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5 jan. 2025
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Hello! If you are looking for a place where you can prepare yourself for the currently changing world, then you have come to the right place. I was made aware of this platform by friends from the neighboring village who use it quite successfully. Their practiced values are independence, common sense, peace, honesty, integrity, trust and humor, which I share. It requires courage, mental and physical strength, determination, patience, empathy, focus and humility. So I decided to join this community here and offer my services , knowledge and experience the second year. We just do the things we need and the things we like and make sure we can keep doing them long term mostly in the form of DIY projects. Total self-sufficiency is possible and I have done it for a number of years, but it is quite difficult. In a group and with a division of labor, things are much easier to do. Grow your own food, setup and maintenance, take care of animals, exercise, hike, watch movies, discuss topics and new ideas...develop a plan B long-term that eliminates the need for an external power supply, internet, petrol, tap water ...are the maxim. Without ideology, without taking sides, just with our common sense and a sense of humor! I strive for balance between the old, traditional values and modern comfort. Instead of throwing things away I try to repair them. I do my own wine and once a year I am distilling it to brandy. If you want to slow down your life, you've come to the right place. I live in a small Bulgarian village in the middle of nature by a big lake. I look forward to hearing from you.
Wenn Du nach einem Ort suchst, in dem Du dich auf die sich derzeit verändernde Welt vorbereiten kannst, dann bist Du hier richtig. Durch Freunde, die im Nachbarort leben und diese Plattform recht erfolgreich nutzen, bin ich auf diese aufmerksam gemacht worden. Ihre praktizierten Werte sind Unabhängigkeit, gesunder Menschenverstand, Frieden, Ehrlichkeit, Integrität, Vertrauen und Humor, die ich teile. Es erfordert Mut, mentale und körperliche Stärke, Entschlossenheit, Geduld, Einfühlungsvermögen, Fokus und Demut. Somit habe ich beschlossen mich dieser Kommune hier anzuschließen und biete nun im zweiten Jahr meine Dienste, Wissen und Erfahrungen an.
Wir tun einfach die Dinge, die wir brauchen, und die Dinge, die wir mögen, und stellen sicher, dass wir sie langfristig weiter tun können meist in Form von DIY-Projekten. Totale Selbstversorgung ist zwar möglich und ich habe das einige Jahre gemacht, aber es ist auch sehr mühsam. In der Gruppe und mit Arbeitsteilung geht vieles leichter von der Hand. Essen selbst anbauen, Aufbau und Wartung, sich um Tiere kümmern, Sport treiben, wandern, Filme ansehen, Themen und neue Ideen zu diskutieren ... einen Plan B langfristig entwickeln, bei dem eine externe Stromversorgung, Internet, Benzin, Leitungswasser nicht mehr benötigt werden...sind die Maxime.
Ohne Ideologie, ohne Partei zu nehmen, nur mit unserem gesunden Menschenverstand und einem Sinn für Humor!
Ich strebe nach Gleichgewicht zwischen den alten, traditionellen Werten und dem modernen Komfort. Anstatt Dinge wegzuwerfen, repariere ich sie wenn möglich. Ich keltere meinen eigenen Wein und einmal im Jahr destilliere ich Branntwein/Brandy.
Wenn Du Dein Leben entschleunigen möchtest, bist Du hier richtig.
Ich lebe in einem kleinen bulgarischen Dorf mitten in der Natur an einem großen See.
Ich freue mich von Dir/Euch zu hören.Tipos de ajuda e oportunidades de aprendizado
Prática de idiomas
Ajuda em projetos ambientais
Companhia para idosos
Construção/faça você mesmo
Cuidar de animais
Ajuda em fazenda
Criar/cozinhar refeições caseiras
Ajuda a cuidar da casa
Manutenção geral
Objetivos de sustentabilidade da ONU que este anfitrião quer atingir
Oportunidades de intercâmbio cultural e aprendizado
Rural life in the mountains is very different from the supposed priorities in urban areas. Hiking, collecting mushrooms and herbs, exploring old Roman paths, treasure hunts, fishing, swimming, cycling, reading in peace, exploring the typical Balkan architecture, 2 TVs (satellite Astra) are also available. Making music and singing (karaoke) with the workaway community in the neighboring village. This is how leisure time is organized here. You can also learn German and Bulgarian here at an academic level, as well as agricultural and manual skills.
Das Landleben in den Bergen unterscheidet sich sehr stark von den vermeintlichen Prioritäten im urbanen Raum.
Wandern, Pilze und Kräuter sammeln, alte römische Wege erkunden, Schatzsuche, Angeln, Baden, Radfahren, in Ruhe lesen, die typisch balkanische Architektur erkunden, auch 2 TVs (Satellit Astra) sind vorhanden. Mit der workaway-Kommune im Nachbardorf musizieren und singen (Karaoke). So gestaltet sich die Freizeit hier. Außerdem kannst Du hier Deutsch und Bulgarisch auf akademischem Niveau, landwirtschaftliche und handwerkliche Fertigkeiten erlernen.Ajuda
No special skills required. Your tasks will be designed according to your skills. Gardening, building including DIY-projects, maintenance, starting the fire in the fireplace, disposing of ashes, cleaning out, feeding the animals, mowing, shoveling snow, watering the flowers, cleaning, making wine, distilling liqueur, vacuuming, light construction work, painting, shopping, supporting my mother if necessary, i.e. everything that has to be done on a farm ... learn new ones according to your skills and willingness to learn.
keine speziellen Fertigkeiten notwendig. Entsprechend Deiner Fähigkeiten wird sich Deine Tätigkeit gestalten. Gartenarbeit, Bauen inkl. DIY-Projekten, Instandhaltung, Feuer im Kamin entfachen, Asche entsorgen, Ausmisten, Tiere füttern, Mähen, Schnee schaufeln, Blumen gießen, Putzen, Wein keltern, Schnaps brennen, Staubsaugen, leichte Bauarbeiten, Malern, Einkaufen, meine Mutter gegebenenfalls unterstützen, also alles was auf einem Hof an Arbeit anfallen kann ... entsprechend Deiner Fähigkeiten bzw. Lernbereitschaft neue zu erlernen.Idiomas
Bulgarian: Fluente
Alemão: Fluente
Inglês: Fluente
Croatian: Iniciante
Russo: Iniciante
Serbian: InicianteEste anfitrião oferece intercâmbio de idiomas
I used to be a lecturer at a language school for the German language. But could teach you Bulgarian as well.Acomodação
Courtyard with 2 houses and gardens. Hot water, comfortable beds, TV. We don't live in the jungle. Of course there are three meals a day. If you have special food requirements please be aware that you need to have yourself prepared to the required cooking abilities. I look forward to new dishes.
Hof mit 2 Häusern und Gärten. Fließendes warmes Wasser, komfortable Betten, TV. Wir leben nicht im Dschungel. Drei Mahlzeiten am Tag gibt es natürlich auch. Wenn Du spezielle Lebensmittelanforderungen hast, beachte bitte, dass Du die erforderlichen Kochfähigkeiten haben solltest. Bin gespannt auf neue Gerichte.Algo mais...
The nearest town is Elena and the nearest city is Veliko Tarnovo. Both are interesting for architecture enthusiasts. The nature here is very beautiful and offers numerous excursion and hiking destinations. The transport links are reasonably good. Elena can be reached by public transport. A bus runs to the neighboring village once a week. The best way to get around here is by car.
Die nächstgelegene Kleinstadt ist Elena und Veliko Tarnovo die nächstgelegene Großstadt. Sie sind für Architekturbegeisterte interessant, Die Natur hier ist sehr schön und bietet zahlreiche Ausflugs- und Wanderziele. Die Verkehrsanbindung ist einigermaßen gut. Mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln ist Elena erreichbar. In das Nachbardorf fährt einmal pro Woche ein Bus. Mit dem Auto ist man hier am besten unterwegs.Mais alguns detalhes
Acesso à internet
Acesso à internet limitado
Temos mascotes
Somos fumantes
Pode hospedar famílias
Pode hospedar nômades digitais
yes but unfortunately I have a limited plan.
Espaço para estacionar campervans
huge terrain with electricity and water to park your vehicle
Pode aceitar animais
Please discuss with me which animal you would like to bring. I want to make sure they go well with mine. We have 2 dogs and chickens
Quantos Workawayers pode acomodar?
Comentário (7)
However, there were times when his advice felt a bit… read more
He also let me choose my own tasks- depending on my interests and skills (e,g., harvesting potatoes, weeding). I‘ve… read more
It was a unique pleasure to have her here. There is nothing I can come up with and say "she can not do this." Superb attitude to get involved and a very quick learner.
She only stayed for a week with us, but after the second day it felt like she's always been… read more
Essas classificações são opcionais e foram dadas junto com os comentários dos membros.A classificação média deixada por cada opção é exibida.
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Intercâmbio cultural:
However, there were times when his advice felt a bit… read more
He also let me choose my own tasks- depending on my interests and skills (e,g., harvesting potatoes, weeding). I‘ve… read more
It was a unique pleasure to have her here. There is nothing I can come up with and say "she can not do this." Superb attitude to get involved and a very quick learner.
She only stayed for a week with us, but after the second day it felt like she's always been… read more
On top of that, we had an amazing time learning all that Stefan could teach us in those short two weeks.… read more