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Help at a wildlife rehabilitation center in Rurrenabaque, Bolivia

  • Enregistré comme favori 599 fois
  • Activité récente: 27 juil. 2024



 Séjour min. souhaité : Au moins deux semaines



  • Description


    The center created by Frédéric Bordier in 2020, is a non-profit community project without equal in the world, that offers a unique experience in an inspiring place, the Bolivian Amazon; we reflect a way of life focused on the conservation of nature and local traditions and we work on rehabilitation of rescued wildlife, in addition it is a health and education center for the Indigenous Community Carmen Florida.
    Through the contribution of volunteers, the Health Fund is created, a direct benefit for community members in cases of emergencies, accidents and illnesses.
    Courses of education and training, such as language classes for English and Tacana, math and environmental education are realized by competent local teachers as well as by volunteers in the communities' school and in the future also in the centers' own school location, once it is established.

  • Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Bricolage et construction
    S’occuper des animaux
    Entretien général
  • Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Volunteers will learn about the needs and detailed care of the different local wildlife species, like nutrition and appropriate accommodation in a natural environment. Further the complicated task of rehabilitation and relocation of the rescued wild animals in their natural habitat. Also the veterinary care in our animal clinic is an important part of the work with wildlife.
    As the work with wildlife is just one part of the center´s mission, the volunteers will also learn and benefit from cultural exchange with the indigenous community members. The close contact to the community opens the view to a different way of life, that is focused on picking and harvesting the "fruits" and materials, that the tropical amazon forest offers.
    Working on constructions with local materials and basic tools is a perfect way to improve creativity and manual skills.
    The work with and between the local flora inside the jungle is a valuable contribution to an important knowledge, which plants are eatable, medicinal or can be used for handicrafts and construction.
    Sometimes you will get the opportunity to work a day in the community instead of the center, which means mainly hard physically demanding work, such as "cleaning" areas or paths from abundant vegetation with machete.

  • Aide


    Volunteering consists of various activities inside and outside the center, adapting to the skills and talents of each volunteer: General maintenance and construction, woodwork, cleaning of centers' environments (animal cages, gardens and housing), shopping and cooking, feeding and taking care of the wild animals, administrative and advertising work (in Rurrenabaque in the office, if applies), among others.
    From volunteers we demand 5 days of work per week, which means 2 days free time for personal use. Days off are Sunday and Monday.
    We also need help in the administration in Rurrenabaque (if you are interested in doing this particular job, please let us know before you do the volunteer)

  • Langues parlées

    Allemand: Courant
    Espagnol: Courant
    Anglais: Intermédiaire

  • Hébergement


    At the moment we offer basic sleep accommodation at the center for a maximum of 12 volunteers at a time. The dormitories are equipped with common beds and mosquito nets.
    We include breakfast, lunch and dinner at the center during your stay, vegetarian food is available and if you have any special food needs, please let us know in advance. In the future there will be also private houses available.
    A beautiful view over the river Beni just beside your room make your stay even more special.
    The center has bathrooms with toilet and shower, but no electricity yet.
    We charge a 7 USD contribution per day per person for food expenses.

  • Autres infos...

    Autres infos...

    For the daily work at the center, you should bring: a pair of rubber boots (for your own safety in the jungle), long trousers and long white sleeve shirts, a sun protection (hat, cap), flashlight and natural repellent. It is forbidden to use chemical repellents during the work with animals.
    Before making your decision to volunteer in that beautiful but also extreme environment, the amazon rainforest, please be aware of hot and humid clima, many insects and mosquitos as well as no internet access and no electricity at the center, yet.
    This is a young and relatively small center, with parts still in construction, limited space and a lot of work to do and we really depend on the help and support of brave and good mood volunteers, that's why we ask you to please take seriously any apply for volunteering and thanks to let us know as fast as possible any case of delays or possible cancelations of a confirmed/reserved volunteering.
    In the idyllic town of Rurrenabaque several tourist agencies offer tours and trips to the Madidi National Park, Pilon Lajas Reserve and the Pampas of Yacuma; we recommend to wait until your arrival with the reservation of commercial tours, as we can offer helpful information and local recommendations. The community we work with, Carmen Florida, also offers excursions into the jungle and the community lands and in the town of Rurrenabaque itself you can go for some short walks (like to the viewpoint) and there are several nice pools in town to hang up and relax in a hammock with some exotic tropical fruit, such as coconut, chocolate, etc.

  • Informations complémentaires

    Informations complémentaires

    • Accès Internet

    • Accès Internet limité

      Accès Internet limité

    • Nous avons des animaux

    • Nous sommes fumeurs

    • Familles bienvenues

  • Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Plus de 2

  • ...

    Nombre d'heures attendues

    Maximum 5 hours a day, 5 days a week

  • ...

    Cet hôte fait payer des frais

    en savoir plus
    50 bolivianos ($7) per day to cover food costs
N° de référence hôte : 885559471382

Feedback (36)


Ce sont des évaluations supplémentaires en option lorsque les membres laissent un feedback. La note moyenne pour chaque option est affichée.

Exactitude du profil: (4.8)

Échange culturel: (4.8)

Communication: (4.9)

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