Vivez dans un village du sud est bulgare et aidez-nous avec nos éco-projets, du jardinage, les animaux, la cuisine et l'entretien général (Karnobat)

  • Enregistré comme favori 18 fois
  • Activité récente: 28 avr. 2024



 Séjour min. souhaité : Au moins deux semaines



  • Description


    Christmas Dinner Alone?

    Location and about me:-


    I am located in beautiful rural Southeastern Bulgaria in a Village 20 minutes’ drive from the town of Karnobat and 45 minutes’ drive from the port city of Burgas and the Black Sea. My place is located right out on the edge of our small village with views towards the Central Bulgarian Mountains. I have a large plot of land with a small stream running through so plenty of opportunities for solitude or socialising during the evenings in our Gazebo. This is an ideal location for Workaway travellers going to or from TURKEY where around trip from Karnobat to Istanbul and back via train/bus costs around Euro 45.

    The Host:-

    Robert is an Englishman in his 60's although, he considers himself more European nowadays and former British Army; Robert likes Bushcraft & Self-sufficiency skills, making camp, open fires and outdoor cooking and foraging for foods together with learning about the natural things that grow around us and how to use them. Robert has his own YouTube Channel too.

    I am a fairly easy going sociable person, but I respect that sometimes other people just wish to be left to be quiet and I expect the same in return from my guests as not every evening can be a party.


    My objectives are quite simple, to blend in, not waste resources, make and mend instead of buying new, be as self-sufficient as can be reasonably expected, learn new skills, hone older skills, but keep learning.


    I eat meat, but will respect your choice of not eating meat albeit, I would prefer non-vegetarians because it makes shared cooking mutual and more interesting.

  • Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Compagnie pour pers. âgée
    Bricolage et construction
    S’occuper des animaux
    Cuisine/repas pour la famille
    Aide à la maison
    Entretien général
  • Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities;-

    I live right out on the boundary of what is termed a dying village. Therefore, I cannot offer you much in our village for integration with the ageing locals. Bulgaria has a very long and rich history. Volunteers will achieve as much as they wish to achieve by visiting me and what they're prepared to contribute albeit, I would hope that any Volunteer will leave having more self-confidence and having had their opinions heard and considered on projects I have to complete. As a minimum you should achieve an exchange of cultures as I am an Englishman who has served, worked and lived in numerous countries including Russia.

    If you are into Wildlife then Bulgaria has much to offer. We will have Swallows nesting, Storks in the village and rich variety of fauna and flora. You might be lucky and see on our Tortoises or Turtles around if you are quick. Make sure you have a camera with you. During winter of course, the options are far fewer.

    As previously mentioned, there are opportunities to travel to the City of Burgas an hour away by Public Transport and further beyond to explore the Black Sea or even Turkey. Train and Bus services to and from Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna and Burgas are mostly reliable, safe and cheap in comparison to Western European ticket prices. Bus services from our village to Karnobat are not that frequent, but I can drive you and collect you from there if you wish to go exploring by train or bus.

  • Aide


    I have many maintenance upkeep on-going projects in simply living and keeping warm during these winter months and any helping hand is welcomed.

    Some jobs require teamwork and others are best suited to someone who likes to carry out tasks on their own unsupervised once the task has been fully explained and demonstrated.

    In exchange for 3 meals per day, a comfortable bed with a dry roof over your head, unlimited Internet, a hot shower and a flush toilet, I expect you to be prepared to offer me a few hours per day per 5 day week minimum. If you do not think this to be a fair deal or think this is slave labour then, please do not waste each other's time taking this invitation any further. It is winter time and you're welcome to go roaming about any time you wish as long as we have discussed and agreed beforehand.

    I have my own YouTube channel, but I am not allowed to advertise it here. Just think of Robert and Bulgaria and you might find the channel.

  • Langues parlées

    Anglais: Courant
    Allemand: Intermédiaire
    Russe: Intermédiaire
    Bulgarian: Débutant

  • Hébergement



    We can offer a caravan which a single can use, but we do not accept families. The Caravan has basic amenities with a wood burning stove, chemical toilet for night use, but the flush toilet, shower and washing machine are located in another building a few metres away.

    For those that wish to really get back to nature basics then, I can offer outdoor sleeping under canvas shelters in one of Robert's camps dotted around the territory.

    All Volunteers also have use of the summer kitchen for preparing food and/or BBQ facilities around the territory. I can also offer a pitch for campers whether a Tent, Camper or Caravan for those who prefer to sleep in their own facilities. I provide offer unlimited Internet WiFi around the territory as best as I can or a Hotspot, but I cannot guarantee permanent internet access all over this large territory.


    I understand that FOOD is a huge motivating factor for my guests and I try my best to provide good wholesome meals supplemented with seasonal salads/vegetables, home-grown and wild fruits with snacks in between for those that burn off their calories through hard work, (see typical Menu Photograph in our Gallery). However, during the winter, I am limited to what is available in the supermarkets.

    Therefore, I offer three meals per working day whether that be self-catering or a collective meal for everyone. I offer refreshments and do not mind you drinking a couple of beers with your evening meal, but within reason. I want my guests to feel welcome and rewarded for their voluntary work, but this is not a holiday camp where one can laze around all day and eat and drink your fill.

    We have 4 mixed breed rescue dogs who will not harm you, but who seek attention, so, if you're terrified of dogs then, this place is probably not for you. However, if you are nervous of dogs and wish to build your confidence with canines then, this is the place for you.


    I am not a Hotel, I do not provide a Maid Service and your Mother's are not here either so, I expect my guests to clean up after themselves including the toilet they use; leave everything as you would expect to find it and we will all get on famously. I am not running a Military Boot Camp here, but neither am I providing a Nanny Service for people who think others should clean up the mess they make.

    I do not believe that our location, tasks required, tools used and the number of dogs make our location suitable for CHILDREN of a lesser age than their early teens and as mentioned earlier, we do not accommodate families.

  • Autres infos...

    Autres infos...


    I strongly recommend good footwear and layered clothing with an outer waterproof barrier whilst working on my projects and not sandal type footwear. It gets very MUDDY here during the winter. Waterproof, windproof warm layers are a must as hypothermia is not a joke, but a reality.


    We had some really great experiences with my Workaway Volunteers all of which came here with a good work ethic, ready to assist, learn and teach me something too. Therefore, I am looking forward to more great experiences during the coming years.

    However, what I HATE/DISLIKE the most are ''No Shows'' and I must have heard every excuse under the sun during my years as a host so, If you make an enquiry, confirm that you are coming and then, for whatever reason, change your mind then, please have the common decency to inform me of your decision at the earliest opportunity so that I may offer your place to someone else. There is little excuse in this modern day and age for not contacting me if your plans change.

    Thank you for reading the foregoing, I hope it will give you an insight into what we are about and we hope to see you soon.


  • Informations complémentaires

    Informations complémentaires

    • Accès Internet

    • Accès Internet limité

      Accès Internet limité

    • Nous avons des animaux

    • Nous sommes fumeurs

    • Familles bienvenues

  • Espace pour garer des vans

    Espace pour garer des vans

    Any size of van with and have access to an 220 Volt electrical hookup.

  • Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?


  • ...

    Nombre d'heures attendues

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

N° de référence hôte : 593125239661

Feedback (14)



Looking for help to revive a small house and create an art project in pottery/mosaïque in Rakovski, Bulgaria
Help me make a nice place for travellers, van-lifers, backpackers and cyclers in Maslarevo, Bulgaria