, learning about locals' day-to-day lives, feeling a sense of community, or being part of a household for a limited time, members of which I share similar interests and values. That is to say, I enjoy talking to new people to make connections and listen to their experiences. I believe that a random person can affect your life in ways you would never think of, which is beautiful.Interesses
MontanhasDesenho e pinturaTrabalho beneficenteEscreverArte e designPolítica/justiça socialNaturalezaFaça você mesmoCulturaBlogsCulinária e comidaFotografiaCaminhadaIdiomasAutodesenvolvimentoLGBTQMochilãoIdiomas
Inglês: Fluente
Turco: Fluente
Espanhol: Iniciante
Swedish: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I've given English speaking lessons before, so I can help with that. Also, I can teach you Turkish.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Trabalho beneficenteJardinagemManutenção geralConhecimento de:
Projetos artísticosProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasHotelaria/turismoAjuda a cuidar da casaPoso ensinar:
IdiomasQuais são suas habilidades?
Education: I completed my bachelor's degree in sociology at METU. I'm planning to concentrate on gender studies in my master's. Other areas I'm interested in are social inequalities, queer studies, and social psychology.
Photography: I'm interested in street and candid photography. Here is my portfolio:
Language: My native language is Turkish, and I'm fluent in English (IELTS: 7). I can help with English speaking practice. I'm a beginner in Swedish and Spanish. I'm more familiar with Swedish since I spent my pre-school years there.
Hostels: I can work in the reception
Creative Work: I can help with creative and DIY projects because I enjoy detailed and creative work. One time, I made a disco ball from scratch as a gift. I can and will enjoy painting and DIY projects.
Content Writing: I'm good at content writing, blogs, and website content (it is my freelance job now). I can also help with social media management via photos and content.
Cooking: I can cook, and I'd love to learn new skills and recipes.
Nature: I'm willing to learn about nature. I can do gardening tasks if you teach me. I'd love to learn about herbs, trees, vegetables, and fruits.
Chores: I can help with general cleaning, tidying up, organizing, looking after cats, and other things I can learn.
Hostels: I can work in reception. I'm fluent in English, and I have good communication skills. I can also do basic housekeeping tasks.
I'm open to learning new skills and being helpful in different ways.Idade
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
Thank you Enise. :)
Thank you Enise. :)