Information du profil
Information de voyage
Actuellement, je suis
en voyage
Hey guyz !!
I've done woofing stuff in organic farms for years and didn't even know about workaway opportunities until a friend of mine told me about it.
So here I am !! ^^
I really like to travel as much as possible and meet new people, discover new cultures and life styles, sharing experiences and work together because.. sharing is caring ;pCentres d’intérêt
Dev. personnelVoile / bateauPolitique/justice socialeSoin des plantesPhotographieArts du spectacleActivités en plein airNatureMusiqueFilms et téléMontagneLanguesAuto-stopHistoireRandonnéeJardinageFermeÉvénements/vie socialeDessin et peintureBricolage / artisanatCyclismeCultureCuisine et alimentationBénévolatLivresAstronomieArt et designArchitectureAnimauxSports d'aventureLangues
Langues parlées
Anglais: Courant
Français: Courant
Chinese (Others): CourantPlus de détails sur les langues qui m'intéressent
Ce workawayer a indiqué qu’il souhaitait faire partager sa ou ses propre(s) langue(s) ou en apprendre une nouvelle. Veuillez le contacter directement pour en discuter.Compétences et connaissances que j'aimerais partager ou apprendre
Ça m'intéresse :
Bricolage et projets de construction
Entretien général
Aider à la maison
Travail associatif
Projets artistiques
J'ai des connaissances :
Préparer les repas / cuisiner pour la famille
Accueil / tourisme
Aide informatique / Internet
Quelles sont vos compétences ?
I've been a cook for more than 15 years now.
Mainly french cuisine and also japanese, italian, spanish, iranian..
Before that I also used to be a hotel receptionist, restaurant waiter, secretary for an NGO, corn flowers picker, building painter..
I've done many times gardening/farming during woofing experiences.
As a computer geek I can probably fix a thing or 2 on your machine.
So ask me anything and I'll try my best to help you. Well.. maybe not anything ^ ^Âge
Informations complémentaires
Permis de conduire
Régime alimentaire spécial
Cet endroit renferme quelque chose de spécial et de précieux que j'appellerai tout simplement le bonheur.
Les chats, le chien et les lapinous trop choux vous accueillent dans le jardin où tout semble respirer l'harmonie tout comme cette belle… read more
La vue est absolument à tomber et les environs très chouette pour une petite balade. Pour une plus grande balade il vous faudra vous rendre aux Pacots non loin de là. J'ai pu faire une loooongue, très longue mais… read more
Cet endroit renferme quelque chose de spécial et de précieux que j'appellerai tout simplement le bonheur.
Les chats, le chien et les lapinous trop choux vous accueillent dans le jardin où tout semble respirer l'harmonie tout comme cette belle… read more
La vue est absolument à tomber et les environs très chouette pour une petite balade. Pour une plus grande balade il vous faudra vous rendre aux Pacots non loin de là. J'ai pu faire une loooongue, très longue mais… read more
David is a quiet, intelligent and interesting guy who has traveled a lot and is super easy to chill with. He worked hard and we also did a fair amount of fun things together. He was also super generous with us and kindly bought… read more
The view on the surrounding is just… read more
I wish I could have stayed longer with them, their nice… read more
For sure, a funny guy he is. We had so many good laughs together. He is so easy going and an enjoyable… read more
Tout 2 transpirent l'envie de partager et de connaître les autres. Ils vous raconteront certainement leur formidable et à peine croyable aventure… read more
David est attentionné, respectueux et à l'écoute.
Au plaisir d'un nouvel accueil
The main building is just amazing. Can't believe they built all this on their own. The perfect place to find yourself and to meet cool people.
Noon, Sumeyda and Rachel are 3 lovely persons. So kind and welcoming.
I wish I could've stay longer to know each other a lil'… read more
On sent une réelle complicité et un amour indéfectible entre eux contrairement aux couples d'aujourd'hui.
Rich iradie d'une force tranquille. Il nous a orienté dans les divers travaux à effectuer. Il nous a aussi gentillement gratifié d'un… read more
Their "corps de ferme" is so beautiful. Very picturesque. Wish I can find one like this someday.
The surroundings are also very pretty. I had cool bike rides around the area.
They dedicate all their time to the garden they love so much. You can tell. UUHmmm straberriezzzz ^ ^
We had nice meal all… read more
Her 2 gigantic gardens of heaven are sooo beautiful. They deserve great treatment.
Please go visit and help Chloé to develop and preserve these pure gems of gardens in the heart of Limousin.
Wish you the best Chloé. Be strong, be safe. Hope we'll meet up again. Someday..… read more
Please lemme know when you guys will be in France. Wish we'll meet up again
'First rule of Fight Club is..' ^ ^
I've been searching this place all my life. And here it is. There isn't word good enough to discribe the place and the surroundings.
You have to see it for yourself.
These 2 weeks with Alban and the other workawayers were so great.
We had… read more
He is so easy going and is great with children.
He is quite skilled, devoted and genuine with everyone, yet quiet with his yogi observation. David surely belongs
in the community world of peacemakers with all the live elements of… read more
I will never forget the last crazy hike we… read more
I really enjoyed spending this week with her and her lovely friends and family. She is such a persona.
She reminds me a lot of this amazing character of Jennifer Saunders Ab Fab tv series Edina Monsoon.
Kind of the same look and attitude, absolutely same… read more
And it was absolutely awesome. Truly the best time of my life.
And I've been traveling a lot, I'm telling you. I guess hardworking and sharing with others is way more important and interesting than just passing by and consuming as a random tourist while traveling. Especially in this kind of… read more