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Nós estamos
em casa
We are a professional couple from London, now living in Lincolnshire. From September 2022 to September 2023 we embarked on a career break in order see a bit more of our wonderful world! We love food and culture and meeting new people, and so we had an incredible trip visitng South East Asia and the Baltics.
We cannot wait to take another extended trip and visit a bit more of Europe.
We love trying new things and having adventures. We like the history of a place and learning the myths and legends that the locals share. Joining WorkAway has been very exciting and we can't wait to be immersed in a place and give back, as it's the perfect way to be truly involved in local custom and culture. We are hardworking, conscientious and happy to help! Through WorkAway we have made some lifelong friends across the world and we are excited to find more!
Anja (34yrs): Back in 2013 I worked for the British Council and taught English for a summer in Thailand and this experience definitely ignited a passion for travel. I have worked with children for years and I'm looking forward to travelling again to meet local families, revisiting some of my favourite destinations as well as taking on new adventures!
Michael (37yrs): I have split my working career between physical jobs and customer service so I feel I am very personable and very happy to get hands on with almost anything. I have been continuously employed since my early teens so have never travelled apart from short holidays. I am very eager to travel to different places, experience different cultures and see the world.Interesses
AnimaisPolítica/justiça socialArtes performáticasArquiteturaJardinagemCiclismoPraiaNaturalezaAtividades ao ar livreAutodesenvolvimentoSustentabilidadeDançaMúsicaFilmes e TVIdiomasCaminhadaHistóriaEventos e socialCulturaTrabalho beneficenteCulinária e comidaLivrosIdiomas
Inglês: FluenteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
We are both very keen to delve into the culture of anywhere that we go, so we have been strict with ourselves to try and pick up the local language. We are also keen to support the teaching and learning of English if this is useful to the local community.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Temos interesse em:
IdiomasJardinagemProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoManutenção geralTrabalho beneficenteProjetos ambientaisEnsinoVida na fazendaHotelaria/turismoConhecimento de:
Cuidar de crianças/atividades criativasCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasAjuda a cuidar da casaQuais são suas habilidades?
Michael - Automobile maintenance and repair. I am physically strong so can help with manual tasks. I am a good listener and follow instructions very well. I am personable and can interact efficiently with a variety of people. I am hard working and humble, there is no job I will not try to do well.
Anja - Childcare, most recently specifically supporting children with disabilities. I have worked with children for 16yrs and have had various roles across the sector, including within schools as well as community groups. I am a keen theatre-goer and love drama and arts so I always try to be creative. I am conscientious and believe myself to have a good sense of humour in relation to work.Idade
35 & 38
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We're happy to take on a challenge and we'd love to know we are being useful wherever we go! Thank you for considering our profile and we look forward to meeting you one day soon.
Mais algumas informações
Carteira de motorista
No allergiesDietas especiais
Both of us do not like mushrooms, but happy to try everything!
We stayed for two weeks, whilst Jane had a much needed holiday at the coast. We had… read more
They are very positive people with a great sense of humor. They are very adventurous, not afraid to get their hands dirty or swim in a bog. They were very interested in nature and it was fun to show… read more
The Garden Centre is in a beautiful area, surrounded by nature. We were able to… read more
We spent a wonderful week in Möldri, Saaremaa helping with their rainwater collection system. The work was very rewarding and myself and my partner… read more
We stayed for two weeks, whilst Jane had a much needed holiday at the coast. We had… read more
They are very positive people with a great sense of humor. They are very adventurous, not afraid to get their hands dirty or swim in a bog. They were very interested in nature and it was fun to show… read more
The Garden Centre is in a beautiful area, surrounded by nature. We were able to… read more
We spent a wonderful week in Möldri, Saaremaa helping with their rainwater collection system. The work was very rewarding and myself and my partner… read more
We were asked to work 4hrs each, 12noon to 8pm and we completed simple tasks around the guesthouse; cleaning, check-ins and check-outs etc. We also helped Wilson by repairing the dorm-room floor and… read more
My partner and I stayed at the farm for one month and completed the chestnut harvest from late September through October. I won't lie; this was at times very hard work! Because… read more