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Meu próximo destino:
New Zealand - desde Set 2024 até Fev 2025 Ver tudoDescrição
Hi! From the Netherlands, Groningen, I welcome you to my profile :)
My name is Denise (26) and I have recently finished my MA studies. After September, I will stop with my part-time job as an immigration officer for a University of Applied Sciences. Before starting with a new fulltime job, I will take some months off to travel.
As I have experienced during my studies and my work, I thoroughly enjoy intercultural communication. Hence, during my travels, I would love to meet people, learn from others about their lives, their culture and their stories. For me, travelling is not about visiting as many hotspots as possible, but trying to grasp a bit of local culture and other people's everyday lives.
About me: I enjoy nature, being with animals, reading books and cooking.
When finding myself with a day off, I often go for a hike with my sister (preferably with the dogs of my parents), visit the beach, hop on my Honda Transalp 600 for a tour, or start baking or cooking (I would be more than happy to make by brownies or chocolate chip cookies for you). I cannot live without tea and spotify. Preferably combined with a good book :)Interesses
Esportes de aventuraDesenho e pinturaHistóriaCulturaMascotesSustentabilidadePolítica/justiça socialIdiomasCuidar de plantasJardinagemCulinária e comidaLivrosAnimaisEsportes de invernoAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaCaminhadaCampingPraiaIdiomas
Inglês: Fluente
Holandês: Fluente
Alemão: Iniciante
Francês: InicianteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I would like to improve my German and French :)Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Trabalho beneficenteJardinagemProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoProjetos ambientaisProjetos artísticosHouse sittingConhecimento de:
Cuidar de animaisCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasAjuda a cuidar da casaHotelaria/turismoPoso ensinar:
IdiomasQuais são suas habilidades?
I have a BA degree in European languages and cultures and an MA degree in communication science. intercultural communication, corporate communication, international relations etc. are some of the topics that I should have some knowledge of and can tell you more about :)
In 2022 I worked for a skischool in Austria for a few months. Here, I experienced working with children. It was something completely out of my comfort zone, both learning how to snowboard and working with children in a foreign language. It was such a wonderful experience though, and it would be nice to experience something similar again.
My parents are self employed and I grew up in a family where everyone contributed. In my teenage years, I always had a job and I helped in the cake shop of my mother or helped my parents with a variety of household chores. I really like cooking and a year ago I started with a small vegetable garden. I live in a city and there is not that much room next to my apartment, so apart from some tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, strawberries, figs and herbs there is not that much that I can grow by myself, but hey, it is a start ;) While growing up, I was surrounded by animals. I honestly cannot imagine a life without being surrounded by them. I am used to dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and horses, but would love to learn more about other animals as well. Taking care of any animal would be lovely.Idade
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Mark and Max are very kind and genuine and I feel very lucky to have met them. The story of the valley is so thoughtprovoking and inspiring and it is amazing to see what they have built over the years. I really enjoyed the accomodation and being there with other workawayers: also because it allows you to do/plan fun… read more
the dogs are very… read more
Mark and Max are very kind and genuine and I feel very lucky to have met them. The story of the valley is so thoughtprovoking and inspiring and it is amazing to see what they have built over the years. I really enjoyed the accomodation and being there with other workawayers: also because it allows you to do/plan fun… read more
the dogs are very… read more