Build together our ECO-PROJECT, than start with the wood! Amazing small piece of forest in Sicily, Italy

  • Activité récente : 6 févr. 2025



 Séjour min. souhaité : Au moins une semaine



  • Description


    We are a young couple who after years of traveling and study abroad etc.etc., decided to live in contact with nature, coming back to our homeland, Sicily. We want our lives in this world to be sustainable, for the Earth, and for us, to become energy and food production (almost) independent, to create a center for healing retreats, to develop a sustainable way of tourism (and a lot of other projects and ideas, but we can discuss them face to face).

    Milo owns a small piece (3 hectares) of land in the forest within the natural reserve of "Parco delle Madonie", near the beautiful village of Cefalù, where we are starting to renew the old stone house and to work on the land around. Our sweet dogs Luigi and Kubeba will be with us, along with Baghera and Priscilla, our two beautiful cats.

  • Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Bricolage et construction
    Entretien général
    Aide dans une ferme
    Aide avec des éco-projets
    Aide à la maison
    Projets artistiques
  • Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    I speak English, French and Portuguese, Milo speaks German instead of French, so we should be able to communicate! You will learn how great it is to live in the nature, with the Sicilian rhythms and sense of hospitality!
    You will learn (or improve) building, gardening, farming skills. You will have the possiblity to explore the beautiful area around, the village of Cefalu nearby, the city of Palermo not far, to meet our friends and, basically live with us for the period that we will plan. We are starting something that is completely new also for us, because we want to build positive and solid foundations, based on friendship and respect, for ourselves, the other human beings, the nature around us. That's why we have decided to do everything ourselves, with the help of friends and volunteers and whoever wants to dirt his hands.

  • Projets impliquant des enfants

    Projets impliquant des enfants

    Ce projet peut impliquer des enfants. Pour en savoir plus, consultez nos directives et conseils ici.

  • Aide


    Milo has a small piece (3 hectares) of beautiful forest near the village of Cefalù, and we are starting to build our home. The accommodation will be in tents or, when it's cold, inside the old stone house!

    We started to work on this project in July 2016 and we immediately understood that nature has its own rhythms, that are much slower than the ones we are used to. In order to have a constructive and positive impact with our work on the area and the forest, a few more steps than the usual ones need to be undertaken. Just to make a small example: we didn't want to use a cement foundation as a base of the big water tanks we bought, then dealing with this decision meant building a different, non-permanent base, something that costed us much more time and energy (and satisfaction also!!!) compared to what we expected in the beginning, and so on...
    There are a lot of things to do: what about a geodetic kitchen, a wood oven, renewing the old stone house, clearing and fencing the land, planning the biodynamic vegetable garden, designing and creating paths in the forest etc.? The help required will regard the work on the old stone house, the gardening and farming, using your creativity to suggest new things and's an ongoing process that just started so all the positive advice and inputs are more than welcome!
    That's why, if you want to start your project on building or gardening or whatever, you can do it, our priorities at the moment are:

    - Gardening: creating the first vegetable biodynamic garden; clearing and maintaining the land;
    - Building: sewing up the walls of the old stone house; building the bathroom; building two mezzanines - P.S. Professionals will be working with us in these activities;
    - General Maintenance: setting up the hydraulic system and the irrigation system for the biodynamic vegetable garden;
    - Farming: designing and building the coop; maintaining the forest, chopping wood etc. don't worry there is always something to do!
    - Help with Eco project: designing and creating paths in the woods; fencing off the property (we don't want hunters in it!); creating a rainwater collecting system; setting up the solar panel system - P.S. Professionals will be working with us in this activity
    - Help in the house: don't worry there is always something to do!
    - Art projects: building a glass wall, made of recycled bottles, for the bathroom, whatever you feel to do!

  • Langues parlées

    Allemand: Courant
    Anglais: Courant
    Français: Courant
    Italien: Courant
    Portugais: Courant

  • Hébergement


    Camping in the nature next to the house during spring and summer.
    Accomodation arranged in the old stone house when it's colder.

    There is water, toilet and a functioning kitchen.
    We are working on the electricity side, we should set up as soon as possible the solar panel system.

    It depends on how many people we will be, we will differently arrange the accommodation for everybody. In any case, we will provide tents, you will only need your sleeping bag.

    We will prepare breakfast, lunch, dinner and all the snacks needed during the day (and/or the nights) for us and our volunteers. Elena is vegetarian but Milo is not, and we both love to cook, so everybody should be satisfied!

    Over there we don't have internet, but in Cefalù it's easy to get!

  • Autres infos...

    Autres infos...

    The place is absolutely beautiful, located in the Madonie Park (a very big natural reserve in Sicily), 5 km away from Cefalù, a very nice and characteristic village on the sea, and near the city of Palermo. In the nearby areas there are many small beaches facing an amazing sea. We have a car, but (lucky us!) just in front of our house there is also a bus stop, which arrives directly to the center of Cefalù, allowing you to explore around also on your own!

    We are easygoing and open minded people, curious about life and experiences, a lot of friends will also come to help, and often we will visit friends who live in the nearby hills, we want everyone who comes and visits us to feel comfortable, in the mutual respect, playing music and singing together at night after a day of good work.

  • Informations complémentaires

    Informations complémentaires

    • Accès Internet

    • Accès Internet limité

      Accès Internet limité

    • Nous avons des animaux

    • Nous sommes fumeurs

    • Familles bienvenues

  • Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Plus de 2

N° de référence hôte : 763349173866

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Feedback (5)


L'image représente une scène de jardin sereine avec un petit arbre aux fleurs blanches, entouré d'une végétation luxuriante et d'un chemin de terre, sur fond d'arbres et de montagne.
L'image représente un bâtiment rustique, usé par les intempéries, avec une corde à linge et du linge suspendu à l'extérieur, entouré d'une cour en terre avec des débris épars et un mur en pierre au premier plan.
L'image représente une scène extérieure sereine avec un couple et leur chien assis à une table, entourés d'arbres et de hamacs, dans une atmosphère chaude et ensoleillée.
L'image représente un jardin avec des rangées de petites plantes vertes poussant dans la terre, entourées de mauvaises herbes et de pierres.
L'image représente deux chats noirs et blancs et un chien assis sur un patio en béton, entourés d'une végétation luxuriante et d'arbres en arrière-plan.
L'image montre quatre grands réservoirs d'eau blancs sur une base en béton, entourés d'un cadre métallique, situés dans un champ de terre avec des arbres en arrière-plan.
L'image représente un homme debout sur une branche d'arbre, avec deux animaux noirs, peut-être des chiens, grimpant sur l'arbre en dessous de lui, dans une zone boisée.
L'image représente un homme assis à une table pour un repas aux chandelles, entouré de divers plats et aliments, ce qui donne une impression de chaleur et de convivialité.
L'image représente une cour avec un grand trou dans le sol, entouré de rochers et d'un pieu en bois, avec un tas de gravats à l'arrière-plan.
L'image représente une scène rustique en plein air avec un mur de pierre, un sol en terre battue et divers objets éparpillés, dont une personne debout à l'arrière-plan.
L'image représente une ville côtière pittoresque nichée entre une montagne majestueuse et la mer, avec un océan d'un bleu éclatant et une plage de sable blanc immaculé.
L'image représente une scène forestière sereine, avec un groupe d'arbres aux feuilles vertes luxuriantes et une zone herbeuse vibrante avec des fleurs sauvages, le tout sur fond de ciel couvert.
