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Hi !
My name is Téa, I'm 21 and I'm french. I love cooking, reading, animals and discovering many new things. I'd like to meet as much people as possible, this is really great to encounter different stories, experiences and cultures.
Many of my friends and my family see me as a sunshine person who enjoys laughing and kidding. I'm am also a calm person and I usually observe before acting.Interesses
EscreverNaturalezaMascotesFilmes e TVIdiomasJardinagemCulturaLivrosCulinária e comidaAnimaisIdiomas
Francês: Fluente
Occitan: Fluente
Inglês: Intermediário
Espanhol: IntermediárioMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I've always enjoyed learning and speaking another language. Initially, I wanted to go abroad as a french teacher but I thought I could do it through Workaway as well.Habilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Vida na fazendaCuidar de animaisHotelaria/turismoJardinagemConhecimento de:
IdiomasAjuda a cuidar da casaPoso ensinar:
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseirasQuais são suas habilidades?
I have a bechelor degree in chemistry. I worked for 3 months at the tourism office in my region (called Preloup-Lévezou), counselling tourist about the wonders around, the restaurants and activities. I use to work with my father sometimes during caterings (preparing the food and serve it after). I can speak french (my mothertongue), english and a bit of spanish.
Since I enjoy to read, I also have a good imagination and I like to create stories. I'm interested in the asian culture (food, the language and the entertaining).Idade
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I really love to play board games, i grew up in a house without TV so i use to play a lot with my family. My favorite ones are "Toc game" which is a game from Canada and "Skull king".
I enjoy watching korean, japanese and chinese drama and anime and also to listen to korean music. Thanks to this I know a few words of these languages.Mais algumas informações
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Dietas especiais