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Badges (2)

Good Workawayer

Information du profil

  • Information de voyage

    Actuellement, je suis

    en voyage

    Les activités qui m'intéressent :

    Travels, animals, outdoor activities, cooking, eating, adventures, meeting new people, writing, skiing, series, social media, surfing, reading, photagraphy... the list is long!

    Ma prochaine destination :

    Galway City, Ireland - du Jul 2024 au Mai 2025
    Voir tout
  • Description

    Hi there!
    I usually dercribe myself as a Citizen of the world, with an ease of finding home wherever I may be for the moment. My passport reveales I am born and raised in Sweden, my student card tells I am a student of Journalism and Political Science in Galway, Ireland, graduating 2025. My Workaway account says I have already been workaway:ing 4 months in Martinique (the most fascinating months of my life). My current plan is to take next semester (autumn 2023) to travel through Europe before heading to India while doing my remote part-time internship as a social media ambassador for a Swedish company located in Ireland.

    You are welcome to learn more about me under "What skills do I have"

  • Centres d’intérêt

    Sports d’hiver
    Yoga / bien-être
    Politique/justice sociale
    Sports nautiques
    Bricolage / artisanat
    Activités en plein air
    Voile / bateau
    Événements/vie sociale
    Cuisine et alimentation

    montrer plus
  • Langues

    Langues parlées
    Anglais: Courant
    Swedish: Courant
    Espagnol: Débutant
    Français: Débutant

    Plus de détails sur les langues qui m'intéressent
    Ce workawayer a indiqué qu’il souhaitait faire partager sa ou ses propre(s) langue(s) ou en apprendre une nouvelle. Veuillez le contacter directement pour en discuter.

    Trouver un partenaire de langue

  • Compétences et connaissances que j'aimerais partager ou apprendre

    Ça m'intéresse :  

    Tenir compagnie à une pers. âgée
    Aider dans une ferme
    Accueil / tourisme
    Travail associatif

    J'ai des connaissances :  

    Baby-sitting et jeux créatifs
    Entretien général
    S’occuper des animaux

    Je peux apprendre aux autres :  

    Bricolage et projets de construction
    Préparer les repas / cuisiner pour la famille
    Aider à la maison
    Projets artistiques
    Aide informatique / Internet
  • Quelles sont vos compétences ?

    My biggest obsession in life is to be on a constant move, getting to know new places and broadening my knowledge within a wide range of activities (everything from theoretical subjects in school to practical work).
    If you would ask anyone of my friends or family to describe me I bet “a curious, fearless and determined dreamer” would summaries their responses. I guess that is pretty accurate. I am on a constant search for new adventures and I hardly ever let anything stop me from achieving my plan.
    When I was little my father and grandfathers shared stories from their challenging months within military services. Straight after graduating high school I applied and spent 11 months as a manager of a radio link group in the deep woods of southern Sweden.
    The following year Covid hit and my promised dream-position for a travel-agency as a training-instructor and tour-guide in Greece got spoiled. Instead, I applied for an intense course in French, a language that has always fascinated me, while searching for a possible loophole to still go abroad for some months despite the pandemic. I found Workaway and a little island in the French Caribbean to which I headed off with a friend.
    My experience of Workaway:ing in Martinique became the most fascinating months in my life. We started off by living with a family in the capital, helping out with gardening, DIY projects and general maintenance of their house. It was the best way to star off our adventure, getting to know the culture, meeting other Workawayers from all around the world. My favorite memories are the dinners we all shared together when each of us took terms of cooking special dishes from our home-countries while sharing and listening to life-stories.
    After spending summer back home I got on a plane to start off my University-studies on the west coast of Ireland. It was not long before I was in love with my new way of living. Spending countless of hours in lectures and reading in the library, getting to know new people, develop my surfing-skills I earnt under a palm tree in Caribbean, this time only in water 20 degrees below and several nights singing along with the troubadours in the Irish pubs. Despite the fascinating and rich Irish culture I believe the biggest reason of my adoration for Galway is the amount of international students that creates interesting discussions over a coffee and the wonderful ambiance of openness and understanding.
    The more places I visit, the more places I want to call my home, the more the curiosity within me creates a longing to once again head off the horizon, continue forward and see what might be hidden around the corner, what landscapes might awaiting me. When I was little, while still lacking the experiences that teaches the true meaning of it, I had a quote on the wall “I am in love with places I have never been and with people I have never met”. Today I can honestly stand behind those wise words.
    If one could say I was addicted to a drug, travel would be mine. Sometimes I contemplate how healthy this obsession may be, especially during the time in between that I spend at home, in the safety around my beloved ones in the familiar sites around the north of Sweden. I believe those moments to be truly important to have and cherish every now and then, a break from that constant search and movement. Though, it is inevitable to deny the growing urge within me to once again walk along an unfamiliar road.
    I once heard someone explaining how fed up they were by their own constant need for novelty, that they finally had found peace with what they had within the closeness of home and did no longer need to search for new surroundings. She explained it as if she “had eaten her last piece of pie”.
    But despite my sometimes-questioning attitude towards my own obsession of being of a constant move and 4 lovely summer-months back home since my final exam in Galway I am happy that next semester allows me to once again head off somewhere that I have never been. As I this autumn will be taking on a remote part-time internship with a company I have already been working with for some time, I will spend this autumn travelling. I will start off by visiting a Slovakian exchange-student who today studies in Denmark, thenceforth I will head off to France to visit a girl I got to know during my first year in Galway. Next destination is Athens where I will meet up my mother with whom I will finally tick off “Greece Island hopping” from my bucket-list. Finally, I will head off to India to learn more about the culture that I have been so fascinated by since I had a group-presentation upon its traditions in 6th grade. All in all, I am certain, I have not yet eaten my last piece of pie.

  • Âge


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    • Fumeur

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