Séjours chez l'habitant, volontariat et vacances-travail : destination Jharkhand, Inde

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  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Spend some time with us and share your culture in Jharkhand, India
Jamshedpur is the city of industries and mountain. Jharkhand comprises of beautiful environment with lots of religion people. specially in my area Jamshedpur ( Bengali,Hindu,south Indian,local tribals, etc) Jamshedpur is having a place called ......


  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Plongez dans la culture et les traditions indiennes du Jharkhand, Ranchi, Inde
We run a Kindergarten School in Ranchi, India. The school has about 500 regular students and about 50 underprivleged children who are provided free education and food. The school has been in existence since 1983 and is considered to be an excellent ......