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Experience outdoor life and stay in a lovely cabin by a lake in Braskereidfoss, Norway

  • Enregistré comme favori 526 fois
  • Activité récente: 24 juil. 2024



 Séjour min. souhaité : Au moins deux semaines



  • Description


    "The axe mediates culture". Once upon a time neighbours here would meet up. They would stand in a circle and chop the firewood, food would be made, the fields would be raked and the hay strung up for drying, fields cleared, barns built and vegetables harvested. The next day it was the other neighbours turn, because everybody would need help to be prepared for winter. Domesticated animals, and people, would need food stored, warmth and shelter. Back to the axe: Because it do mediate culture. The neighbours would over the axe form bonds and exchange blood, sweat, tears, food, childrens play, knowledge, inspiration, drama, friendship and love. The farming today here is changed through machinery and one-man capital, but lets try keep the axe real?

    My name is Ole. Please read whole profile before sending message, and feel free to ask if something is unclear. I will answer most of the messages. Important: Only EU citizens are eligible for exchange according to border control!

    I live on a sheep-farm in eastern Norway, by the start of taiga-forest , close to the Swedish border. Area is scattered with wildlife, lakes, rivers and creeks and is situated roughly 2 hours travel time from main airport OSL. I have recently quit a manager-job that revolves around health, disabilites , career consulting and production. Currently I am enjoying every day-life, farming, and random projects.

    By welcoming you through workaway the goal is that we can add value to our lives through cooperation, challenges, and exchange skills, language, explore cultural differences and evolve something for local community and daily life.

    My friends and I enjoy learning from each other, culture exchange, language learning, discuss what sustainability is or might be, self-reliance, food, nature, DIY, entrepenourship, politics, mechanics, science, survival/wildcamping, gadgets, general existencialism and fullfill some shared goals in daily-life as a nice experience. Kids love playing and talk english.

    In this area there is possible with hiking in the deep "finnish" forest and bicycling on endless gravel roads. "Elk-safari" is great fun. I live a few meters from a lake where you can fish, swim and use a canoe. There is a sauna by the lake.

    The farm is kept on a small-scale level, and has no surplus other than passion for the lifestyle and variety it gives in life. A useful activity if older times comes back and small farms gets crucial again for clean local food, clothes and resources?

    Accommodation is in a off-grid timber lake-cabin. It has a firewood stove, double bed, some furniture and a basic natural toilet in the shed. Access to all other facilities about 200 meters away in main-house. I have all the bedding necessary. Other options for sleeping is guestrooms in house or trailer, and in certain cold-periods,(around -15/ a bit individual), this is really the best option overall.

    The farm is in a designated area for wolf, bear,lynx and wolverine, there is a bit effort to co-exist and safeguarding sheeps behind fences on the fields close to house. Beside sheep and wolf, there is also two dogs, cat and a parrot here. This spring pups is expected.

    Some expectations and house-rules:

    - all Workawayers must know English on an intermediate or above level, so it is possible to communicate. Ideally you are of age 23+, but no final demand.

    -You are invited to a farm and a household. What skills is needed and can be aquired in that setting? Is there goals and responsibility around buildings, animals, forest, fields and people? Can you learn skills for you own career and everyday life when here? What can you teach us?

    -use of house, cabin and stuff in a tidy and careful way! No shoes inside! You have the ability to help with household here and there to keep it tidy both inside and outside. At the end of stay you should wash the cabin properly with soap and water.

    -main-focus for activities are weekdays 09-15.00 including breaks. Flexibility on this is sometimes needed with spare-time activities, weather, seasons, kids, and animals in mind.

    -after a while, we evaluate our interaction. The goal is an open dialogue of what is nice and what needs improvements. I do reserve my right to end the agreed hosting period earlier for various reasons (this has not happened yet😁)

    -you have the ability to focus on finish activities by being a "self-starter" . Meaning you have enough stamina and initiative to gather the information you need to progress and get it done. I am also happy to answer questions, rather than fixing errors and shortcuts afterwards. I am all in on fun activities and relaxing daily-life, but certainly not with unfinished stuff and mess laying around.

    -if tools are needed they are put back in the same place when the project is done.

    -at a farm, safety is important. No workawayers participate in tasks that need extensive risk-management, experience and documented training. This type of tasks is usually paid positions in farming and involve use of tractor,machines and specialized tools.

    -all applications mentioning they love go hunting trolls or unicorns are magically first in line.

    -food. There is food storage and from that it should be possible to make something, and we stock up what is needed. You should calculate to help organize shopping list, buy and pitch in a little bit on the food. We also fish a bit for food. Usually dinner is a meal we all eat together. Be warned: I am a lousy chef! If you can help when it comes to food making, it would be great. Vegan-friendly, and have hosted many vegan, but if you need only vegan/vegetarian, you must buy this yourself and make this on your own. I aim for having high animal welfare with natural approach, not industrial, but at the end of the day you are visiting a livestock farm, aren't you? Maybe you have some improvement and suggestions?

    -Going to store buying vitamines, medecine, alcohol, candy, hygiene articles, clothing, extra costs around activities, lending out cars and so on, is not a normal expectation within this exchange and accomodation.

    -early risers will have it the easiest. projects starts usually in the morning.

    -prefer stays of minimum 14 days, as transportation, arrangements, learning how things works and getting to know each other takes time. If everything works out great, the time for departure is not that important 😁

  • Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Projets artistiques
    Pratique d’une langue
    Aide avec des éco-projets
    Bricolage et construction
    S’occuper des animaux
    Aide dans une ferme
    Aide à la maison
    Entretien général
  • Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    You will learn some Norwegian, rural life, forest and wildlife, and it is possible to learn skills for your career and future family life. A Norwegian way of living in an area full of nature and fresh air :)

  • Projets impliquant des enfants

    Projets impliquant des enfants

    Ce projet peut impliquer des enfants. Pour en savoir plus, consultez nos directives et conseils ici.

  • Aide


    The activities are many, but revolves around rural life on a small sheepfarm, general maintenance of the landscape, garden, buildings and stuff. Some extra hands, normal physical fitness and the right mindset is really enough!

    Woodworking/carpentery/ mechanics,painting and artspainting/wildlife/nature/photo experience is extra interesting. I also have a sawmill. Knowledge about gathering and storing different natural food and medecinal herbs is also interesting.

    Examples of the help requested: firewood for winter, moving branches so area is tidy, look at sheeps and watch out if wildlife, dogs or people tries the fence. DIY projects/repurpose, repairs, designing the look and function of rooms, clean and tidy house and buildings, go recycle stuff, organize stuff, painting, kitchen garden, be a role model and good example on healthy activites, mini-saw milling, help with moving stones out of the way, lifting support on different tasks, landscaping shoreline and marina, gardening, cooking, pick berries, fishing and prepare for storage. A few times a year I might also look for housesitting if I go camping.

    The projects has mainly its right moments, succesive order, and follow seasons and weather-conditions. We can't fully decide what projects to do. Spring, summer and autumn is the busiest and is in essence about preparing for winter. (Winter is coming!)

    When the everyday- and seasonal stuff is finished, and I feel on top of things. I tend to start think of fun projects, activities an ideas that is not fully necessary. Having everything sorted out, and then do creative small stuff and recreational stuff is really nice 😁

    I have also lately been little bit curious of pulling off some community stuff, that is self reliant, more or less economic independent, gives something to society, like charity and help out local community organisations. It has potential here to collaborate on longer terms living, and share resources.Dunno how thats is going to look, but through cooperation the sky is the limit?

    A few words on the year-around rythm:

    There is snow, cold and quite cosy with fire in the firestove. Skiing and snowblowing. Will car start or get stuck? Sheeps are in the barn with possibility to go outside. Mainprojects are next year firewood, indoor improvements, some organizing, cleaning, and I am servicing stuff. Waiting time for spring and lambing feels like ages.

    April and mai:
    New life is born everywhere. Lambs are giving birth, and wants to graze as soon as grass grow again. The birds are back singing loudly as the early morning fog meets the sun, people, animals and nature awake from winter dwelling. Firewood must be finished and left to dry. Maintenance of buildings, organizing stuff, gardening and tidy up outside can start. If you want to establish a kitchen garden this is the time, we havent succeded yet in doing so.

    June, juli and august
    Everything is green. Projects are many, but important to find time to enjoy summer also. Sadly, the ancient forest in norway is gone, and there is a new increase of logging in older forest. Norway has almost no whole-growth old and wild forest with high biodiversity left, as most of the forest is artificially cultivated and planted and maintained like fields. There are a few small pockets of natural forest left, and when on top of things I enjoy trips to look for this combined with swimming, boating,fishing and camping.

    September and october:
    This is the months to finish up everything before winter. You never want to meet the winter unprepared. The trees prepare by releasing water so they dont freeze and crack open when the cold comes. Grass-eeds for next generation of lambs are ready in the soil. Lambs are eaten as "får-i-kål". Cutting trees for firewood and planks can start when leafs are yellow.

    November and december:
    Dark times, keeping warmth and farm- paperwork is done. A bit more cinema/gaming activities. Sauna is much used, maybe some ice bathing as well. Indoor improvements and forestry. The sheeps are mating. The "fjøsnisse" in the barn are starting his pranks and next year is planned😂

  • Langues

    Langues parlées
    Norwegian: Courant
    Anglais: Intermédiaire
    Allemand: Débutant

    Cet hôte propose un échange linguistique
    Cet hôte a indiqué qu’il souhaitait faire partager sa propre langue ou en apprendre une nouvelle.
    Contactez-le pour en savoir plus.

  • Hébergement


    In an off-grid timber Lake-cabin. Main house is 200 meters away.

  • Autres infos...

    Autres infos...

    I often use WhatsApp for faster communication and to have a chat before we both decide.

  • Informations complémentaires

    Informations complémentaires

    • Accès Internet

    • Accès Internet limité

      Accès Internet limité

    • Nous avons des animaux

    • Nous sommes fumeurs

    • Familles bienvenues

  • Possibilité d’accueillir les digital nomads

    Possibilité d’accueillir les digital nomads

    If you are a digital nomad. I can set you up an office space in the farm workshop.

  • Espace pour garer des vans

    Espace pour garer des vans

    I can indeed host caravan. Possible to park beside the cabin or at farm.

  • Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?


  • ...

    Nombre d'heures attendues

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

N° de référence hôte : 255262638911

Feedback (15)



Ce sont des évaluations supplémentaires en option lorsque les membres laissent un feedback. La note moyenne pour chaque option est affichée.

Exactitude du profil: (4.9)

Échange culturel: (4.9)

Communication: (5.0)

Hello! I am restoring and restarting a small old farm on a beautiful island on the south east coast of Norway
Help me with renovating my catamaran in Bergen, Norway