Help with our small organic farm, finish ecobuilding project, and learn about permaculture in Daugavpils, Latvia

  • Enregistré comme favori 19 fois
  • Activité récente: 22 juil. 2024



 Séjour min. souhaité : Pas de minimum



  • Description


    Hello, Workawayer!
    We are a big family - 2 parents and 5 children from 8 to 22 years old - from Latgale, living in our small organic farm (10 ha) that was previously owned by our ancestors. We keep animals - cow, chicken, ducks - and grow a garden with vegetables, potatoes, apples, herbs, berry bushes and many more to provide ourselves with meals.
    We rely heavily on ourselves to provide daily necessities therefore it is not always easy. Sometimes we are a few hands short in our chores and are happy to accept your help.
    We have been living in this location for 20 years, but it seems like there's never too little to do. Whether it's building a greenhouse, preparing hay for winter, collecting berries and making jam, planting trees or general maintenance work all around, we always strive to do do the best we can with the resources we have.

    We have an organic small farm (10 ha) with cow, ducks, chickens. There's beautiful lakes all around for swimming, fishing and watching sunrise.

    Usually, We are working with animals and garden, firewood and building and and need help to do all of this.

    We welcome anyone who wishes to come and stay, help and learn about Permaculture.

  • Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Pratique d’une langue
    Aide avec des éco-projets
    Bricolage et construction
    S’occuper des animaux
    Aide dans une ferme
    Cuisine/repas pour la famille
    Aide à la maison
    Entretien général
  • Objectifs de développement durable de l’ONU que cet hôte essaie d'atteindre

    Objectifs de développement durable de l’ONU que cet hôte essaie d'atteindre

    Objectifs de l’ONU
    Pas de pauvreté
    Faim «zéro»
    Bonne santé et bien-être
    Éducation de qualité
    Égalité entre les sexes
    Eau propre et assainissement
    Énergie propre et d'un coût abordable
    Travail décent et croissance économique
    Industrie, innovation et infrastructure
    Inégalités réduites
    Villes et communautés durables
    Consommation et production responsables
    Mesures relatives à la lutte contre les changements climatiques
    Vie aquatique
    Vie terrestre
    Paix, justice et institutions efficaces
    Partenariats pour la réalisation des objectifs
  • Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Permaculture, self-sufficiency, Latvian traditional songs, herbal teas if interested in the topic.

  • Projets impliquant des enfants

    Projets impliquant des enfants

    Ce projet peut impliquer des enfants. Pour en savoir plus, consultez nos directives et conseils ici.

  • Aide


    Winter is time for slower lifestyle, but woodchopping and animal feeding never ends...

    Getting through everyday life requires a lot of work - maintaining the garden, planting and weeding, taking care of animals (milking the cow, feeding, collecting eggs from chicken, occasionally cleaning animal barns). Milk has to be processed every day - churning butter, separating cream, cooking cottage cheese and cheese. These chores, although not as hard, require attention, care and time. There are also physically heavier projects that are usually done by men - firewood preparation, digging, helping with construction.

    In the morning after breakfast we loosely discuss the plan of the day, usually we split into smaller "teams" and work on our duties. Cooking and preparing family meals are also a huge part of our routine as well as household chores. Even though physically taxing at times, life here is full of adventure and fun!

  • Langues

    Langues parlées
    Anglais: Courant
    Latvian (Lettish): Courant
    Russe: Courant
    Allemand: Intermédiaire

    Cet hôte propose un échange linguistique
    We would lieke some practice in German and Japanese

  • Hébergement


    If you like a nature life, this is for you. There is a beautiful cottage - strawbale house for volunteers that will be your own personal space. We prefer to do things together as a family, so we all gather around the table for meals at once. We eat a lot of meat and diary products as well as home-grown seasonal vegetables, fruit and herbs. Sometimes we bake our own bread. We can provide vegetarian meals (including our own milk/eggs) as well, but there could be problems with vegan food, especially in winter. So if You are vegan, You should provide specific products for yourself.

    We can also provide WIFI Internet . There is no hot shower, but You can organize simple washing every day. In summers we go swimming every day. 1-2 times per week we make smoke sauna. We provide things for bed, washing.

  • Autres infos...

    Autres infos...

    Here you can experience a simple, basic rural life. Food is prepared on a fire-stove, sometimes we make fire in the evenings and sit around it. If you want to feel what living in the countryside is really like, with all it's hardships, struggles but full of heartfelt emotions and true humanity, while being connected with nature, you are welcome to live with us!

    Latgale is a beautiful region, even the smallest local roads are full of sights to see. We feel very connected to our land and tradition, so we can teach you about Latgalian culture, history and music, and take you along to local events and festivals if there are any at the time. We can also teach you traditional instruments like kokle and flute.

    You can come by buss stright to our village. The closest big Town is Daugavpils. You can come to Daugavpils either form Riga or Vilnius (Lithuania) airport.

  • Informations complémentaires

    Informations complémentaires

    • Accès Internet

    • Accès Internet limité

      Accès Internet limité

    • Nous avons des animaux

    • Nous sommes fumeurs

    • Familles bienvenues

  • Possibilité d’accueillir les digital nomads

    Possibilité d’accueillir les digital nomads

    Internet speed is good, but the work space will be tiny.

  • Espace pour garer des vans

    Espace pour garer des vans

    Lot's of place around to park a vehicle.

  • Possibilité d'accueillir les animaux

    Possibilité d'accueillir les animaux

    We have a cow, dogs, chicken, ducks with ducklings, cats. Your animals are welcome if they can live not harming ours :)

  • Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Plus de 2

  • ...

    Nombre d'heures attendues

    Maximum 5 hours a day, 5days a week

N° de référence hôte : 133514721458

Feedback (2)


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