A fun garden and house project on an Island in Lake Ontario, near Kingston, Ontario, Canada

  • Enregistré comme favori 59 fois
  • Activité récente: 27 juil. 2024



 Séjour min. souhaité : Au moins une semaine



  • Description


    My name is Heidi. I have a daughter, Anna who has headed off to year two university in Halifax. We have a small brown and white border collie who is well trained, kind and loves people, named Winnie.

    We live in a 150 year old Green energy retrofit farmhouse on an Island in Lake Ontario (in the Thousand Islands) off/near Kingston Ontario Canada! and have spend the last 4 years doing a deep energy passive-house level renovation by using both the latest green building science and repurposing and reusing a lot of the wood and fixtures that were in the old house.

    The house is on a corner lot with a wee beach on Lake Ontario in a small village of Marysville with a Free ferry to Kingston (15 minutes) and a huge island to play on with world class beaches, awesome biking and tons of music and local fun! The island is a hub for folks in their 20s and 30s.. great summer and autumn vibe!

    My daughter (age 20 and home for the summer) and i are big travellers and want to have travellers come through, join into our life and share stories, food, music and adventures! We have a little brown border collie who will help in the garden and is a LOT of fun. We are good eaters, local veggies, cheese, eggs, and organic meat when we can. We are community spirited and have lots of people coming and going!

  • Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Bricolage et construction
    S’occuper des animaux
    Cuisine/repas pour la famille
    Aide à la maison
    Entretien général
    Aide informatique/internet
  • Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    We live in a very beautiful part of Canada -- at the mouth of the Thousand Islands. Wolfe Island itself is amazing with incredible walking, biking and a massive white sand beach.. the Kingston, ONtario area is historical and has many many easy to access wilderness areas and parks near by. We have three kayaks and bikes for your exploration.

    We speak French (moderately) and Spanish (ok level) and can help you with your English if you need. I was a teacher and taught in Colombia for two years.

    The island is accessed by a ferry and pick up/drop off from the ferry.. best to come and settle in for the week and take weekends to go touring around the area which is STUNNING! i can help you with places to go and ideas of what to do!

    We tend to offer a local home cultural exchange. We love to help with languages, with information about the area and ideas about where to go. We will likely invite you to all or most family events, trips around the area... we will consider you as part of the family.

  • Aide


    We are hoping for hearty workawayers who are flexible and willing to do any task that we do.. from home cooking to garden tasks to house cleaning and wood stacking! to canoeing to our off grid cabin to clean and rake, making hiking trails or paint... no skill needed! I am a carpenter and tasks for carpentry will be an easy teach or no skill needed!

    We want workaways who are willing to be independent, sometimes be alone, are self motivated and who are willing to land and live with us more like a hostel life experience.

    This winter and spring, we will be building stairs inside the house, painting, laying tiles, painting floors, and getting ready to plant the garden!

    Available weeks:
    July 10-31 (4-14 day stay)

    We tend to set up a work schedule that looks like this:
    wake up until 8:30: we are respectfully on our own -- i workout and meditate, write and walk my dog then eat breakfast and get ready to either work with you or give you a list of things to do
    8:30 - 12:00 (3. 5/5 hours): dedicated work list activities either all together or alone
    1.5 hours a day: ad hoc offerings of dog walks, load the fire, fill the wood box, cook or clean up meals.

    noon onward and weekends are your free time. food prep/clean up on weekends are your responsibility but often if we are all together then there will be "family" meals where we share prep and clean up.

    We work hard and we eat and rest well! I am organized and keep really clear agreements about expectations. I want you to be happy and for us to have a co-respectful exchange.

    We live on an island and it can be quiet sometimes. the ferry is 16 minutes and puts you in downtown Kingston where you can get all the socializing, gym, food, friends, fun you need! The ferry can be off schedule, unpredictable, shut down, broken from time to time.. being on the island means accepting all kinds of unexpected things.

    We also have an off grid cabin in the Canadian wilderness to which we travel by canoe (only `10 minutes) and ofter spend days there playing and working. Off grid means solar power, very little internet, outhouse toilet and showers in the lake. It's a lot like excellent camping. Prepare to also spend time up at the cabin as well...

  • Langues parlées

    Anglais: Courant
    Français: Intermédiaire
    Espagnol: Débutant

  • Hébergement


    Our workaway offer is for one or two people.. can be a couple or friends. It's quiet on the island and if you are prone to loneliness, might be best to bring a friend. I work off the island a few days a week and there will be times when you will be here alone and needing to prepare your own meals with great food i provide of course!!

    I have a two sleeping areas.. one private room with a double bed and one bed in an open concept loft. Big shared bathroom and great shower and we have a wood-fired sauna and cold plunge in the lake or in a tub of ice water.

    We have a big kitchen. I will provide food and we can work together to cook it or it can be part of your energy exchange to cook dinners/clean up. Breakfasts and lunches you will make on your own. Or, i can buy the food that you like for meals. We eat a diet of fresh vegetables, starches like potatoes and rice, and meat -- no red meat but fish and chicken. We are generally gluten free, organic and tend not to eat a lot of junk food, don't really snack, and not a lot of sugar. We are essentially an alcohol, smoke and weed free family but do not mind some drink within reason and the use tobacco and weed outside.

    Sometimes i will be on the mainland working (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) and on those days, you may be on your own with our family dog, Winnie to take care of yourselves for lunch and dinner. You can do your laundry here too. Walking Winnie is part of your work exchange.

  • Autres infos...

    Autres infos...

    There is a free ferry from Kingston Ontario to Wolfe Island and you can hitch hike or i will pick you up at the ferry (7 km away). Walking distance to all down town amenities in Kingston.

    I am excited to share our home and our life. We have been on a different website for free accommodation for travelling cyclists and we loved it too!

  • Informations complémentaires

    Informations complémentaires

    • Accès Internet

    • Accès Internet limité

      Accès Internet limité

    • Nous avons des animaux

    • Nous sommes fumeurs

    • Familles bienvenues

  • Espace pour garer des vans

    Espace pour garer des vans

    We have a 110 hook up outside. Welcome to have showers in the house... and use the kitchen and bathrooms.

  • Possibilité d'accueillir les animaux

    Possibilité d'accueillir les animaux

    We love dogs and would love to host you with yours if it doesn't shed too much, is kind and doesn't bark.. i know that sounds like a lot of demands but we have worked hard to have a dog that understands "quiet" and is well trained but she's easily influenced with the barking part.

  • Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?


  • ...

    Nombre d'heures attendues

    5 hours, 5 days a week.

N° de référence hôte : 574549972114

Feedback (7)


Ce sont des évaluations supplémentaires en option lorsque les membres laissent un feedback. La note moyenne pour chaque option est affichée.

Exactitude du profil: (5.0)

Échange culturel: (4.9)

Communication: (4.9)

Help with gardening, DIY and caring for the animals in Scotstown, Canada
Join our young family and help us around our home while explorinh Knowlesville, Canada