Badges (2)

Information du profil
Information de voyage
Actuellement, je suis
à la maison
Les activités qui m'intéressent :
The activities I am most interested in are agricultural, maintenance, construction and volunteer work.
I am Michele, 24 years old and originally from Parma, a small town in Northern Italy.
My main passions are trekking in the mountains, nature experiences such as camping, being outdoors, climbing via ferrata and sharing new experiences while discovering different places. I am passionate about history, folk and blues music, watching films and playing sports, especially rugby.
I have had all kinds of work experience (waiter, nursery worker, stage builder), but in recent years I have devoted myself to work in the green sector: nurseryman, agricultural worker in wine cellars, gardener, woodcutter in the mountains and in my spare time I like to engage in horticultural activities.
I am a meditative, quiet and very reflective person who likes to enjoy moments with herself, but at the same time very eager to meet new people and new passions.
I love travelling in company and also alone. I have always had the desire to visit the South American continent and this experience will finally give me the opportunity to start exploring the different countries that make it up, discovering their different cultures and traditions.Centres d’intérêt
Vie en vanDev. durableSports d'équipeSoin des plantesActivités en plein airNatureMontagneFilms et téléMusiqueHistoireRandonnéeJardinageFermeCultureBricolage / artisanatCampingSports d'aventureAnimauxLangues
Langues parlées
Espagnol: Courant
Italien: Courant
Anglais: DébutantPlus de détails sur les langues qui m'intéressent
I would like to learn English better and improve my Spanish level even more.Compétences et connaissances que j'aimerais partager ou apprendre
Ça m'intéresse :
Bricolage et projets de construction
Entretien général
Aider à la maison
S’occuper des animaux
J'ai des connaissances :
Aider dans une ferme
Travail associatif
Quelles sont vos compétences ?
Lavoro come operaio agricolo presso cantine vitivinicole nella provincia della mia città, nel nord Italia.
Durante la mia vita ho svolto diversi mestieri (tra cui cameriere, barista, operatore in strutture sanitarie e scolastiche), ma quelli che ho trovato più significativi e più appassionanti includevano un contatto con la natura. Una delle esperienze più formative per me è stato lavorare in un vivaio nei Paesi Baschi a San Sebastiàn nel 2019. Ho anche assunto il ruolo di giardiniere e manutentore del verde.Âge
Informations complémentaires
Permis de conduire
Régime alimentaire spécial
Fue interesante aprender de la Cultura Italiana, ya que fue algo nuevo para mi.
Durante su estancia ayudo en los quehaceres del hogar, en la reparación de una escalera, reciclaje de madera y ayudo con el mejoramiento del camino principal.
También compartimos… read more
Fue interesante aprender de la Cultura Italiana, ya que fue algo nuevo para mi.
Durante su estancia ayudo en los quehaceres del hogar, en la reparación de una escalera, reciclaje de madera y ayudo con el mejoramiento del camino principal.
También compartimos… read more