Séjours chez l'habitant, volontariat et vacances-travail : destination Pays-Bas

Information importante pour la destination : Pays-Bas
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Independent travellers or couples to help restore a family farmhouse, Live in your own tinyhouse, Hoogerheide , Netherlands
Are you a couple/ two friends or an independent solo traveller who like to help us to renovate our house and to help us taking care of our 8 acres idealistic piece of land in the south of the Netherlands .... please reach out! Next to those hands ......
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  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Rejoignez notre famille qui fait l'école à la maison dans notre ferme à Winterswijk Meddo, Pays-Bas
Welcome to our warm family and permaculture farm in a beautiful and quiet natural scenery! Come join and have an unforgettable experience in nature! We are welcoming 18-30 year old volunteers, usually for 2-3 weeks. This is a small organic family ......
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  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Happy, creative, spiritual family welcomes au pair near Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Current spot: now for at least one month. We are an open minded happy loving family who looks for a enthusiastic and motivated female workaway. You will be helping us in the house and food (3,5hrs per day) and with the kids (1,5hrs per day) for 5 ......
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  • Projet durable
    Projet durable
  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
Aidez dans une ferme bio aux Pays-Bas
I have a small organic farm project in exchange to bio dynamic. It’s a homestay. I try to grow vegetables and fruit for own use and the use of the volunteers. There are sheep, cats, chicken and dogs. No commercial things.