Badges (3)
Information du profil
Hey :) my name is Enikö. I am 20 years old and I love to travel and explore the world.
Langues parlées
Allemand: Courant
Anglais: Courant
Hungarian: Courant
Espagnol: IntermédiaireCompétences et connaissances que j'aimerais partager ou apprendre
Ça m'intéresse :
Projets artistiquesJ'ai des connaissances :
LanguesÉco-projetsJardinageBricolage et projets de constructionS’occuper des animauxAider dans une fermeAider à la maisonAccueil / tourismeEntretien généralQuelles sont vos compétences ?
I have had different jobs in different areas. Including working in factories, at a testing center and as a barista and waitress.
I have also done different volunteerings in permaculture, renovation and hostels.Âge
Informations complémentaires
Permis de conduire
Régime alimentaire spécial
Her handyman abilities during down time were most appreciated repairing furniture & her own camper van accomodation. Also learning to carve spoons, accessing the workshop with safety in… read more
Her handyman abilities during down time were most appreciated repairing furniture & her own camper van accomodation. Also learning to carve spoons, accessing the workshop with safety in… read more