Information du profil
Information de voyage
Actuellement, je suis
en voyage
Hi, i’m Tammaro. I’m born to naples but i live in rome about 3 years and half.
I spend a lot of time volontaring around the city with animals, kids and homeless with some assosation. I always try to do something more when i can, because of my job i havn’t many week to spend with these project but we can always give a shot.Centres d’intérêt
LivresÉvénements/vie socialeSports d’hiverVie en vanDev. personnelSports d'équipeDev. durableAnimaux de compagnieActivités en plein airNatureFilms et téléMusiqueLanguesHistoireRandonnéeJardinageFitnessFermeDanseCultureCuisine et alimentationBénévolatCampingPlageAstronomieAnimauxSports d'aventureLangues
Langues parlées
Italien: Courant
Anglais: IntermédiairePlus de détails sur les langues qui m'intéressent
I’m trying to learn and speak better English. I study by myselfCompétences et connaissances que j'aimerais partager ou apprendre
Ça m'intéresse :
Éco-projetsJardinageBricolage et projets de constructionAider dans une fermeAccueil / tourismeJ'ai des connaissances :
Travail associatifEnseignementS’occuper des animauxPréparer les repas / cuisiner pour la familleQuelles sont vos compétences ?
I’m not expert with construction or gardening but i’m a hard worker, you just need to show me how to do something and I will try my best.
Autres infos...
I like all the sport although i’m not good with any of that. I like go to the gym and spend time with others
Informations complémentaires
Permis de conduire
Régime alimentaire spécial
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Francesca (Host) she is very simpy, kind and available for everything. The weather did’t was the best but we still managed to clean a portion of the woods, a path and build a portion of a path who is fallen down a few weeks ago, and nothing was hard to do.
There I met… read more
… read more
Francesca (Host) she is very simpy, kind and available for everything. The weather did’t was the best but we still managed to clean a portion of the woods, a path and build a portion of a path who is fallen down a few weeks ago, and nothing was hard to do.
There I met… read more