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Atividades em que tenho interesse:
I am planning to go to Australia.
Hello,I'm Tomoko from Japan. I'm traveling with my 13 year old son, Kotaro.
We live in Hokkaido, Japan. Our house is in a small village.
We like to travel. We started a new journey in May of this year. We were not able to leave the our village for more than three years. So we feel happy to be able to enjoy traveling now.
My son is choosing to be unschooled. He doesn't go to school. However, he is learning online during his travels. Most importantly, he has learned a lot from this journey. We never knew learning outside of school could be so great.
We have been using Workaway for the past 8 months. We would like to experience a life different from Japan here. This is not a tourist trip. We would like to experience your daily life. That's something we don't know when we stay at a hotel. Of course, we also like sightseeing.
We will be happy to assist you. We would like to learn about your lifestyle, culture, and language.
We have visited in Malaysia and Indonesia. We have had great experiences there. We are truly grateful to our host families for accepting us.
And using this site has become essential to our journey. This is something we didn't know when we started our journey. By spending time with our host families, we had many experiences that we would have never known before. I'm sure that if I had stayed in Japan, I would not have had the opportunity to know about them.
I'm grateful to have had such a wonderful experience.
We are in the process of learning English. Therefore, we are not fluent in speaking English. But we hope to learn the language and talk more with you.
We hope that our experience will be of help to you.
Thank you for reading.
EscreverEsportes de invernoEsportes aquáticosVida na estradaEsportes de equipeSustentabilidadeAutodesenvolvimentoFotografiaAtividades ao ar livreNaturalezaMúsicaMontanhasIdiomasMochilãoCaminhadaFitnessModa e belezaFazendaDançaFaça você mesmoCiclismoCulturaCulinária e comidaTrabalho beneficenteCampingLivrosPraiaAnimaisEsportes de aventuraIdiomas
Japonês: Fluente
Inglês: InicianteHabilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Ajuda a cuidar da casaTrabalho beneficenteProjetos ambientaisJardinagemProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoCuidar de animaisVida na fazendaProjetos artísticosHotelaria/turismoConhecimento de:
Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativasCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasEnsinoPoso ensinar:
IdiomasQuais são suas habilidades?
I've been involved in education for 15 years since I graduated from university.
Nursery teacher, kindergarten teacher, elementary school teacher, junior high school teacher, high school teacher. I have these Japanese licenses. And I've experienced all these jobs. I have 13 years of experience in raising children. Also, I can do housework, do laundry, clean, and cook Japanese food. Both my son and I are beginners in English. It's difficult to speak English fluently, but we would like to learn it. I can teach Japanese. My son is also good at babysitting. He is also good at sports. We would like to exchange cultures and learn new languages through volunteering at workaway.Idade
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We can enjoy Japanese play together. For example, kendama, beanbags, koma, origami, etc. We also like playing cards and Othello. We can ski. My son and I were both cross-country skiers. We also love activities that move our bodies outdoors.
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
Dietas especiais
We wanted to learn more about homeschooling. It was a wonderful experience for us to be able to experience what it is like to actually do this. I was… read more
We are grateful that you found us among the many workawayers. We were lucky enough to attend a meditation retreat. We learned about meditation for the first time. It was an amazing experience.
During the 14 days, we were able to share a lot of time with other wonderful… read more
We cooked many dishes during the three… read more
We wanted to learn more about homeschooling. It was a wonderful experience for us to be able to experience what it is like to actually do this. I was… read more
We are grateful that you found us among the many workawayers. We were lucky enough to attend a meditation retreat. We learned about meditation for the first time. It was an amazing experience.
During the 14 days, we were able to share a lot of time with other wonderful… read more
We cooked many dishes during the three… read more
Because you were already friends with our friends. I thought I really came to New Zealand to see you.
She was very flexible regarding arrival and departure dates. She gave us a ride to the bus stop. And she showed us lots of great places in the city of… read more
We were able to get to know the wonderful city of Coffs Harbour. Thank you.
You were always kind to us, and we were able to spend a safe and comfortable time like a real family.
All the dishes you made were wonderful. We wanted to enjoy your creative… read more
talk and blend with local
their help are unforgetable for the kids and all villager
tomoko are best chef
kotaro are energic and love sport so much, he won a soccer match with our village team
very helpfull, respectfull
feel sad to let them go
sadly they are left
nothing… read more
Thanks for staying here and helping a lot, i hope we can see each other soon, see u!👋
We spent 10 days with them. It felt like a very, very short time to us.
My son had just started unschooling. Therefore, the happiest experience for me was being able to talk a lot about education with Lani. I wasn't fluent in English. But they have always been warm and supportive of me and my son. I… read more
We stayed at their house for two weeks. They accepted us as if we were a real family. That was a wonderful thing. They were always kind to us. So we were able to spend our time as relaxed as if we were in our own home.
I was more than happy to be able to discuss parenting with them. It was a good… read more
The work was very simple and we helped clean the house and garden. He was able to take us to church, take us out to eat, and even socialize with his… read more
Tomoko is very helpful at home, She cleaned, managed and ordered my store room and kitchen very well and also cooked very delicious Japanese foods such as Shushi and Teriyaki Chicken , ありがとう 🙇🏻♂️
Travels Safe and Hope to see… read more
We helped for 4 to 5 hours a day. Other times, I was able to use it to study English and… read more