Help with sustainability education and permaculture in southwest Newfoundland, Canada

  • Activité récente : 5 nov. 2024



 Séjour min. souhaité : Au moins deux semaines



  • Description


    We are a couple in our 30s who started up a small eco-hostel in spring 2018 in the Codroy Valley of southwest Newfoundland, 30 minutes from the ferry to Nova Scotia. Currently we rent out the entire inn rather than individual beds (due to Covid) but our vision is to this less about tourism and more about sustainability education and permaculture in action in our community. We're always looking for motivated helpers who are genuinely interested in learning with us how to live sustainably and sharing skills.

    In fall 2022 we will be putting the garden to bed, saving seeds, preserving and doing some home renovation projects (tearing out a wall and painting walls). We are in the planning stages of many new projects including turning our shed into our home and establishing a sustainable food production co-operative. We have a few plots in our neighbourhood that people have offered to us to grow food on to feed the community! This project is where we'll need most of our volunteers. In the spring we will be starting seeds and setting up infrastructure for the growing season. Those with building skills and experience market gardening would be especially helpful. Possibility of both short- and long-term stays, depending on how well we're getting along. We welcome volunteers to commit to 2 weeks and then we can take it from there.

    In 2023 we will be hosting a trail crew from April to October. We'll still be a hostel, so housekeeping duties will still be a thing, but reduced to one or two beds. Even if we do not have guests, cooking and cleaning are always a job that needs doing.
    We hope to have lots of activities on the go, whether it's food & gardening workshops, "free school", movie screenings, sports & games, stretching, meditation, music, dancing etc. Volunteers with specific skills are encouraged to organize and lead community workshops. All skills and knowledge could potentially be teachable to community members, tourists, and us. Ideally, our helper would want to build this place with us and be part of our team. Our goal is to someday collectivize our space where we share ownership of the property and different people would take care of it throughout the year.

    We built an 18 foot geodesic dome greenhouse in 2018. This year, we hope to work on some the following projects: outdoor clay rocket stove/oven; mass rocket heater for the greenhouse; balcony for our lounge/cinema/event space; willow tree gazebo; bicycle-powered washing machine; rainwater collection; mushroom cultivation; composting & humanure; kelp harvesting; chicken care (planning to get hens in 2023); furniture construction from salvaged materials; murals & art projects; horticulture & landscape design; alternative energy generation; structural repairs; permaculture & gardening help; trail construction; pond building; brewing, social media.

    We're open to experimentation and have space to let volunteers explore their passions and projects, even if not on the above list. We expect helpers to put in 5-6 hours a day (9-12 and 2-5), 5 days a week. In exchange for help, fresh vegan cooking ingredients are provided on work days (everyone is expected to take turns in the kitchen), as well as ample free time to explore the area. On weekends, helpers are welcome to help themselves to food & herbs from the garden but must take care of other food items on their own.

    This year, we'll be doing "happy hour" every evening at 5pm, when we can all throw in the towel and relax.

    We live at a dead end, on a river surrounded by mountains with impressive hikes, are steps away from a beautiful beach, and offer kayaks & bikes to our helpers. Our rural community is small and tight-knit. We have WiFi but no TV. We live simply, with a vegan diet, avoiding processed products. Our garden plus bulk buying provides much of our food. Our cats wander freely both outdoors and indoors. Individual helpers may stay in a bed; couples must camp (in summer). We strive to live with mindful intention but don't take ourselves too seriously. English, French, Italian, some Spanish, and a smackering of other languages spoken. LGBTQ friendly.

  • Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Projets artistiques
    Pratique d’une langue
    Aide avec des éco-projets
    Bricolage et construction
    S’occuper des animaux
    Aide dans une ferme
    Cuisine/repas pour la famille
    Aide à la maison
    Entretien général
    Aide informatique/internet
  • Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Helpers will have the opportunity to live in a simple, rural setting with mindful consumption & the freedom to explore their passions. We are open to new suggestions about off-grid living and always happy to learn and share knowledge. We want helpers to have a fun and enriching experience here!

  • Aide


    What you are encouraged to help with: mass rocket heater for the greenhouse; balcony for our lounge/cinema/event space; willow tree gazebo; bicycle-powered washing machine; rainwater collection; mushroom cultivation; composting & humanure; kelp harvesting; furniture construction from salvaged materials; murals & art projects; horticulture & landscape design; alternative energy generation; general permaculture & gardening help; trail construction; pond building.

  • Langues

    Langues parlées
    Anglais: Courant
    Espagnol: Intermédiaire
    Français: Intermédiaire
    Italien: Intermédiaire
    Hollandais: Débutant
    Turc: Débutant

    Cet hôte propose un échange linguistique
    Cet hôte a indiqué qu’il souhaitait faire partager sa propre langue ou en apprendre une nouvelle.
    Contactez-le pour en savoir plus.

  • Hébergement


    Individual helpers may stay in a dorm bed. Couples must camp (in the summer). There is a lot of camping space and we can provide a tent/bedding.

  • Autres infos...

    Autres infos...

    WiFi included, no TV.

  • Informations complémentaires

    Informations complémentaires

    • Accès Internet

    • Accès Internet limité

      Accès Internet limité

    • Nous avons des animaux

    • Nous sommes fumeurs

    • Familles bienvenues

  • Possibilité d’accueillir les digital nomads

    Possibilité d’accueillir les digital nomads

    The space isn't ideal for heavy concentration, but we do have pretty strong internet (not for gaming!) and we will do our best to respect your privacy.

  • Espace pour garer des vans

    Espace pour garer des vans

    Our driveway is big enough.

  • Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?


N° de référence hôte : 949942331759

Sécurité du site

Feedback (5)


L'image représente deux kayakistes sur un plan d'eau serein, avec un pont et des montagnes verdoyantes en arrière-plan, évoquant un sentiment de tranquillité et d'aventure.
L'image représente un comptoir de cuisine avec un bol de légumes frais, dont des betteraves, des carottes et du chou-rave, accompagné d'un chat assis derrière le bol.
Une femme est assise par terre, vêtue d'une chemise bleue et d'un pantalon marron, avec une brouette derrière elle, dans un champ herbeux avec une serre en arrière-plan.
L'image représente deux chats assis dans un espace herbeux, entouré d'arbres et de buissons, le soleil brillant à travers le feuillage.
L'image montre un gros plan de bretzels non cuits, crus, en pâte blanche sur une surface noire, probablement une plaque de cuisson ou un plateau.
Deux personnes posent sur des rochers près d'un lac, avec des montagnes enneigées en arrière-plan, sur fond de ciel bleu avec des nuages ondulants.
Deux femmes se tiennent sur une terrasse surplombant un lac et des montagnes, échangeant un plat de nourriture, avec un paysage naturel serein et un ciel bleu avec des nuages blancs en arrière-plan.
L'image représente une table en bois avec une salade, une pizza et du vin, sur fond de mur de briques, évoquant une atmosphère décontractée de repas en plein air.
