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Eu estou
My name is Emil, and I am a 24 year old Dane. Since i graduated from Gymnasium (similar to High School) in 2019, I have been working and traveling. Back home in Denmark I work as a substitute teacher and in a youth club. As soon as I have enough money, I go traveling. The last 5 years have mostly bin traveling to ski resorts, as I am a ski instructor. I am currently in Australia on my 4th winter season, and want to travel around before I start my next ski season in december in Japan
I love the freedom and happiness traveling gives me! I am ver curious as a person, so meeting new people, facing new challenges and getting new experiences means everything to me :-)Interesses
NaturalezaMúsicaTrabalho beneficenteCarpintariaFaça você mesmoAutodesenvolvimentoEsportes de invernoEscreverSustentabilidadePolítica/justiça socialCulturaLivrosAtividades ao ar livreVelejar/navegarFotografiaHistóriaEventos e socialCulinária e comidaPraiaArquiteturaEsportes de aventuraIdiomas
Danish: Fluente
Inglês: FluenteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I can teach English. I work back home as a substitute teacher, so I am used to teaching. I have taught english lesson several times before.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Trabalho beneficenteIdiomasJardinagemProjetos ambientaisManutenção geralCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasConhecimento de:
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmoHotelaria/turismoPoso ensinar:
EnsinoCuidar de crianças/atividades criativasQuais são suas habilidades?
First of all I am very accommodating, great at working with people and good at creating strong relations. I think that is my strongest skill and maybe the important skill to have. Besides that, I am a very fast learner and dutiful - I always tries my best and most of the times that is enough.
I have done 4 skiing season at 4 different ski school, so i am quite used to start working with new teams/crew. Also I have volunteered at a hostel in Canada and a hostel in Jamaica.
I have on side experience with building projects/maintenance. I have helped family and friends to renovate apartments, boats and build on of my friends house.Idade
Algo mais...
I have played a lot of football/soccer at a high level, so if you need someone to play with/coach/train I would love it ;-)
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
The journey to find our place is not easy but He found it with just a location tag,bravooo explorer 🏕️⛵
He is friendly and nice to be around and helping.
Dear host should meet/host him by any chance. Definitely will host again and again.
Bon voyage 🍀
Biggest recommendations from me. You will not regret volunteering here!
Kak Muni and Cik Lah are very welcoming and lovely people. They showed me and invited me into their life for a life, like they have known me forever. Thank you a lot for that.
The… read more
It was a pleasure having Emil as he has an easy to adapt personality and curious about many… read more
The journey to find our place is not easy but He found it with just a location tag,bravooo explorer 🏕️⛵
He is friendly and nice to be around and helping.
Dear host should meet/host him by any chance. Definitely will host again and again.
Bon voyage 🍀
Biggest recommendations from me. You will not regret volunteering here!
Kak Muni and Cik Lah are very welcoming and lovely people. They showed me and invited me into their life for a life, like they have known me forever. Thank you a lot for that.
The… read more
It was a pleasure having Emil as he has an easy to adapt personality and curious about many… read more