Séjours chez l'habitant, volontariat et vacances-travail : destination Danemark

Information importante pour la destination : Danemark
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Flag of Danemark


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  • Échange linguistique
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  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Help a homeschooling family with DIY project and kids on Bornholm, Denmark
We are a homeschooling family from Holland. We have been living in a yurt for 6 years. We lived in the yurt in Bulgaria and in a community in Denmark. After 6 years we needed more space so we moved to a house where we have been living for a year ......
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  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Help with daily life in Eco house in Charlottelund, Denmark
Hello there ! Traveler s enthusiastic people, welcome to our home i in capital. Around 15 minutes bycykel to center of Copenhagen ! We are couple end 30 s living near the sea, swimming in winter, enjoy yoga and wellness, spa therapy, we need ......