Séjours chez l'habitant, volontariat et vacances-travail : destination Rio Negro, Argentine

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Rio Negro

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Help a cosy family hostel in Bariloche, Argentina
This is a family run, cosy, friendly hostel with a cool atmosphere located in the heart of downtown Bariloche. Our family is composed by Pablo (37), Flor (34), their children Emma (8) and Blas (3), and anyone else who would like to be part of the ......
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Enjoy the beach and outdoor pursuits outside Bariloche, Argentina
=========== WANTED COUPLE / TWO FRIENDS (double bed) from 18/2 WANTED SINGLE PERSON =========== Our lodge is located to 24 kms of the center of Bariloche, in a circuit very touristy in summer, surrounded by lakes and mountains. The place is ......
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  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Join our family and play with our kids or help out in the yard in beautiful Bariloche, Argentina
Our family includes two adults and two young children, ages 5 and 4. Don and Rochelle met living in Portland, Oregon in 2011 and some of our adventures together include bike touring the TransAmerica trail across the United States, a year backpacking ......
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  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Natural building project in the forest mountains near El Bolsón, Argentina
Hei! I'm Luis an Argentinean/English guy living in the west forest mountains of Patagonia. I live together with Cecilia a petite girl and an old philosopher Gustavo. We are currently in the process of building a LSC (Light Straw Clay) house. UPDATE ......
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  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Join our rural life in the mountains of El Bolsón, Argentina
*Please contact this host in Spanish* We are a family that lives on a farm in the rural area of Mallin Ahogado, on the outskirts of El Bolsón, in Patagonia Argentina. We live in harmony and balance with the forest on the banks of the magical Rio ......
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Give us a hand with our hostel in the forest at El Bolson, Argentina
We are a couple which decided to leave everything behind and follow our dreams to start our first bussines in El Bolson, so, we are actually running a hostel that's placed in the middle of the forest on the sidehill of the "Piltriquitron" hill with ......
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  • Projet durable
    Projet durable
  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
Come and help around the Refugio . Nature, Art and community life in El Bolsón, Argentina.
Traveling as a Way of Life Traveling, being on the road, being a migrant or explorer is embarking on a unique, conscious, and deeply personal journey each time. It's a rediscovery of oneself, of the community, and of the world. This philosophy is ......


  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Vounteer help in a rural retreat in beautiful and peaceful surroundings Patogonia , Argentina
I live in a 4 hectare small holding in the foothills on the Andes which I have been working for the past 30 years. There is an organic vegetable garden and a flower garden around the house. The rest of the property is native woodland with 2 hectares ......


  • Projet durable
    Projet durable
  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
Help with the garden on our family land near El Bolson, Argentina
I live in the family garden field, fruit trees, birds, cats, in a valley in the mountains. Life project enjoying the source, we eat what we produce, without chemicals. I take care of living in contact with the earth, doing the work according to the ......


  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
Help out at tourist resort, camping, and hostel near Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina
Hi. I am a rugby player and an entrepreneur. I have been running this place for over twenty years. This is a tourist resort, camping, hostel, and kayaks 13 km from Bariloche, Patagonia Argentina. We also have pet rabbits, ducks, chickens, and two ......


  • Projet durable
    Projet durable
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Help at an organic farm with animals near San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina
We are an organic farm that seeks to produce food that cares for the region. At the moment we are dedicated to animals and their food. We have dairy cows, pastured steers, chickens and hens! We are three friends and partners: Mon is an agricultural ......


  • Projet durable
    Projet durable
  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
Help us to achieve collective sustainability through a permaculture project in El Bolson, Patagonia, Argentina
We are a permaculture project that works to generate new forms of community organization and social economics. We seek to achieve collective Sustainability through the generation of our own spaces and food. Directly related to permaculture, we work ......


  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Experience a local way of life and help us with English in Patagonia, Argentina
We are three people in my family. My two children and myself. I own a small school of English. We teach all ages. We believe in teaching through games, art and music. We believe in happy students. Because we are an educational project, it´s very ......


  • Home-sitting / pet-sitting
    Home-sitting / pet-sitting
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Enjoy nature, help with animals and garden projects near El Bolsón, Argentina
Hello I live alone on half a hectare of wooded land and I receive volunteers on two occasions: 1-During the summer, if the person knows about gardening or carpentry, for example, and can help me with a specific project. 2-When I have to travel ......


  • Projet durable
    Projet durable
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Permaculture project in El Bolson, Argentina
Workaway note: Please contact this host in Spanish We are a place of permaculture in construction, strated 5 years ago in a field that we obtained thanks to an exchange of land for natural contruction with the owner of a biodinamic farm with cows ......


  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Apprenez-en plus sur la permaculture, l'apiculture et la construction à l'argile dans la forêt d'El Bolsón, Argentine
We are Agustin and Sofia, from Patagonia Argentina, we live in the forest in El Bolsón with our son Kimün. Always aiming to be in harmony with nature and seeking enjoyment and self-sustainability in every action. We are dedicated to construction, ......


  • Projet durable
    Projet durable
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Join our multi-generational family and help on our farm of Mallin Ahogado, Argentina
We are people of the Earth, who build, plant and dream. We live with dogs and cats. We are always building our houses and seeking to beautify our surroundings. We are three family units that live together on a 3 hectare farm in front of the ......


  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Use my place to explore Patagonia and help me with gardening in Bariloche, Argentina
Hi, I'm Joaquin (33). I work from home in Bariloche. I usually host travelers through Couchsurfing, but since I need some extra hand I'm here. The project is at my house, not a hostel or anything like that. I have been working in the garden with ......


  • Projet durable
    Projet durable
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Help with gardening at our farm near El Bolsón, Río Negro, Argentina
Please contact us in Spanish We are Lita, Hernan and Mirian, we are in Mallín Ahogado, an area between mountains and natural forest, 15 km from El Bolsón, Río Negro. Our farm has 3 hectares, in one part there is the main house and 4 tourist ......


  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
Mountain lodge and help with the environment in El Bolsón, Argentina
Welcome to a mountain lodge where you can enjoy a unique experience while contributing to a noble cause. In our complex, we are committed to the well-being of the community and the environment, and we are looking for volunteer collaborators who want ......