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Eu estou
Atividades em que tenho interesse:
I really enjoy working with my hands; I've always got something on the go. In my spare time I make videos for social media and obsessively write music.
I love reading, and overanalysing films.Descrição
Hi there!
I'm a 24-year-old creative from Sheffield, UK, with a passion for all things music, photography and videography!
I recently quit my job working as a CNC operative to help a friend do up their house, whilst working on a self employed business. At the moment I'm badly in need to meet some new and inspiring people.
Even though I have a pretty strong creative tendency, I have worked with my hands my whole life and I am always willing to throw myself into any task. I'm proficient at woodwork, gardening and larger construction work. I'm game for everything!!
As well as that I would love to help document/ promote/ photograph whatever to help out!!
I'm not very good at writing, so but I'm very willing to answer and questions/ meetup either virtually or in real!Interesses
HistóriaCuidar de plantasMúsicaTecnologiaEscreverEsportes de invernoEsportes de equipeFotografiaFilmes e TVDesenho e pinturaAstronomiaArte e designCarpintariaDançaMontanhasEsportes aquáticosAutodesenvolvimentoCriação de vídeosArtes performáticasFaça você mesmoArquiteturaLivrosCiclismoAtividades ao ar livreVelejar/navegarYoga/bem-estarNaturalezaMochilãoCulturaEsportes de aventuraIdiomas
Inglês: FluenteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I really enjoy chatting to people, and it has always been a dream to speak in their native tongue. I used to be bilingual in French, but I haven’t spoken it in a long time.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Trabalho beneficenteConhecimento de:
Projetos de construção/faça você mesmoAjuda a cuidar da casaProjetos ambientaisFazer companhia para idososManutenção geralPoso ensinar:
Ajuda com computadores/internetProjetos artísticosIdiomasQuais são suas habilidades?
Social media production (photography, videography, editing, sound design)
Music (recording, mixing, writing, arranging)
all things wood work
all things gardening
I'm pretty good with my hands, and I'm a very fast learner.
Decorating and interior design
I’ve been told I’m very easy to talk to.
stuff I'm not good at
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I'm currently travelling with: algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais