Join our fresh start up of eco farm comunity in Alentejo, Portugal

  • Enregistré comme favori 34 fois
  • Activité récente: 26 juin 2024



 Séjour min. souhaité : Pas de minimum



  • Description


    Hello folks,
    as so many of us feel the urge, we would like to create an ecological comunity farm with a big veggie garden, bee-culture, mushroom farm, a few sheep together with about 12 people living and working together in different buildings. around 8 people who would live there on a regular basis and visitors/ work exchangers who would come stay on flexible basis, as long as they like. We both like and need to travel quite often, which is one reason why we have not gotten very far with our project. Living with a bigger group of people each one has the opportunity to leave and do what they need to do, yet keeping the vegetation and project going and the animals taken care of.
    The project would involve transforming the land in a more fertile ground,recreating, reliving the soil, planting lots of fruit and nut trees, bushes and creating veggie gardens with the principal of permaculture. And a very big issue is the creation of water reservoirs!
    Then there is the reconstruction of the main house and the 3 small ruins for living with the addition other adobe and wood buildings also for living and food storage, next to a comunity space for yoga, dance, music and more.
    So far we are 2 people, me, with origen in Germany and my friend Juan from Uruguay, plus 1 dog , 2 cats, a few chicken and a couple of rooster and ducks.
    I have been working as a visual artist and had lived on Mallorca for more then 20 years and earlier in San Francisco. Juan loves making jewelry and he had lived in Spain for over 10 years.
    Maybe a good third of the building work on the main house is done and we started a 60 m2 and a 500 sm2 veggie garden. We have been doing a lot of pruning yet there is still soon much to prune and support bushes and trees. Urgent are the digging/ building of water reservoirs and irrigation system. Around Oct/Nov there would be a whole lot of olive trees to harvest.. well...
    The farm is in East Alentejo, Nature Parc of Guadiana, about 20 km away from Mertola, ca. 10 km from Minhas do Sao Domingo, 35 km south of Serpa, 85 north of Tavira (Algarve coast). We live very secluded and quiet. It is 4 km to each of the 3 neighbors. There is a lake, a creek, which carries water in the winter until Spring.
    We are mostly vegetarian, we eat eggs and rarely meat. Juan smokes little bit, we are open for smokers if it is not too much in the house, better outside. We drink very little alcohol.
    I do my yoga practice usually in the morning, sometimes at night time, and happy to share with others. Happy to jogg around the area with someone too.
    there is only internet thru the mobile phone so far. but thais should change very soon.
    We have some solar power. so far only 900 watt, and a generator.

    We are happy to send photos and more info if you are interested to join, colive, cowork, visit...

    Much light and happiness! Suka and Juan


    Hola amigos
    como muchos de nosotros sentimos la necesidad, nos gustaría crear una granja comunitaria ecológica con un gran huerto, cultivo de abejas, granja de hongos, algunas ovejas, junto con unas 12 personas que viven y trabajan juntos en diferentes edificios. alrededor de 8 personas que vivirían allí sobre una base regular y los visitantes / intercambios de trabajo que vendrían estancia sobre una base flexible, siempre y cuando les gusta. A los dos nos gusta y necesitamos viajar bastante a menudo, lo cual es una de las razones por las que no hemos llegado muy lejos con nuestro proyecto. Viviendo con un grupo más grande de personas cada uno tiene la oportunidad de salir y hacer lo que necesita, pero manteniendo la vegetación y el proyecto en marcha y los animales cuidados.
    El proyecto consistiría en transformar la tierra en un terreno más fértil, recrear, revivir el suelo, plantar muchos árboles frutales y de frutos secos, arbustos y crear huertos con el principio de la permacultura. Y un tema muy importante es la creación de depósitos de agua.
    Luego está la reconstrucción de la casa principal y las 3 pequeñas ruinas para vivir con la adición de otros edificios de adobe y madera también para vivir y almacenar alimentos, junto a un espacio comunitario para el yoga, la danza, la música y más.
    Hasta ahora somos 2 personas, yo, con origen en Alemania y mi amigo Juan de Uruguay, además de 1 perro , 2 gatos, unas gallinas y un par de gallos y patos.
    Yo he trabajado como artista visual y he vivido en Mallorca por más de 20 años y antes en San Francisco. A Juan le gusta hacer joyas y había vivido en España durante más de 10 años.
    Tal vez un buen tercio de los trabajos de construcción en la casa principal se hace y empezamos un 60 m2 y un jardín vegetariano 500 sm2. Hemos estado haciendo mucha poda pero todavía queda mucho por podar y apoyar arbustos y árboles. Es urgente la excavación/construcción de depósitos de agua y el sistema de riego. Alrededor de octubre/noviembre habría un montón de olivos para cosechar.
    Somos mayoritariamente vegetarianos, comemos huevos y rara vez carne. Juan fuma poco, estamos abiertos a los fumadores si no es demasiado en la casa, mejor fuera. Bebemos muy poco alcohol.
    Hago mi práctica de yoga generalmente por la mañana, a veces por la noche, y feliz de compartir con otros. Feliz de hacer footing por la zona con alguien también.
    hasta ahora solo hay internet a traves del telefono movil. pero thais deberia cambiar muy pronto.
    Tenemos un poco de energía solar. hasta ahora sólo 900 vatios, y un generador.

    Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor
    La finca se encuentra en el este del Alentejo, Parque Natural del Guadiana, a unos 20 km de Mertola, a unos 10 km de Minhas do Sao Domingo, 35 km al sur de Serpa, 85 al norte de Tavira (costa del Algarve). Vivimos muy aislado y tranquilo. Hay 4 km a cada uno de los 3 vecinos. Hay un lago, un arroyo, que lleva agua en el invierno hasta la primavera.
    Estamos encantados de enviar fotos y más información si vosotros estas interesados en unirse, colive, cowork, visita ...

    Mucha luz y felicidad! Suka y Juan

    Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor

  • Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Aide avec des éco-projets
    Bricolage et construction
    S’occuper des animaux
    Aide dans une ferme
    Cuisine/repas pour la famille
    Aide à la maison
    Entretien général
    Aide informatique/internet
  • Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    I have been a visual artist so far and my friend is a jewlery craftsman. Between the two of us we have basic knowledge and practical experience in pretty much all building areas. I have a lot of experience with morters and lime putties including tadelakt, which i have been working with over 20 years. my friend knows about trees and plants and creating jewelry.
    I am happy to share my experience and knowledge in the arts, to share my native language german, yet also english in conversation or even written form, travellers could learn during the partcipation of the different building the processes about materials and their application, usage, techniques. Naturally one exchanges the different philosofies on things and life by being toegther in such a unique way.

  • Aide


    We would be in need of people to empty the creek of trees and bushes in summer and autum before the rains, also to prune and cut dead trees, make firewood, to built water plant trees and veggies, help put in a regation system, help with the building of 1 small adobe and 2 wood log houses. there might be some work on the big house too, plumbing, building,...also it is nice if someone loves cooking and help with the prepartion of food for everyone..and it would be fantastic to have support on digital stuff, computer..

  • Langues

    Langues parlées
    Allemand: Courant
    Anglais: Courant
    Espagnol: Courant

    Cet hôte propose un échange linguistique
    our main interest is really portugese at the moment..but i am happy to pick up on other languages too. My friend speaks spanish and a bit of portugese.

  • Hébergement


    So far there are only tents to live in, as the main house is under total construction. Later on there will be wooden and adobe houses plus the main house for accomodation.

  • Autres infos...

    Autres infos...

    There is a big artifical lake walking about 5 km, or driving by car to the other end of the lake in Mina do Santa Domingo. You can also have a swim in the Guidano river above Mertola in Praya fluvial Azenhas do Guadiano or Canais. It is really beautiful just to walk around the land. One can visit Mertola, with its castle and small alley ways, a sweet little town, about 20 k away, where you can also take a paddle boat along the river down to Alcoutim, Algarve.
    there is a bus going from Moraines to Mertola, not so often though. There is a bigger cultural program now until end of 2023, with art exhibits, more films at various places, a lot outside also, poetry walks, story telling dinners, walks with info on plants, classes, dance/movement, theater classes or workshops in Mertola or Minhas de Sao Domingo.

  • Informations complémentaires

    Informations complémentaires

    • Accès Internet

    • Accès Internet limité

      Accès Internet limité

    • Nous avons des animaux

    • Nous sommes fumeurs

    • Familles bienvenues

  • Espace pour garer des vans

    Espace pour garer des vans

    Internetconection is quiete ok before being in the middle of nowhere, but not enough for digital nomades. There is no wifi, as there is no electrical installation yet .

  • Possibilité d'accueillir les animaux

    Possibilité d'accueillir les animaux

    We have a big dog, Mathilda, cats, ducks and chicken..Mathilda would be happy to play with other dogs. Your pets would need to respect the chicken though.

  • Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Plus de 2

  • ...

    Nombre d'heures attendues

    4 hours a day

N° de référence hôte : 862956895383

Feedback (2)
