Help with DIY near beautiful nature close to Amsterdam and Utrecht, Netherlands

  • Enregistré comme favori 127 fois
  • Activité récente : 15 oct. 2024



 Séjour min. souhaité : Une semaine ou moins



  • Description


    Help needed with DIY (wood construction, painting + manuel projects) near beautiful nature (forests, lakes, trails, castles, fortified city) close to Amsterdam and Utrecht

    This is us:
    Hi there, herewith you make a connection with Bien who is used to travelling, free nature-camping and international cultural exchange. I'm used to interact and connect with all kinds of peoples with an open respectful honest mind.
    I'm a sportive active person, used to be a gymteacher and hosted children and peoples from over the world for CISV.
    Our household consists of; humans + 3 BIG GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS who respectfully live together under one roof. We love our animals and we expect you to treat them with dignity. They're honest animals who will respect people with a good sincere hart and love for animals and nature.
    I have 3 wonderfull adult children who you probably will meet. They have been travelling for cultural exchange several times already.

    In our simple modest home I can offer you a bed in a private bedroom and a shared bathroom.
    We cook healthy tastefull meals to share if you like and take the time to exchange with you. I love cooking with good food, reduce my meatconsumption, lower my plastic-use and koolhydrate/sugar-use, but I'm not vegetarian/vegan.
    If you like to cook and share it feel welcome to prepare typical meals from your background .
    There is a BBQ ready to be used and we love to put on the fireplace and talk together or stare in it with our own thoughts. We live in a typicall dutch neighbourhood on walking distance from the stores and terraces or nature to relax or be on yourself. If you want to hire a car to explore the Netherlands, there is more then enough free parking available next to the house.
    We live in a small city with a nextdoor bus-connection (1 min. walk) to the trainstation; every half-hour schedule. Therefore Amsterdam, Utrecht and other area's are easy reachable with public transport.

    For the DIY-help:
    We look for workawayers with real DIY-experience, handy hands and DIY-pleasure!
    An eye for constructions, pleasure in problemsolving, joy in finishing a good job and celebrating a good result together with tastefull good meals and having a good time together.
    There are guitars availabe here to play on and many boardgames. In the area there are plenty interesting things to do .

    I hope to get help from workawayers who know how to work with tools, and can figure out good constructions/solutions themselfs from knowledge of construction and are serious in how to use/treat materials/tools properly. I'm used to DIY myself and really can enjoy craftmanship; it makes me happy everytime again :)
    It gives me pleasure to achieve things together with a smile..

    I made a list for manuel DIY things to do, consisting of short tasks for 1 or several days.
    You can choose what appeals to you and what connects with your experience.
    Roofing (shingles 5m2) + creating a roof with straw covered with sheets,
    Woodrenovation (sanding, filling, painting),
    Installing 2 electric points in a gardenshed,
    Installing a kitchendrawer connected to the closetdoor,
    Adjusting some pavements,
    Making a climbingconstruction for grapes to grow on,
    Design+make a flexibel vertical rainshield outside,
    Creating a waterproof mini-library for outside,
    Sanding and painting a fence

    In Februari 2024 I had a total hip-replacement left. The operation went well and I'm home again building up my
    walkingpower. I don't need elderly-care !😉😀
    I would love however to be inspired in exercising together to fasten my recovery😉
    Now I can't take part in the heavy work and move around fast yet so I would be very grateful for your support in getting these things done.
    During the coming months my physical abillities will come back.
    I can manage with the daily stuff, but can't lift heavy things, climb ladders, etc.
    So WW-ers with experience are very welcome for the heavier physical things and the DIY.
    Experience is important for a hostingplace here. I would be very grateful for your help!

    The Netherlands are rainy the outsidework can be done according to the wetherpredictions. When the wether is good, we live outdoors mostly. Bring a rain/windjacket to the NL's :)

    For the dogs 3 German Shepherds:
    It's important that you are able to CONNECT with animals/dogs to feel at ease here (don't under-estimate!!)
    You need to have an understanding of dog-behaviour in a herd, preverably Shepherds and what they need.
    You can get a good idea about what it takes to make a good connection by looking to Youtubefilms.
    You don't learn it overnight (!!); it takes love, being able to respond at the moment from insight and calmness.
    If you want to walk with the dogs, you have to be physically and mentally strong for coping with strong dogs.
    I'm used to manage the care of my dogs myself, but if it gives you pleasure, you are welcome to help with the daily animal-care. They are well trained and love peoples.

    For exploring:
    Amsterdam and Utrecht are within 30 min. with the bus-connection next to the house, aswell as other interesting historic towns/places. Lots to discover here.

    Spring and summer is the time for biking, hiking, exploring nature. It's beautiful light green everywhere and it smells like fresh grass and flowers. Netherlands are famous for their blooming bulbfields in March/April and beautiful skies.
    It's worth to visit enjoy them and see the Keukenhof and bike around in that area.

    We have bikes available; bikingtrails and walkingtrails are starting next to our house.
    You can also enjoy the lakes close to us; with rental kayaks, sailingboats or subs And take a dog to join you.
    Going there on bike takes appr. 30-40 min. from our house: there are many cyclingpaths crossing fields and forests or onthe dykes following the rivers.

    There is an interesting typical dutch grainmill that you can visit on walking distance from us and close to the mill you can enjoy the old towncentre with beautiful terraces for seeing interesting peoples, enjoy a good beer, coffee or eat the wellknown typical dutch poffertjes.

    Utrechtse Heuvelrug is an old historic forest-area with low rolling hills that started in the glaciertime; It offers many beautiful trails to explore hiking and biking in May/June when the leaves / ferns are light green.
    Also the sanddunes and blooming purple heather in August are a treat to stroll through.

    for the Hosting:
    I'd rather not have to mention the 2 following issues, but it's IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO KNOW and hopefully a no-brainer;
    We do not use drugs.; if you're used to that and wish to, it would be better to look for another host. The dogs will sense it and it will be a reason to stop hosting you. Sometimes just a joint is not what I mean with this. That's something to talk about. Smoking can be accepted outside the house keeping distance to us. But addiction and frequent drug-use is impossible here.

    For our hostingoffer is based on a mutual exchange in contacts, we are gladly hosting people who limmit their use of social media to when they are on there own and after helping hours and social meals. We are aware of the necessary use of mobile phones, I-pads etc... as we use them ourselves too. We are looking for WW-ers who are seriously looking for exchanging cultural backgrounds, foods, etc... by being in contact and having meaningful conversations.
    After a workingday It's totally understandable that you want some me-time and/or time to can take a bike or public transport to discover the area.
    If you're just looking for a cheap place to stay, It's probably not a good match.

    Workinghours: average 4-5 hours a day for 5 days a week. We can plan that flexibel together per day. If you want to work a full day for a full day of for exploring it's possible. On half workingdays 2 meals are provided and the 3rd meal is in your exploring-time. On full workingdays 3 meals are provided. We eat together and you can join cooking or suggest to prepare something typical from your culture. Suggestions are always welcome. Evenings can be spent together and its normal to respect eachothers wish for me-/quite-time after a bussy day.

    We normally have a videocall with workawayers who are interested to feel if there is a click.

    If you have any questions for a possible stay; feel free to ask :)

  • Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Bricolage et construction
    Aide à la maison
    Entretien général
  • Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Your possible benefit from our cultural exchange can be, that you have a typical dutch experience in a typical dutch neighbourhood with very good connections to explore the wellknown dutch thing to visit, like f.i. the City of Amsterdam /Rijksmuseum and other museums in Amsterdam, the mills, the typical landscapes to bike through on yourself or together with us, and a place to stay with people who can speak several languages and can tell you about and help you with exploring The Netherlands.
    Being in touch with house-animals (3 big dogs and a cat) and having some time in your travel to meet, exchange cultures and practise/learn languages. We can teach you about dogbehaviour, but it will suit you if you have dogexperience.

    In exchange for your help with DIY/construction and dogs-care, we can offer you free lodging and provide meals on the helping days plus help in exploring / tell you more about NL and discover/taste our foodspecialties.
    On non-workingdays most workawayers go out exploring and take their meal somewhere. If you decide to stay, we can eat/cook together and I wood love to taste one of your delicious typical meals from your culture/country.
    I can teach you about gardening, soils, planting, herbs, plants, pruning, wild eatable plants and mushrooms, etc...
    I can help you learn dutch language and dog-bodylanguage
    Further If you like it, we can show you around, let you meet friends and family, visit cultural heritage, visit University-area's to meet students, help you plan or find information on what you look for or want to visit, aswell as learn you what eatable plants you can find in nature and how you can use them.
    We can make a trip to the beaches of the westcoast or make a canal-tour in the Amsterdam Canals.
    These are suggestions to concider when you are looking for a host in the Netherlands. It will be very inspiring to learn from your background and travel experiences and I will be thankful and thrilled for your honest help in accomplishing some cores that will remind me daily on our positive exchange in our contacts!

  • Aide


    Love to be a host for (sportive/active) people who like to share tasks physically in the outside together and enjoying the good fibes of getting things done while sharing good meals and story-exchanges.

    1) DIY/construction outside;
    - putting a roof on a small greenhouse
    - help to create a cosy wooden cottage for workawayers to stay in
    2) if you like: walk with a German Shepherds (not necessary)
    4) excercising together outside
    5) I like to cook myself and treat you well and I also like to enjoy a typical meal from your country
    6) little sewing- and cleaningjobs

    I'm an experienced "handywoman" with an eye and joy for detail / good constructions: look for WW-ers to help together with and who enjoy the kick of a good result. Solo-helpers are welcome to....:) If I see you know what you're doing I would enjoy it to let you work and learn from it myself. I can always help when needed. I'm handy to assist.

    I used to do heavy work/constructing/DIY myself. Since I'm a heartpatient in a revalidation now I need some help for the heavy arrangements.
    No big building task, but things that can be done in 1 day or a few days.
    However it needs the understanding of how to construct with hands that are used to do it.

    The results of the workaway-help around me give me warm memories/feelings during many years after:) when I walk around in my house and garden. A wonderful contribution to eachother through exchanges for a more sustainable world around us.

  • Langues

    Langues parlées
    Anglais: Courant
    Hollandais: Courant
    Allemand: Intermédiaire
    Français: Intermédiaire
    Espagnol: Débutant
    Italien: Débutant

    Cet hôte propose un échange linguistique
    Cet hôte a indiqué qu’il souhaitait faire partager sa propre langue ou en apprendre une nouvelle.
    Contactez-le pour en savoir plus.

  • Hébergement


    You will have a bed to sleep in with fresh bedware in your own room.
    There will be a healthy breakfast with typical dutch and fresh ingredients starting the morning.
    We always have Greek Youghurt, fresh cheese, very tasty dutch bio-farmer cheese, fruits, nuts, peanutbutter, chocolate hail, homemade bio- jams, bio-honey. Everyday there will be a coffee-break / lunch.
    After the helping hours/cores, you will ofcourse have your own free time to explore The Netherlands and the area. Bikes are available aswell as a busconnection 1 minute walk from our house (every half hour)
    You can use our shared bathroom considering, that you allign your time of use with the schedule of the peoples living in the house, and leave it as clean as it was when you started using it.
    Washing-machine+soap, kitchen are available and we assume that you consult the owners for the time of use so that is fits in the daily routines. Naturally you leave them clean and in the same shape after use and you are careful with the things in the house.

    For other wishes....we will try to make things right for you so you will have a positive memorable stay with us:)!
    We are looking forward to meeting peoples who are used to help / create with their hands, have a feeling with wood and/or paintbrush, who have a creative spirit to add in solutions.

    It's important you can really connect with the animals in the house.

    In return for your serious help, I'm gladly willing to show you around and take you to special places so you will have a good idea of the Netherlands and our culture.
    In our W-away-hosting-contact we are looking for considerate, honest people who like to connect and contribute to eachother.
    You will find a warm welcome here with interest in who you are and for your travellingplans.
    We're used to work hard and joyfully share the thrill of the accomplishment with shared meals of good food/drinks/ candles and a burning fireplace or a picknick near the waterfront or in the woods telling eachother stories of our lifes with the animals near to us, play ball, swim in the lake, etc...
    If you'd like to help us out for some hours and stay with us, feel welcome to just get in touch by telling who you are, what you can do to help us, what experience you have to offer and what you're looking for.
    We will respond shortly ;).

  • Autres infos...

    Autres infos...

    Distances are small here and the local busses/trains are good and frequent. Our country is very safe to travel on your own and most people speak excellent English to help you on the way when you need some help. Travelschedules are pretty accurate and on time. You can hire bikes, canoes, waterbikes easily on many locations.
    Our house has very good connections for bus-, train-, cycling and hikingroutes next-door at 1 min. walk. We live within 30 min. car-distance from the airport Schiphol and with the train you can travel straight to Schiphol (main airport near Amsterdam).
    Our small town is situated in the middle of varied different kind of landscapes; forests, heather, meadows, lakes are all close by (biking-distance within an hour). The shops (grossery, medical, bakery, market, etc...are close-by within 15 min. walkingdistance. There are lots of interesting things to explore nearby and when you want to vitit the bigger cities we have good connections to do that on daytrips. If we're on the road and can take you somewhere on the way, you're welcome to come with us so we can drop you at some point or pick you up later. If you're interested, you're welcome to make trips/walks together with the dogs.
    Did you know the Netherlands has an very intreaging system of ancient waterworks, fortifications and tunnels to protect our country? It just is declared as a historical cultural Unesc heritage. And you probably would love the cultural heritage nature-area of de Waddenzee, where you can walk over from the main land to some islands when the tide is low....very special experience :) Or join a sailingtrip on a botter?
    See you!

  • Informations complémentaires

    Informations complémentaires

    • Accès Internet

    • Accès Internet limité

      Accès Internet limité

    • Nous avons des animaux

    • Nous sommes fumeurs

    • Familles bienvenues

  • Espace pour garer des vans

    Espace pour garer des vans

    I have a parkingplace near my house where a small campervan can be parked.

  • Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?


  • ...

    Nombre d'heures attendues

    20-25 hours per week; we can plan a schedule: 4-5 hours a day or some full day's and some day's off.

N° de référence hôte : 626378529364

Feedback (18)


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Help me with gardening in Haule, Netherlands
Join our family and help with painting in a great location in Amsterdam, Netherlands.