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Information du profil

  • Information de voyage

    Actuellement, je suis

    à la maison

    Ma prochaine destination :

    New Zealand - du Oct 2023 au Oct 2024
    Voir tout
  • Description

    Hi, my name is Hanna and I am a 28 year old solo traveler from America! I have been in New Zealand since the end of 2023, working and traveling and plan to stay through summer of 2025! I enjoy meeting new people and seeing what life is like from a local perspective. I am motivated to see as many new and exciting things as possible, while also being helpful to those I meet. I have many skills and am good at learning new things as well. I enjoy cleaning, helping with pets and kids, gardening and other work outside, and many other things. Back home I worked as a nursing assistant in hospitals/emergency department, so I am used to working hard and being dependable and responsible, while also having some helpful basic medical knowledge. Thank you for reading and I am excited to hear from you!

  • Centres d’intérêt

    Sports nautiques
    Soin des plantes
    Cuisine et alimentation
    Animaux de compagnie
    Art et design
    Dev. personnel
    Bricolage / artisanat
    Activités en plein air
  • Langues parlées

    Anglais: Courant

  • Compétences et connaissances que j'aimerais partager ou apprendre

    Ça m'intéresse :  

    Projets artistiques
    Préparer les repas / cuisiner pour la famille
    Travail associatif

    J'ai des connaissances :  

    Tenir compagnie à une pers. âgée
    Bricolage et projets de construction
    S’occuper des animaux
    Aider à la maison

    Je peux apprendre aux autres :  

    Baby-sitting et jeux créatifs
  • Quelles sont vos compétences ?

    I am creative, adaptable, and eager to learn. I have always done a little bit of everything! My main jobs as an adult have been in health care, so I am used to running around and helping people in many ways. Besides that kind of work, I like to make things beautiful, weather it's decorating a cake, planting flowers, redecorating a home, making various crafts, and pretty much anything else! I enjoy spending time with kids and animals, and have been highly praised on my abilities as a babysitter and pet sitter. I am also not afraid to get my hands dirty. While I grew up in a relatively suburban area, I always enjoyed helping my grandparents stack wood, pick fruit, or pull weeds, and as I got older I made friends with a number of more "country" people, and always enjoyed when I got to help with the plants and animals, even house sitting for extended periods of time where I became quite confident in my abilities.

  • Âge


  • Autres infos...

    I love swimming and being around water, that is definitely where I feel most alive! I am lucky to (so far) be a lifelong resident of the pacific northwest in washington state, truly a unique and beautiful area. I spent a lot of time around my grandma and developed a fondness for puzzles and baking, I am pretty much guaranteed to enjoy doing a project that results in something tangible. I think my dream job would be to someday own my own bed and breakfast!

  • Informations complémentaires

    • Fumeur

    • Permis de conduire

    • Allergies

    • Régime alimentaire spécial



